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Louis: you and Louis were going to finally tell everyone that you were dating. You guys wanted to keep it a secret until you knew it was going somewhere because of all the hate you were sure to recieve. You guys decided to do a twitcam to break the news. You turned it on and right when you two said it, the incoming tweets immediatly were filled with hate. You were shocked with the hate you were getting. You expected things like "your a slut" or "he could do so much better than you".you didnt think that your ethnic background of being interracial would come up. There were only a few tweets about it that consisted of racial slurs but it was enough to hurt your feelings. Louis could tell it was making uncomfortable so he looked into the webcam and said "This is the twenty-first century, you'd think we would have been completly over race issues." And with that he ended the twitcam and all the hate about you being mixed, was done.

Liam: you and Liam had been dating for 3 months but just made it made in publiclly known 2 weeks ago. You had refused to read your twitter mentions, internet articals, magazines, or anything else that could be written about you. You didnt want to read what people were saying and Liam told you it would be best to not even look at it. The paparazzi's questions and statements were impossible to ignore, though. Whenever you went out in public they were following you with rude questions and camera flashes you tended to ignore. However, one statement caught your attention. "A lot of fans think Liam should stick to white girls, whats your feeling on that?" He shouted. Liam and you stopped. You never thought of you being mixed as a problem. "Who cares about that? Shes gorgous for who she is and i think we make a great couple. Anyone who thinks different needs to keep those opinions to themselves" Liam said and you continued walking to the car.

Harry: you and Harry had just told everyone you were a couple and surprisingly you havent gotten much hate. One day you went to the grocery store to pick up some food. While in the checkout line, you pass the magazines. Being a big fan of people, you pick it up and skim it while you wait in line. You see a picture of you and Harry holding hands. The title says "Harry and (y/n): a cute couple? We say no" it went on to say Harry was better off with someone of his own race. You were interracial but it never seemed like a big deal. You text Harry and he calls you "Babe, dont listen to them. They are idiots who are living in ancient times. Their is no reason for your background to be an issue in our relationship. I love you (y/n)" he says, making you forget about the article.

Niall: you and niall had been dating for a long time and you felt like the fans were finally accepting of your relationship. At the beggining, the fact that your mixed was a problem among the hardcore one direction fans. After Niall adressed the problem these statements stopped. You began scrolling through your tumblr when you saw a post that said "No matter what Niall says, (y/n) and him will never make a cute couple" Niall saw it from where he was sitting and came up to you "(y/n), theres always going to be people who have completly wrong opinions. Just ignore them. The only thing that matters is that we love eachother and nobody can change that" he says and gives you a romantic kiss.

Zayn: you went to visit your amazing boyfriend on tour. He was in his hotel room waiting for you to come up. You have to walk through the crowds of directioners. You stop for a couple picture that some of the fans asked for. As you near the end of the crowd, one of them screams "why is zayn dating her? They arent even the same color!" You didnt want her to see you cry so you rush to the room. You burst in crying and explain what happened. "Dont listen to her. Shes just jealous of how beautiful, smart, funny, and all around perfect you are" he says as he places a sweet kiss on your forehead and wipes away a few tears.


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