He's your celeb crush

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Harry: "If you had to pick someone from the music industry to date... who would it be?" The television host presses with a wide smile. Quickly, your cheeks turn pink and you look down at your lap "I'm not sure..." "Really? Because we've saw you've been out with another young singer... Harry Styles, ring a bell?" Your cheeks grow red as pictures of you and the taller male slide across the screen. "So?" smiling you look up into the interviewers gaze "Crush?" ".... Yes." This causes the audience to erupt in awe's, after the interview, you get a tweet from none other than your celebrity crush "Isn't @Twitter Name just adorable? Saw her interview and I have to say I have to say, may have a crush on her as well ;)"

Liam: After meeting on the red carpet, you fall head over heels for the second eldest member of one direction. Many of the fans and even interviewers start to notice and tease you over it. One afternoon you're in the same building at the boys and your manager and the other boys find it funny to lock you in the same room - after three hours, your cheeks are red beyond belief and Liam can't stop tweeting about it. "@Twitter Name, hope to see you again soon babe, and don't worry - I won't tell anyone our little secret." The little secret? He has a crush on you as well.

Louis: "Why you blushing, love?" Niall questions - you had just met the boys on the red carpet and you've loved Louis for the longest time so of course, you where blushing like mad. "Oh, Uh." Just as you're about to finish your answer, a person from your team interrupts pushing out the fact that you liked the oldest boy in the group. "Is that so?" The feather haired boy questions with a smirk - with cheeks now the color of a tomato you nod your head. "Well, if it makes you feel better... I have a crush on you as well." With that he leans over pressing his lips on your burning cheek.

Niall: "Which member of One Direction would you date?" The radio host questions with a smile, little did anyone know you had a major crush on Niall that only the girls of tumblr would understand. "I... Um... Niall." "Why are your cheeks getting so red... Oh does someone have a crush on Niall?!" blushing even harder you cover your face with your hands Later on that afternoon you receive a tweet from the Irish man himself which tells that he has a crush on you as well... how cute!

Zayn: "I really.... Am fond of Zayn." You confess to the red carpet interviewer when asked which member of One Direction do you fancy the most. "Funny thing you should say! Here the boys come now!" She exclaims waving them over, your face blushes a cherry red as she catches them up on everything you've been talking about. "You like me?" Zayn questions, nodding your head his smile grows "That's great! Zayn likes you too, you're all he talks about!" Niall gushes shaking his head. "Looks like we're matching making here tonight on tonight's red carpet!" Harry announces with a smile


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