You get jealous/upset of his celebrity crush

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Harry: "So, Harry, a little while back, we learned of your little crush on Rhianna K" Nick Grimshaw said, and you rolled your eyes. You rolled your eyes and Harry laughed. To get some hype surrounding their new album, the boys were going out and doing some local interviews. You and Harry had become pretty popular in the media, so management thought it would be a great idea to have you both on. "Yeah, a while back" he repeated, squeezing your hand. "Well, we interviewed Rhianna last week, and she had this to say" Nick said, and hit a button to start another clip. "So Rhianna, you know this is the home to One Direction. And it's also the home to Harry Styles. He recently said he thought you were a good looking girl. What do you think of that?" Nick said on the recording, and there was a light laugh. "Well, I mean, he's young. Like, really young. But he's a hottie. He would keep me youthful" she giggled, and you shook your head. Like it wasn't bad enough to have every fan all over your boyfriend, you had to fend off Rhianna now, too? "Wow, that was nice" Harry laughed, and you turned to him. "So what do you think, mate?" Nick asked, and you glared at him. Did everyone forget you were right there? "I don't know. I mean, how can you say no to a come on from Rhianna?" Harry responded. You were shocked, appalled and hurt. "Well, you could always say 'Hey, sorry Rhianna, I am super happy with my girlfriend.' Or be a dickhead about it. Your call" you said, slamming the headset down and walking out of the studio. You could hear the interview over the speakers. "Mate, you're in trouble" Nick said, and you heard Harry's head set fall and the door close. You started running as Nick started playing Ed Sheeran's new song. "Wait, come back!" Harry called. You were in heels and a dress, he was in jeans and sneakers. This was no competition. He caught you, and pulled you into an empty office. "I didn't know what to say" he panted, and you turned to walk away. "Y/N. Stop" he breathed heavily, and you glared at him. He didn't deserve your words at this point. "I just... Ugh... I just fucked up, okay? I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I just say what I think they want me to say. I know it's stupid and I am sorry. I didn't mean what I said, anyways. Like I could ever manage Rhianna's high maintenance ways. The girl dyes her hair more than I change my underwear. I just, I don't know. All I know is that I would much prefer Y/N" he said, and you tried not to laugh at what a mess of words he had spewed. "In future, don't concern yourself with what management wants or what Grimmy wants or what is best for the album. Think about what's best for you. And for you, sleeping on the couch is not what's best" you said, and Harry nodded. "I forgive you" you said, and Harry kissed you on the cheek a bunch of times before you walked out to apologize to Nick.

Zayn: "Welcome back to the show! I'm here with the power couple, Zayn Malik and Y/F/N Y/L/N, and then we have Ricky Gervais. Big names today" Graham Norton announced, and you and Zayn both smiled and waved. "Zayn, I have a clip here of a certain someone. Before I show you, who would you say is your celebrity crush?" Graham asked. "Besides her?" Zayn said, throwing a thumb over his shoulder at you. "I'm a man, Zayn. I have explained this to you before" Ricky said, and you burst out laughing. Everyone laughed with you, and Graham smiled at Zayn. "Besides her" he confirmed, and Zayn smirked. "Megan Fox, of course. Very fit" he said, and you felt a jealous streak race through you. "Right, I knew that, so when I spoke to her last month I mentioned you. Here's what she had to say" Graham said, throwing to a clip. "Zayn is a great looking guy. I mean, come on, he is the whole package" Megan said, and Graham raised his eye brows. "What do you know about Zayn's package?" he asked her, and everyone laughed except you. "I wish I knew more" Megan joked, and the clip faded from the screen. "Well well" Graham laughed, and you sat straight up. "I mean, that's a dream come true right there isn't it?" Zayn laughed. You felt tense. "So what do you think about Foxy over there talking about your package?" Graham asked, and you could see Ricky shake his head lightly. He must have seen your gradual change in demeanor. "Don't know if there's anyone I'd rather" Zayn laughed, and you had heard enough. You got up, trying to be as low key as possible with all eyes on you, and walked off stage. You were almost off stage when you broke down, and covered your face to hide the tears. "May I give you one piece of advice?" you could hear Ricky say over closed circuit TV. "Never give up the girl of a lifetime for the girl of the night" he said, and you put your arms up as if to say 'amen'. Zayn was quiet for the next minute before they cut to commercial. You watched from your dressing room as Zayn got up and walked off the stage. He looked like a zombie. You waited for the knock on the door, and right when you expected it, it happened. "Get away from me" you shouted, and Zayn knocked again. "What?!" you snapped, throwing the door open. Zayn looked devastated, broken. You felt terrible, but you swallowed your sympathy. "Sorry, Megan Fox's fan club is the next room" you said, going to shut the door. Zayn's hand stopped it. "Y/N, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't meant to demean you like that. I just, I was talking like a bunch of guys sitting around. I was disrespectful and dumb. I am sorry for what I said, I really am. I just don't want this to ruin what we have going" he said, and you nodded. It was rude, but not worth ruining your otherwise perfect relationship. Zayn hesitantly put a hand on your shoulder, and you moved towards him, sharing a hug. "Ricky's a smart man" you whispered. "No kidding" Zayn whispered back, kissing your cheek.

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