you get closer to a 5sos member and he gets jealous

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Niall: You're always backstage when the boys of 5SOS are hanging out and you see Luke holding a cute penguin toy. You had always loved penguins since you were a little girl."Hey can I look at that "you walk up to him .Smiling, Luke hands you his penguin and you hug that penguin for dear life. "It's so cute!!!" you smile.Niall, your boyfriend, enters the room to give you a present .However Niall doesn't know where you are until Liam points to the couch where you and Luke where talking and laughing .Niall gives a dirty look at Luke , noticing this you pout . "Err sorry I got to go "handing back the penguin. You walk over to where Niall is and gives him a hug. "Babe, he just had a cute penguin and I love penguins "he hugged back and smiled "I know "before handing you a penguin toy.

Harry :Harry knew how much you were scared of Slenderman , but the rest of 1D and the boys of 5SOS didn't know either so one day Ashton(5SOS)suggests that you all play slender. So you played it for a while until Mr Slenderman jumps out at the computer screen. The room was dark and the only light was coming from the small laptop in the middle of the room. Your heart rate goes up and you grab the nearest person to you in a tight squeeze. The person that you grabbed was Michael, who also was afraid of Slenderman. Harry walked in turning the light on revealing that you were still hugging Mikey. Harry's eyes glowed with madness and his voice was a little croaked. "Mikey, How could you, I thought we were friends" letting go of Michael you rush over to your jealous boyfriend. "It would be you if you didn't go get food" giving Harry a peck on the cheek before stealing one of his crisps.

Liam: You and Liam go to an ice-skating event together .It's a onesie themed event and you are dressed in your plain pink onesie with Liam in his blue onesie. You hold hands and enter the ice-skating rink. When you get in the arena you see so many colourful onesies it's like an indoor rainbow. "Stay there babe" Liam says to you. "I'll go get the skates" "Thanks!" You say. You look around and see the cutest onesie you've ever seen. A Tiger!!!!You are overwhelmed with happiness because you love Tigers; after all they are your favourite animal. You run over to the guy wearing it and accidently hug him. Yes, you forgot that hugging complete strangers is considered weird and totally inappropriate, but you only live once!!! The guy turns around and you realise it's Calum Hood from 5 Seconds of Summer and not a complete stranger .You freak out because he once tweeted "I swear to god if you touched my onesie " He gives you the evils and you start to get scared. "Sorry..." you say slowly, but Liam interrupts saying "What are you doing with my girl. "You are just standing there with your mouth and eyes wide open. "Nothing man, she came up and hugged me" Calum replied .Liam swivelled round to you "Tiger!" you managed to get out and indicate his onesie. "Oh" Liam says and starts laughing. "Her favourite animal is a tiger!!!"Calum understands and moves on, while you and Liam crack up laughing for no reason.

Louis: "I'm sorry Ash, but I...." You struggle with your words tears forming in your normally clear blue eyes. You didn't want to do this but you really had no choice. Your dad had got a new job in another country .No matter how much you pleaded; your parents didn't let you stay in Australia, where you had your amazing boyfriend, Ashton Fletcher Irwin. Suddenly you feel strong arms around your waist." You what babe??" He says starting to get worried. You didn't like seeing him like this and it upset you greatly. "I Um ... I have to go, Dad got a new job so we have to move" Hugging Ashton for what could be the last time forever, tears dropping on his white shirt. That was two years ago, and you love UK.In that time you did miss home but you made friends quickly .Louis, your new boyfriend makes you happy whenever you think of Ashton .Although Louis is in a big, famous boy band you don't really get time to see each other. One day Louis takes you to a rehearsal. You are backstage when Ashton appears from the door talking with his friends, His band members. "ASH!!!!!!!!!!" you run to him and a small smile forms on his face while he calls your name. Louis walks in that second and anger started to turn his face red." You guys know each other?" He said looking sad. You nod "Sorry Louis but..." You struggled to say it "Louis... back in Australia ... Ashton was my ...boyfriend" "Yeah bro, but it's all good your with her now because I know you make her smile. You smiled and felt tears form in your eyes. "Thanks mate" Louis says and grabs your hand to pull you away. "Bye "Ashton says with a sad puppy dog face. "Bye Ash, I'll never forget you "

Zayn: "It's over between us "Zayn storms out of the room slamming the door behind him .It was your third fight this week and Zayn had enough of it .He had left you.Immediatly you run to your room and get your lyric book, where you write the lyrics of your favourite songs and a few of your own songs that you had wrote yourself. It was true that you were a singer, posting covers and originals on YouTube. Flicking through the book, you finally found a clean page, "I wanted you to know that I love the way you laugh "You write in your tidy writing. Broken by Seether feat Amy Lee had been your favourite song for a few years and you really loved singing that song. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was your best guy friend, Michael Gordon Clifford .His goofiness always made you happy .He called your name and eventually you came down and opened the door, crying in his chest as he pats your back. You sniffed and told Mikey everything that had happened and how Zayn had left you .He cuddles you as you had finished explaining the whole story , and smiled "Why don't we sing a duet" he suggested and you smile showing him the latest song that you wrote in the little book. You sing the duet and you post it to YouTube. You wait for some comments from your fans. Your eyes light up seeing a comment from Zayn, your now ex-boyfriend. "How could you sing that song with him ...I thought you would sing it with me " Immediately you reply "You should have thought about that when you had stormed out of the house" Mikey saw this and hugged you immediately whispering "You deserve better than him " and kissed your forehead as you closed your eyes .


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