you're fighting and he kisses you

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Niall: "Niall for god's sake," you sigh, holding your hands to the side of your head, "Can you just shut up for five minutes? I'm ill, and i've got a bloody migraine!". "Oh," Niall responds sarcastically, "Sorry! Is what i've got to say about work not important enough for you to hear? That i'm going to be away for three bloody months!". You felt as if someone was shooting guns off in your head it was that painful, every loud syllable from Niall just making you wince. "Course I care!" you snap back, eyes shut tight to stop you experiencing dizziness, "But my head is killing me! I can barely think let alone chuffin' discuss -". The next moment your eyes shoot open in shock finding Nialls face in front of yours as he kisses you, effectively cutting you off. You sigh into the kiss, eyes closing once more and your arms winding around his neck, and you chuckle when you eventually pull apart, "You're going to end up ill too,". "Hmm," he looks thoughtfully into the distance for a moment, before looking back down at you with a grin on his face, "I don't care," and he leans down again for another kiss.

Harry: "So, what?" you shout, throwing down the cushion you'd been holding onto the settee, "I'm just meant to keep my mouth shut and pretend that it doesn't effect me? That it doesn't hurt me?". "Yes!" Harry replies exasperatedly, holding his hands out in front of him, "I thought you knew that? And bringing attention to it all will just make it so much worse for yourself, for us!". You point a finger at him, shaking your head rapidly as you back away towards the apartment door, "Don't you dare Styles, don't you dare try and guilt trip me into anything,". You turn, hand on the door handle desperate to just get out of the situation, some fresh air. You're stopped though, by Harry grabbing your wrist and spinning you around so fast to face him that you tumble into his arms. He catches you, as he always does, then brings his hands up to cradle your face and kiss you gently. "I'm sorry," he mumbles, pulling away just an inch to look at you. You nod slowly, muttering back, "I'm sorry too,".

Liam: "Liam I can't, please don't ask me to go with you," you look at your boyfriend desperately, eyes pleading. "But why (Y/N)?" he looks at you in annoyance and exasperation, "Your my girlfriend, I want you there with me,". "You know I don't like it Liam," your eyes narrow as you look at him, he should already know this, "I hate being anywhere near the centre of attention. I'll just end up flat on my face and they'll be all those photographers there and it'll just be hideous and i'll -". But your worries are cut off by Liam greedily pressing his lips to your own, and much to your annoyance, you can feel him smirking against your lips. You place your hands on his chest, pushing him back, but when you pull apart he holds onto your arms gently smiling down at you. "I would never let that happen, ever," he replies quietly and calmly, "And if it really means that much to you, we could use the side entrance,". A smile matching Liam's spreads across your face as you nod eagerly, "Yes please,".

Louis: "Ugh," you groan, pulling away from Louis, and shifting along the settee away from him somewhat, "I hate you sometimes,". "Mwah?" he holds a hand against his chest, mocking offence before a grin spreads across his face, "How could you ever hate me?". "We were fighting!" you insist, looking at him with inner turmoil, "I want to be mad at you, I should be mad at you. But then you go and kiss me and then - ugh. I'm mad at you!". Louis' smile is still in place as he moves so he's sat closer to you, "It's my unsurpassed kissing ability,". You can't help but laugh when he wiggles his eyebrows at you, and you push him away playfully as you scoff, "You're an idiot Louis Tomlinson,". "Hmm," he nods in agreement, before leaning forward so his lips were inches from your own, muttering, "But you love me for it,".

Zayn: "I didn't cheat on you!" Zayn shouts, taking a step towards you from across the living room. "What, so even though there's a picture of the two of you together i'm meant to believe nothing happened?" you shout back just as viciously, you too taking a step closer. "Yes! That picture shows nothing! She was talking to us, us - me and Niall! She wanted a picture, that is all! Ask Niall!" he insists, throwing his arms up in irritation. "Well maybe i'll do that!" you assure him, reaching for your phone lying on the settee but Zayn puts himself in your path, stopping you. "Don't you trust me?" his volume has lowered, but the fiery anger is still present in his tone. You roll your eyes, "It'd be easier if there wasn't different stories every other day of you cheating!". He takes a step towards you, his voice low as he speaks, "You're really hot when your angry,". "Likewise," you mutter a moment before your lips are pressed together in a heated kiss, your hands tangling into the hair on the back of his head, while his arms wind themselves around your waist, pulling you close.


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