He has a breakdown and he only wants you

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Harry: "Calm down, Harry, calm down," Liam pleads, watching the younger boy's heavy breathing and heart-wrenching sobs. "I can't do this anymore, the pressure, the fans, the rumors," Harry mumbles, his breath hitching as Niall grabs his shoulders and tries to calm him down. "Harry, it's okay, shh," Louis says softly, his eyes filled with concern. "No, no, it's not. I want to just go back home, I want her, I just need to be with her right now," he chokes out, his hands gripping the carpet. The boys don't need to even ask who 'her' is. It's you. A recent flood of harsh rumors about him and comments about him recently messing up on a performance and not having a break for such a long time was finally getting to him. "It's okay, hey, you can fly back home tonight, we'll postpone the show," Zayn says softly, reassuringly patting his shoulder.

Liam: "Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Niall shouts, voice filled with alarm. He's frozen as he sees Liam perched in the corner of the hotel bathroom with a razor blade dangling from his fingertips and a half-full bottle of beer at his side. "What's the commotion abou-" Harry begins, but he stops when he sees Liam. "You didn't, did you?" Zayn calls out, appearing at the other boys' side and noticing his friend who's shaking and sadly staring at the ground. "No, I didn't," Liam manages, dropping the blade and burying his face in his hands. "Liam, why...why would you try that? Don't you ever do that," Louis says numbly, sitting on the cool tile beside Liam. "It's too much...I can't...I need her back," Liam chokes out, leaning on Zayn's shoulder and shaking his head. "The rumors tore us apart and the fame and being so far away, I don't want this anymore. I just want her. I need her," he sniffs, vulnerable and falling apart. "It'll be okay, we'll fix it," Niall promises, although he doesn't know if he can keep it. He just wants his friend to be okay, he doesn't want to see him hurting. "I'm sorry for worrying you guys and all, I just..." Liam begins, slowly shaking his head. "It's okay...we're all broken sometimes," Harry promises, giving the older boy's shoulder a comforting squeeze.

Zayn: His fingers grasp another vase, his arm swings back before he smashes it against the ground, shards of glass breaking his skin and staining his sleeves red. He reaches for a lamp, knocking over empty beer bottles in the process but he's stopped by a firm grip around his waist and another around his arm. "Fuck, Zayn! What are you doing?" Niall shouts, his eyes filled with confusion and concern as him and Liam restrain him from breaking anymore of the hotel room and hurting himself even further. "How much have you had to drink?" Louis asks softly, his gaze casting over the empty beer bottles and then back to his friend. "Not enough," Zayn growls, eying his bloodied knuckles. "Look, I know it's been hard since she left you, but--" Harry begins, but Zayn cuts him off and angrily tries to get out of Liam's grasp. "I LOVED HER, I loved her," Zayn shouts, but his voice falters and he finally starts to breakdown and let his walls crumbles, tears falling down his cheeks as Liam comfortingly pats his shoulder. "I'm a mess without her, I need her," he says softly, wiping tears with his sleeve. "It's okay, it's okay," Louis says softly, dabbing at the scrapes from shards of broken glass with tissues. "It's not okay," Zayn says softly, shaking his head. "I have to fix it, I have to get her back or I'll never be able to fix myself."

Niall: He stares blankly at his plate, four concerned gazes focused on him as he touches nothing and gets up, running back towards his hotel room before he's stopped. "You're going to kill yourself! You have to stop!" Zayn shouts, grabbing his friend's wrist and shaking his head. "Leave me alone! It's my life!" Niall hisses, shaking out of his grasp. "Starving yourself isn't going to bring her back!" Louis says sharply, his words hitting Niall like a slap in the face. Instead of retaliating, Niall sinks down the floor and buries his head in his hands, slowly shaking his head. "I know it won't, I..." he chokes out, Harry quietly sitting beside him and reassuringly rubbing his back. "I need her back, I can't be without her it's crazy but I..." Liam sets a candy bar beside Niall and lets out a sigh. "You'll never get her back if you're dead. Now, eat. And we'll figure a way to fix this mess, all right?" Niall wipes tears with his sleeve and nods slowly, taking the candy bar and shutting his eyes. "I need her back."

Louis: "You've been so quiet lately, are you okay?" Zayn asks, following Louis out onto the hotel balcony and crossing his arms. Louis doesn't answer, his fingers grip the metal railing as his eyes focus on the skyline miles away. "Lou?" Harry peers out onto the balcony and raises an eyebrow. Lately Louis hadn't quite been himself and all the boys were concerned. "You okay, Tommo?" Liam offers, placing his hand on the older boy's shoulder. "I'm really not okay," Louis begins softly, turning around to face them with a broken kind of smile. "I haven't been okay. I'm sick of the rumors, I'm sick of being mobbed and grabbed, I'm sick of working twenty hours a day, I'm sick of being away from her for weeks and months, I'm sick of everything, everything, everything," Louis shouts, angrily wiping a tear from his cheek. "I'm fucking sick of it all." The boys watch him with surprise and understanding, Niall reaching out and placing his hand on Louis' arm. "I know it's hard, Louis, but it's the price that comes with fame..." he says gently, offering a shrug. "It's a price I don't want to pay," Louis growls, biting his lip. "I just want to go back to her and spend time with her without people snapping my picture and nagging me and I love all I have but it's...it's too much sometimes and if I don't see her again soon I think I'm going to fall apart," he admits, his voice vulnerable and soft. "I don't want to fall apart and leave everyone else to pick up the pieces...I need her."


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