He leaves you for his ex, and wants you back part2

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Zayn: You had packed the last of you suitcase. Before Zayn left you for his ex they had offered you a job in New York, and you accepted it thinking a change would help you forget about him. As you made your way towards the front door, you saw all those pictures of you and Zayn along with all his awards. You began to cry because that would be the last time you'd be in his house, those walls held so many happy memories. You had called a taxi and shortly after he got there you saw Niall's Range Rover coming your way, you began to hurry because if you saw Zayn it would hurt you more. After getting off you started walking into the airport when you heard Zayn call your name. "Y/N, babe please wait we need to talk," he calls after you again. He finally caught you by your arm which caused you to stop. "Let me go im gonna miss my flight. Go with your girlfriend," you say trying to get out of his grip. "Please take me back, leaving you was the stupidest thing I could've done." You couldn't look him in the eyes, it was your weakness. "I'm sorry i can't, you hurt me too much," you say looking at your plane ticket. "One chance that's all I'm asking for please. I won't stop until you say yes, I'll go wherever it is you're going." "How will I know you won't leave me again, how will I know you still love me as much as I do?" you say looking into his eyes now. His answer was in the most passionate and sweet kiss he has ever given you. "That kiss is only the beginning, thank you for not leaving me and thank you for giving me another chance," he says as you walk out the airport.

Louis: He has been 2 days since Louis left you the note, and you finally decided to get out of bed and clean up your apartment. How you wanted for Louis to come home and tell you one of his lame jokes, but that would not happen anytime soon. After fixing your bed you saw the note you had made into a ball and re-read it again, only making you sad. As you reached the end you began to cry louder when you read. "I hope you can move on and be with a guy you truly love." How could you if he had left you for his ex, he was your true love. You began to pack his things, you always did when he would leave for tour but this time he was leaving for good. All those pictures where you both made funny and goofy faces made you miss him more. You put all his stuff in the guest room when you heard the front door open and close. You slowly made your way into the living room to find him with his head in his hands. "Louis. Your stuff is in the guest room." you say. He only says, "Y/N" before wrapping his arms around you. "I'm sorry for leaving you, I'd rather fight with you and know I still have you. "But the note..." you try to say but he cuts you off. "The note means nothing, Eleanor means nothing to me. The thought of losing you because of my childish actions made me realize how much I love and need you." "Louis, I forgive you but promise you'll never leave." "I promise," he says before kissing you.

Niall: After waking up with a big headache from crying all night you called your friend asking her to come over. "He's not worth any of your tears, no man is. So get ready we're going out tonight, I hate to see you like this." After getting ready you saw an old picture you still had in your drawer of you and Niall. "Nope, no crying we don't want to ruin your make up now do we?" she says taking the picture away from you. "I can't do this i see him everywhere, what if we see him in the club," you say walking our your front door. "Show him you're doing just fine without him." But how show him that if you didn't feel fine since he left you. After arriving your friend went a separate way and you made your way to the bar. You had just sat down when you heard his voice asking for another drinking. "Just one more maybe if I'm drunk I'll forget that I lost her forever," he tells the bartender. "Can I have a margarita please," you say not loud though, but Niall still hears you. "Y/N!" he says moving a couple of seat to be next to you. "Please tell me you don't have a boyfriend?" "But you left me so what if I have a boyfriend, its my life," you say trying to seem mad but really you were sad to see Niall like that. "I know I was a jerk for leaving you like that, I thought I loved her but to be honest the only one I love is you. I understand if you don't want to give me another chance, but if you do find a guy I hope he knows how much you're worth," he says turning to leave. "If I take you back, please don't leave me ever again," you say putting your hand on his shoulder. "I won't princess."

Liam: After seeing Liam with Danielle you decided to sell your old apartment, it was filled with good memories but it was torment entering it and knowing Liam would never be there. Your friend who was like the sister you never had offered you to stay with her while you found another apartment. "It gonna be like a very long sleep over like the ones we used to have when we were small remember." "Yeah, thanks for being there for me when I needed you most, I believe its been one week since I last saw him with...her," you say. She was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. "Did you expect anyone?" you ask her. "No, not that I remember," you says walking over the open it. "Liam, what are you doing here?" you hear her say from the door. "Please you have to tell me where she's at," you hear Liam say. "I have to tell her how much she means to me. How much I love her, how much I miss seeing her beautiful face, hearing her silly laugh. Please just tell me where I can find her to fix the big mistake I made by leaving her," he says almost begging. You couldn't bear listening to a broken Liam so you, called him into the living room. "Oh god Y/N, I thought..." you cut him off by saying. "Is it true, everything you said." "Of course, you're the only one I want, please please take me back." "I thought you'd never ask," you say running into his strong arms you missed so much.

Harry: You had been working a late shift in the movie theater, having to sweep all the popcorn and candy wrapper made you more tired than ever. You didn't even think about Harry, you just wanted to get home shower and sleep. As you made you way to your apartment you saw a Range Rover parked across the street, your mind immediately thought about Harry. But there were many Range Rovers so you didn't think much of it. You entered your very dark apartment considering it was almost 11pm, you saw a figure in your living room. Once you turned on your lights you were shocked to see him there. "Harry what are you doing in here?" you say lowering the picture frame you had in your hands. "Really Y/N, you were going to hit me with a picture frame," he says with a chuckle. "What do you want," you say trying to hide how happy you were to see him again. "I know I hurt you but I was hoping you could give me another chance. I know I screwed up leaving you, but every little thing reminded me of you. Being away from you for almost 3 months without one call was living hell. It sucks I had to leave to see how bad I am without you." "Why must you come when I'm finally forgetting about you. I blamed myself for letting you go so easily, but I did because I love you too much, this is the reason i have trust issues, when i..." before you can continue Harry starts kissing you. "I'm guessing thats yes," he says breaking the kiss. "Don't push it curly," you say messing up his hair.


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