He breaks up with you not knowing you're pregnant *requested* + new book

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Zayn :

Today, it's has been exactly a year since you and zayn broke up. you had a beautiful baby girl named Gracie , she was now 5 months old and looked like her dad ; she had two big chocolate eyes , dark hair and cute little pink lips . You took her for a walk in a park that you and zayn always used to come to. you sat on the bench where you and zayn always sat , and her roulette in front of you . "see that tree ? me and daddy always used to come there . his name was zayn , and we loved this park, we would always come here to escape the paparazzi and the fans . but he probably forgot about that already , and about me .... " Gracie started laughing not letting you talk "what's so funny Hein ? " you cooed to her but she was looking somewhere else "what are you looking at ? " you smiled at her and turned around to see what was capturing her attention . your heart sank when you saw him standing in front of you "..zayn.." you whispered " I actually still remember .. " he said walking casually towards you and your baby , he sat next to her , playing with her . "so .. a baby ? .. you know who the father is ? " he asked referring to your 'cheating' ".y-yes " you whispered once again "well , who is it ? " " it's you .." you answered dropping in the bench next to him . he took a deep breath processing what you just told him " you never cheated have you ? " he asked , you just shook you head . " that was my older brother if you still wonder " there was a minute of silence "god I am so stupid....I broke up with my pregnant girlfriend because I didn't believe her .. " he said taking his face in his hands "... zayn.. why are you telling me this now ? " " because... because I regret letting you go , that night , hearing you cry in front of my door , it just tore my heart apart .. because I still feel the same , no matter how much I tried to hate you and forget about you .. I can't .. because I'm truly madly deeply in love with you .. and I know that it's too late , but I just want a second chance .. I want you back .. I want to have the family I always wanted with you... " You were shocked to hear those words , yes you were still in love with him , your feelings never changed and apparently he still feels the same as well " .. Yeah I think we could be a family again , because I still love you as well " you said , tears spilling out of your eyes . zayn , still not believing what you said , leaned over and kissed you with all the love and passion he always did . you stopped the kiss because you heard Gracie cry " hey baby .. you want a kiss too ? " you said picking her up so she would stop crying "you want to hold her ? " you asked zayn , he nodded back . you carefully put your little kid in his arms , and he just stared at her with aw "what's this angel's name ? " " Gracie malik " " beautiful " he whispered as he leaned over to kiss her forehead .

Harry :

After your break up , you kept your baby and your family and friends were always there for you , even though you kind of wished harry could be there as well . you had a beautiful three year old girl called Darcy , she looked like harry with her green eyes , curly brown hair and little dimples , no one could deny that she was his and that worried you . One day you were coming back from (y/f/n)'s house, but you two bumped into someone , when you raised your eyes you saw harry looking at you . scared, you hid Darcy behind your legs , but she must have thought it was some sort of a game , because she kept peeking and smiling at harry " (y/n) it's nice to see you , you.. changed " " nice to meet you too harry " he was about to open his mouth to say something , but he noticed Darcy and he was quite shocked and you knew he understood " (y/n) ... is that ... were you ??...you were p-pre-gnant ?? " " yes.. " " why didn't you tell me ? " " harry you broke up with me the day I was going to tell you ! " " I know and and I know that was stupid , because I thought that I was doing what's best for you , that I was the only one who was going to get hurt , but I see I was wrong " he said gesturing to Darcy . he kneeled down and smiled at the little girl hiding behind you "hey Darcy... Darcy right ? " you nodded , no wonder he figured her name , you thought to yourself , you two agreed to call your fist girl so when you were together . "come here ... do you know who I am ? " he asked as he took her small hands in his big ones . " umm...yess ... mummy told me you were my special daddy when you were on T.V " she said jumping up and down " oh yeah ? and what.. is a special daddy " " it means that you're still my daddy , even if you're not with us " darcy answered proud of her self that she still remembered your explanation " well , how about I become your super special daddy ? " " what is it ? " the little Darcy her eyes wide with amazement " well it means I will be your daddy who is always around , always with you, of course that's if mummy accepts " he said looking at you . Right now, you had tears in your eyes , so he was honest when he said he'll always love you ? "pwetty pwease mummy , say yess " " yeah , I think he could be your special daddy " as soon as you said those words , Darcy jumped in harry's embrace and he spun her around , then he put her down and leaned for a kiss that made your legs go weak , you truly missed that ..

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