Major Surgery

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Liam: "Can you pass the ketchup please?" you ask Louis, who'd drowned his burger with condiments. "Yeah here you go" he smiles passing it over the other food displayed on the table. A picnic with the boys was exactly what you needed to cheer you up. Since they'd been gone for so long, you missed Liam so much it hurt. You all sit on a patched dull blanket under the oak tree where you and Liam had met one brisk fall evening. You all chatter and catch up about the things that had happened while they were gone. "Liam did you remember?" Harry nods towards you as you stare off into the lovely out look you have on the city. Being on this hill reminded you of how Liam makes you feel, beautiful and on top of the world. "Earth to [Y/N], come in [Y/N]" Niall waves his hands in front of your face bringing you back to reality. "Sorry, zoned out" you blush realizing you'd completely ignored anything outside of your personal dream wonderland for the past few minutes. "Well Liam got you something, so listen up" Zayn chuckles as Liam shuffles back over, looking slightly nervous with a slightly flushed face. He sits down beside you, as you adjust to face him. "What's up Li?" you smile, softly kissing Liam's trembling lips. "Well, I-I-I've been thinking a lot, and I wanted to give you this" he opens his slightly clammy palms to reveal a silver band, engraved on both the inner and outer parts. "For all the days apart, I promise the rest will be together" you read out and see the date you two met on the inner part of the ring. Your eyes tear up as you realize Liam gave you a promise ring. "Kiss me" you murmur tugging his shoulders forward, not giving him anything other choice but for your bodies to crash together. The kiss is one you'll never forget but soon cut off by the boys who start to cough and Harry chuckles out "Get a room". You detach from Liam regretfully as you all laugh. "Picture time" the boys cheer while grabbing phones to capture the moment. You and Liam pose Niall clicks the photos and the other boys make faces at the two of you. You begin to burst into a fit of laughter, when the joy is replaced with pain. Sharp pains shoot through your stomach as you drop to your knees crying. "[Y/N] whats wrong?" Liam drops to your side, rubbing your back as you chatter through sobs. "It feels like I exploded" the boys whisper worries as they frantically dial for an ambulance. "Didn't the doctor say your appendix was causing you trouble?" Liam questions preparing a mini speech for the medics. "I was supposed to get it removed next week" you sob as pain spreads through your body. "1,2,3, lift" the medics call out in unison as they switch you over in the hospital. Liam's been by your side the whole time, and the doctors were preparing you for surgery. The tears were falling down your face, as Liam's voice trails off. "I'll be waiting here, you can do it babe...." he gives you a pep talk as you fall under. Although your asleep you feel as though Liam never left as you dream until you hear 5 accents that automatically make you smile. "Hi boys" you say groggily as your eyes adjust to your surroundings. "Hello beautiful" they say together and a sudden rush of warmth is restored to your body. Liam walks over and kisses you until you notice the tired eyes he's basically squinting through. "Cuddle?" you widen your eyes and bat your eyelashes hoping he can't resist the offer. "But I'll hurt you" he says knowing your still in a large amount of pain. "Just be gentle" you say as he lowers himself down on the left side of your body. He settles in and whispers so the boys can't hear "I'm glad your okay" he nestles his head into your neck. "Wheres the ring?" you ask weakly. He digs his hand into his pocket and places the ring on your shaky finger. "For as much as my loving heart can offer, I promise I'm yours forever" you whisper as the other boys can't hold back a smile. Watching the two of you together makes them realize that no matter what happens, you and Liam are meant to be together.

Louis: "So how is she Doc?" Lou questions, running his hands through his hair and stopping at the crown. "Not as good as we'd hoped" he says offering a smile as you pear out from around the corner. You saw Louis tugging on his hair with his face in his knees, back pressed against the awfully familiar waiting room walls. You shuffle over making a rhythm as your heels drag against the shiny blue floor. "Babe" you say approaching a distraught Lou. His head lifts and his blue eyes are like a running river, he's bit his bottom lip to the point where it has drawn blood. You feel your eyes sting and your throat tighten, seeing Louis like this was worse than being sick. "How..why?" he mumbles clearing his face of any tear residue. "It happens, I'm on a list for a transplant" you explain reaching for Lou's hand, something that'd keep you stable. He stands to meet your hand and looks at you deeply, almost as if he saw through your strong exterior and right to the broken core. It was bound to happen, it runs in the family- was all you thought. You gained many good things from your genetics, but health was a down fall. Inheriting a liver disease wasn't your ideal plan, but what's life without a few curve balls? The drive home was silent as you admire the sights from your window, smiling to yourself. "What if you die?" Lou speaks quickly almost regretting it immediately. "I don't want to think that way" you say keeping your eyes on the flashes of figures and lights as you drive by. "But I'm scared I'll lose you. God I'm so selfish" he says dropping his head, tears catching in his eyes and his throat constricts. "I know it's scary, but listen. I know this isn't ideal so if you want out I understand. I'm a lot to deal with and you already have a lot on your plate" you resit the words your grandmother said years earlier, stinging your tongue as they roll out your lips. He looks at you and breaks down, trying his best to ramble through the constant sobs and frustration escaping his body. "Fuck no, I'm not leaving. I just get scared that you'll be gone one day" he says latching onto you as you both sob together. "Lou, I'm going to be as strong as I can, but I need you to know that I wont be the exact same for a while alright" you explain, thinking of the changes that were going to occur. "I'm ready for anything as long as you are" he says holding you close as you both cry yourself to sleep. Two months pass and it's starting to show, like you had it written across your forehead for all to see. Your eyes and skin started to yellow slightly, but fatigue was the worst. You felt as though you were just a silhouette, or some ghost that just wasted away day after day. You roll around in the sheets as you try to sleep but it's just no use, you thought about the worst things to come and they clouded your thoughts. "There's our girl" you hear from the bedroom door, all 5 boys emerging towards you. "I miss you guys" you sigh as you all lay together like old times. You had your good day's when you'd go out and get a few things which was a nice break from bed rest. You were always so tired and your life had done a 360. You went from beating up the boys to laying here almost to tired to breath. Your phone begins to ring as Another World plays out and they all tease you. You take the phone and examine the number, Dr. Howard. "Shut up now" you say in a serious tone as the room falls silent. "Really?" you question over the phone as you feel a knot tie in your stomach. "Thank you so much" you say as the tears fall freely, hanging up the phone. "I got a liver" you repeat crying tears of joy as the boys hold you tightly and cherish the miracle. Here it is, the day that could make you all better, or be the end of you. "I love you" Lou says as you lay waiting to be rolled off. "Can I tell you a secret?" you ask Lou as you twiddle your thumb with his. He nods and you begin. "If I do die, just know I'd die the luckiest girl on earth. I didn't have an easy life, and I was mistreated by so many men that I thought I'd be alone forever. And then this blue eyed bliss came into my life unexpectedly. Boys like you don't grow on trees, so I'm amazed I found you. I remember after our first date after you kissed me, I stared up at the stars and thought to myself 'Wow, I'm going to marry him' and that was just after our first kiss. Louis Tomlinson, you give me butterflies every time I look at you. It's a blessing to have someone like you in my life. I love you with all my heart, and remember that forever". He can't help but just cry and kisses you on the way down the hall. "I'll be waiting" Lou shouts down and that's all you can remember. You wake to the soft snore of Lou and the multiple machines monitoring you. You get released by the doctor a few days later, and go home to find the 4 other boys a waiting your arrival. "I fucking love you boys" you giggle as you can only imagine the long road to recovery.

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