His fear

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Liam: "Liam, come look at Rex!" your little brother, Joseph, exclaimed as soon as the two of you had set foot in your parents' house. "Who's Rex?" Liam chuckled, setting his duffel bag down in your guys' guest bedroom. "Joey's new pet," you answered, rolling your eyes. "My mom said she'd buy him a pet if he got straight A's." Your brother scrambled back into the bedroom, staring at Liam expectantly. "Well, are you coming?" "I'm coming, bud," Liam laughed, ruffling Joseph's hair. Joey grabbed ahold of Liam's wrist, dragging him towards his bedroom as you started unpacking your things. Less than two minutes later, Liam comes back, all color gone from his face. His eyes were as wide as cup saucers as he shut the door, gulping hard. "Everything okay?" you asked, setting down on of the last t-shirts you needed to put away. "D-did you know Rex was a s-snake?" he stuttered. "Yes?" you answered slowly. "Liam, are you afraid of snakes?" He attempted to regain his composure, puffing out his chest to seem manly. "Of course not, (Y/N), don't be silly." Just then, Joseph opened the door, Rex slithering around in his hands. Liam jumped back, a cry escaping his lips as he coward behind you. "Are too," you giggled, shooing Joey out of the room.

Zayn : "(Y/N)!" Zayn yelled over the shower as he peeped his head into the bathroom. "I'm still in the shower!" you said over the running water. "I know, I just wanted to tell you it's storming." "Okay, I'll be out in a couple minutes." Your shower was cut short when the lights flickered then everything went black. "Lovely," you grunted, turning the water off and pulling a towel off of the rack. You wrapped it around your body, wringing your dripping hair out into the shower before exiting the bathroom. "Zayn?" you called out into the pitch-black room. "Over here," you heard a shaky voice respond. You squinted into the darkness, seeing a figure move on the bed. Trudging over to the closet, you found an old t-shirt and cotton shorts, pulling them onto your body before turning back towards your boyfriend, still huddled on the bed, knees to his chest. "Zayn, what's wrong?" you asked, searching through the nightstand for the flashlight you kept on hand at all times. "N-nothing," he managed to say. Another round of lightening flashed from behind the blinds, followed by a boom of thunder, sending Zayn into the air as he gasped. "Have I ever mentioned that I don't like storms?" he questioned rhetorically. "Not until now," you giggled.

Louis: You heard a girlish scream erupt from the garage, and looked around your bedroom through slitted eyes. Louis had told you to take a nap to relieve your migraine, and it had, but being woken up by a yelp like you just hadn't been your ideal alarm. Upon reaching the open door of the garage, you saw Louis crouched on top of the hood of his car, a rake in his hand, eyes flickering across the room. "Louis, what in the world are you-" Your words cut off as a small black body scurried across the floor, centimeters from your bare feet. A scream echoed in the room as you jumped a foot in the air, dashing for the car. Once you were squatting next to your boyfriend, you pressed you hand to your chest, trying to catch your breath and slow down your rapid heartbeat. "What the hell was that?" you breathed. "A mouse," Louis muttered, his head still snapping from side to side in search of the vermin. "And you plan on killing it with a rake?" you asked, stifling a laugh. "Not funny, (Y/N)," he grunted. "Since when are you scared of mice?" "Since one ran across my foot about two or three minutes ago," he answered distractedly. "I'm not letting you attempt to kill it with a gardening tool," you murmured, "so I'll just go call the exterminator." You made sure the mouse was on the other side of the garage before making a mad dash inside, Louis's screams following closely behind you.

Niall: "Of course I'm going to get angry, (Y/N)!" Niall yelled, his fist curled at his side, trying to restrain some of his anger. "It's not like I was flirting with him!" you shouted back. "Well you didn't seem to stop him from flirting with you!" "Good God, Niall," you shrieked, "He's my ex-boyfriend. Emphasis on the ex!" "Didn't seem like it to me!" he grunted loudly, fire burning in his eyes. You let out a loud and exasperated sigh, shaking your head at him. "I really just don't understand what your problem is, Niall," you mumbled, "Why don't you trust me?" Instead of responding, Niall collapsed down on your couch, letting out an even louder sigh. "Have I ever told you what my biggest fear is?" he breathed, avoiding your eyes as he kept his head in his hands. "Big crowds," you answered. "No," he responded before lowering his voice and mumbling something you weren't able to make out. "What?" "My biggest fear is losing you, (Y/N)," he said loud enough for you to hear. "Why in the world would you lose me, especially to my ex-boyfriend?" Niall's shoulders rose and fell, his eyes still avoiding yours. "Niall," you sighed, sitting next to him and laying your hand on his back, "you know there's no one else for me but you. You don't need to be insecure; I'm not going anywhere."

Harry: "God dammit," Harry murmured under his breath, tapping his foot on the floor. You knew he was trying to get a feel for the rhythm of the song. He had just recovered from a terrible case of strep throat, and he was going to hurt himself if he pushed himself hard enough. "Harry," you said lightly, laying a hand on his shoulder, "you need to stop being so aggressive with your voice. You'll damage your vocal cords if you're not careful." Harry sighed, shaking his head as he looked out at the close-to-empty arena. Crew members were hurrying about, trying to set up last minute pieces before tonight's concert. "I know, (Y/N), you're right, but if I don't get that last note right, the entire song is messed up and everybody's going to hate me because I screwed everything up an-" You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head to the side. "Everybody's going to hate you because you messed up one time?" He gulped and nodded, obviously nervous about what your reaction would be. "Harry, you have millions of fans who support you no matter what, even if you don't get one little note in a solo right." "I'm afraid of failing though," he said quietly, hanging his head in shame. "Babe," you whispered, lifting his chin with your index finger, "you won't fail, I promise." You gave him a small smile before pecking his lips softly.


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