Your in a girl group and your dating

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HARRY: Your band had been doing well, selling albums and tickets to shows no problem, but it isn't until you start dating Harry Styles that your band becomes a hot topic on the media. Suddenly your face is popping up on all sorts of tabloids and your name is being mentioned on talk radio - therefore drawing more attention to your band as well. One afternoon while out on the town with Harry, you get swarmed by paparazzi. Still not completely adjusted to that kind of attention, you grip Harry's hand. "Better get used to it - it's only a matter of time until your band is getting this kind of attention all the time too," he says with a knowing smirk. You smile too, and take a deep breath as you fight your way to solitude.

LIAM: "So which of you has a boyfriend?" the interviewer asks your band. You're the only one of the trio to raise your hand. " it's true then, is it?" the interviewer coos, obviously having heard the rumors of you being linked to Liam Payne. You nod slightly as you say, "Yeah, it's true. We've been seeing each other for a little while now." "His band is one of the most popular ones around right now, and I know you girls are busy with your own promotions and concerts and everything, so where does that leave room for a relationship?" "We don't get to see each other as often as we'd like, but other than that, it's working for us so far," you answer with a smile. The interviewer smiles too before diving into another question.

ZAYN: On the phone with Zayn one night, things just feel different. The conversation isn't as light and fun as it usually is; instead there's something heavy hanging in the air. "Why does this feel so weird?" you finally ask. "I dunno... I guess I'm just feeling down about not getting to see you anymore," Zayn admits. "I sucks..." you agree sadly. "I mean, we barely got to see each other to begin with and now that your band is taking off and you're so busy, our schedules just never sync up," he states bluntly. "But I don't mean that in a bad way!" he quickly amends. "I'm really proud of everything you and the girls have accomplished, I just wish we both had more free time to see each other." "So do I," is all you can manage to say.

LOUIS: "Alright, now it's time to get down to the nitty gritty," the radio interviewer starts. "One of you ladies has been popping up in the magazines a lot recently..." She pauses to let you girls exchange knowing laughs. "What's that all about?" she questions playfully with raised eyebrows. "Ok, ok, yes, Louis Tomlinson and I went out on a couple dates, but we're just friends," you clear up. "I dunno...those photos look a little bit more couple-y than friends-y to me," she singsongs. You're grateful that this is a radio interview so that the audience can't see your scarlet face. "I swear, just friends." "Just friends? Or just friends for now?" she presses teasingly as your bandmates just laugh at you in the hot seat.

NIALL: "Hey, [Y/N], have you seen this yet?" one of your bandmates asks, tossing you a magazine, folded open to a blurb about you and Niall. You scan it quickly to see that it states a "close friend" has confirmed that you and Niall are the hot item of the moment. You pick up your phone to call Niall and ask him about it. After the typical greetings have been exchanged, you tell him about what you'd read and then ask, "What happened to keeping it private for a while?" "It wasn't my fault. Louis has the biggest mouth ever!" Niall immediately defends himself. "Hey! I told you I didn't know it was supposed to be a secret!" you hear Louis shout in the background. "You need to learn how to read the 'shut up' signals people give you, Tommo!" Niall shouts back with a chuckle. You laugh and can't help but wonder what kinds of questions will be thrown at you at your next interview now that this news is out.


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