He wants you to move to England

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Zayn: You met Zayn when he was in your hometown promoting their second album. Unfortunately, your hometown is 3500 miles away. After Zayn left, you two texted nonstop and Skyped almost every night (or morning for him). He came to visit you on his time off and even paid for you to fly out during your spring break. But all the travelling was getting really expensive, and you missed him a lot. You went on Skype with Zayn that night, like almost every night. "So I have to move out of my flat" he said, calmly drinking a bottle of water. You frowned. "Why? You like it there?" you said, knowing that he had finally got it the way he wanted it. "I know, but the man I'm renting it from wants to sell it and move away" Zayn said, and you frowned again. "It's not all bad," Zayn started, "I will just get a new place. Maybe a house. Something big enough for two..." he said. "Oh you're going to move in with someone?" you asked, smiling. This would make it easier. "You?" he asked, smiling at the screen. "But Zayn..." you sarted, and he shook his head. "It was a dumb idea" he said, leaning back. "I have to finish the last month of school. Then I'll come" you smiled and Zayn beamed. "Y/N, I'm so excited!" he said and he looked thrilled. He called his real-estate agent to start looking for houses tomorrow.

Louis: You were at the airport. Your flight was about to board for you to go back home and you were disappointed to be on it. You thought for sure Louis, your boyfriend of a ten months was going to ask you to live with him in England. Instead, the topic was never brought up. He was sitting, waiting for you to leave. "So, nervous to fly?" Louis asked. You could feel the tension. "No, I have done this flight three times in ten months. I don't get nervous any more" you said bluntly. You didn't want to leave on this note, but you were hurt. "Flight 293 now boarding" you heard called. That was you. You got up and got your bag. You pecked Louis on the cheek and started to walk towards the gate. You were about forty feet from Louis when you heard him call your name. "Y/N! Wait!" he called. You stopped and turned to see him running towards you. "What?" you asked, confused. "I wanted to ask you to move in with me, but I got scared. I was scared you'd say no because it was a big move. And that you wouldn't want to leave your family. But I don't want you to leave thinking I didn't want you to stay. Because there's nothing I'd love more than for the rest of my life to be like the last two weeks of you being here" he said. He was flustered and so were you. You looked over your shoulder, and could see the last people getting on the plane. You had to decide now, whether you were willing to leave everything behind for one guy. You got teary eyed. Louis stood in front of you motionless. You dropped your bag, "We have to call my parents" you smiled. Louis gave you a big kiss and spun you around. You watched the gate close and your flight take off, and knew you made the right choice.

Niall: You met Niall at a CD signing while they were on tour in the US. You two felt a spark and Niall took you out to dinner that night. Every show you could get to of that tour, you did, and he always left tickets at the box office for you. You thought it would die when he went back home, but Niall would continue to call you all the time. One day, you two were on the phone. He was just getting lunch and you were just waking up. "Hi Y/N" he said in the phone, excited to hear your voice. "Hi babe" you excitedly replied. Talking to Niall was always like talking for the first time. Being his girlfriend was so different. "So I have a surprise for you, are you at your computer?" he asked. "Of course" you smirked. "Okay, check your email. I sent you something." You checked and there was a link to a house for rent in Woldingham. You clicked it and the house was beautiful. Four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a huge kitchen and hardwood floors throughout the house. There was even a pool! "Woah, Niall, this place is gorgeous. It's a little big though, no?" you asked, looking through the pictures again. "Not if we both move there" he said. You were silent, trying to catch your breath. "You want me to move to England with you?" you asked finally. "Mhmm" Niall said, too nervous to actually talk. "I'd love to!" you shouted, and Niall exhaled loudly. "Okay, let me call Kristine, my real estate agent, and tell her we want it" he said excitedly. You hung up and started looking for stuff you could pack.

Harry: You were visiting Harry in London. You loved it here, you liked how beautiful everything was and how friendly the people were. It was so different from back home. You had met Harry when you came to London on vacation a year ago. It was your first time in London then, and you fell in love with the town and the boy. Now you were back visiting for the fifth time since then. It was a lot easier for you to go visit him than for him to visit you. "So, what do you want to do now love?" Harry asked as you two walked the streets of London. "Let's go to for lunch" you smiled. Harry nodded and you went to a little café a few blocks down. "I can't believe I have to leave in three days" you said, sighing. You were going to miss Harry so much. Harry looked down at his food. You weren't sure what he was feeling, but he wasn't speaking. You took another bite of your lunch, and looked back at him. He was staring at you. "What?" you asked curiously. "Stay. Move here. With me. You can live with me or we can find you your own place" he said. You were shocked. You loved London and Harry, but you weren't sure about leaving home. You didn't react, and Harry got embarrassed. He got up to walk away. "Harry wait" you whispered. "What?" he asked harshly, not wanting to hear your pity. "I will have to go back home to get some stuff. I have a lot of clothes to bring back and stuff" you said, looking up at him. "Let's just have it shipped" he smiled. "Sounds good" you smiled back. You finished lunch and went furniture shopping.

Liam: "Okay, what are you eating?" you asked. Liam looked up and smiled. You were having a Skype date, which meant you were eating an early dinner and he was eating a late dinner. "I'm having left over pizza, what are you having?" Liam smiled. "Barbecue chicken and Caesar salad" you smiled. "I miss your cooking Y/N" Liam said. You laughed. Liam had been in the US for a few months last year to do some recording. You met him while you were out shopping, and you two hit it off. Liam spent almost every day off at your house, hanging out with you and getting to know you. He asked you out a month after meeting you. He has since gone back home, but you two are trying to make your relationship work. "I miss cooking for you" you smiled. Liam took another bite of his pizza. "This tastes terrible now that I know what you're eating" he said, putting on the plate. "Sorry" you said with a full mouth. You swallowed your food and smiled, "You know I would cook for you if I could." "Well, what if you could" Liam said. You raised one eyebrow and motioned him to continue. "I mean, I miss you and you miss me. I have a flat for two here. I don't know why you don't just move out here." This has been an issue for you two for a while. You weren't sure if you wanted to leave your friends and family to move to a country you'd never seen before. Liam understood, but he would still ask. This time though, it was different. Your closest friend had just moved away for school, you were done high school and hadn't applied to college. You had nothing to stay for. "When can I come?" you asked. Liam's jaw dropped. "Now, tomorrow, next week, whenever" he said quickly. "Okay, well, let's look at flights" you smiled. Liam smiled huge and you both went and looked.


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