another boy gets protective over you

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Liam: Zayn had always been one of your good friends in the band, besides Liam of course. So one day, when you guys were out, the paparazzi found you quicker than you had expected. And since you were out with Zayn, and not Liam, that had a whole slur of questions and hurtful insults. "Are you cheating on Liam?" "What, can't stay with one member of the famous boyband for more than a month?" "Whore!" You cringed away, stepping closer to Zayn's side and hiding your face. Seeing your discomfort, Zayn pushed you behind his back, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. "Shut the hell up, assholes. She loves Liam. A lot. I'm her best friend. She's not cheating on Liam, and I'm not cheating on Perrie. If anyone, this girl. right here isn't a whore. So leave her alone." Taking your hand, he tugged you back in the other direction, heading back for the hotel. "Thank you," You murmured once you were away. "No problem."

Zayn: Niall was always close to you, considering he had known you before the others, and had sat you up with Zayn. . You loved Zayn a lot, and Niall was nothing more than your best friend. But of course, the news reporters and the fans were relentless with rumors. But one day, it was worse. You and Niall had gone out to get coffee for the rest of the boys. While waiting in line, you were recognized by some fans that were also in the same store. And they weren't the kind fans that you usually met. They were harsh, and rude. "Why can't you just stop breaking Niall's heart Y/N? We all know you don't really love Zayn. You're just an attention whore that likes to play with everybody," One snarled. "Or just a whore in general, especially if you are with two of them at the same time." "Hey," Niall snapped, stepping in front of you to shield you from them. "She is not a whore, she is not an attention whore either. I am her best friend, and Zayn is her boyfriend. She loves me, but she loves him a lot. She's not cheating, not even close. So I would appreciate if you would stop spreading pointless rumors about Y/N. Thanks."

Louis: Liam was always very protective over you, also being one of your close friends. He knew you got more hate, and were very fragile to it also. He always defended you on twitter, when Louis wasn't, and he would make sure you were okay anytime you guys were near fans that would yell hurtful things are you. But one day, it got to the point where a fan yanked you away from the group. Louis hadn't noticed, but Liam had, jumping to your side and gently prying your tiny figure away from the screaming girls, and pushing you behind him protectively. "What the hell was that for?" He growled at the girls, causing them to cringe back. "What has she ever done to you except love a boy that you guys happen to like also? I don't find it fair that because she loves Louis, a lot, that she deserves all this hate from fans like you. She doesn't deserve it. Why do you think we never come out? Because of people like you. Think about it," Without another word, he pulled you back down the street, where Louis was now waiting. You jumped into his arms, burying your face in his chest as you let gentle tears fall. Faintly, you heard him say, "Thank you Liam."

Niall: Harry was always a good friend of yours. He was like the older brother you never had. One that would tease you and mess with you, but knew how to be protective over you if you needed it. Like one day, you guys were out shopping, just you and Harry because Niall had some recording to finish up in the studio. Niall had always said that he picked one of the 'hottest girls' on the planet, and apparently some guys believe in that. "Hey there, Y/N," A guy with dark slicked back hair said, stepping around the rack you were looking on. "Decided to leave that Irish kid yet? Go for a real man? I'm always up for it," He smirked. "I don't even know who you are," You said, taking an uncomfortable step back. "But you want to, don't you?" He answered, smiling to reveal a row of perfect white teeth. "Hey, leave her alone!" You relaxed immediately as you heard Harry's voice behind you, his arm gently pushing you to behind him. "Oh, so you have another one of them with you, do you? Whore." The man's attitude changed immediately, and he was now glaring at you. "She's not a whore. I'm her friend. Leave her alone," Harry said curtly, pulling you away and out the store. "Thank you," You said softly to him. "No problem babe."

Harry: You had always been good friends with Louis, whether it was because him and Harry would good friends, or just because you guys acted in the same ways. He was like your best friend in a lot of ways, whether helping you shop, being there to talk to you, or protecting you when Harry wasn't around. Which was the case one day, when you guys were out at a club. Harry had left to get you a drink, and the other boys were somewhere around, except Louis who was standing near you, keeping out an eye for you. Which was a good thing, because as soon as Harry left your side, a strange looking man roughly grabbed your waist and pulled you too him. The man was taller than Harry, and obviously strong as he kept his grip on you. "Get off me," You screamed, trying to wiggle away but the man chuckled, holding you tighter. "Nah, I don't think I will." "Hell if you won't!" You felt relief wash through your body as you felt the hands ripped away from your waist, and then two familiar arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you away. "Are you okay? Harry will kill me if you are any different than how he left you," Louis said, turning you in his arms and inspecting you. "Just some pride issues," You answered, sniffling back tears. "Oh come here," Louis sighed, crushing you to his chest. "Your okay now. Harry'll be back in a second, okay?"


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