First "I Love You"

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You and all the boys were at Liam's for a movie night, you were getting tired so you snuggled into Liam's shoulder. You weren't going to go to sleep, but the movie was really boring, you decided to close your eyes. You were still awake and you could hear everything. "Lou, can you pass the popcorn" Niall yelled across the room not taking his eyes off the tv, "Niall, shhh. Y/N is sleeping" Liam said quietly kissing your temple. "How are things going with Y/N?" Zayn asked. "Yeah, you look like you're in love" Louis cooed. You felt Liam move slightly like he was uncomfortable at what the boys were saying. "Have you told her yet?" Zayn asked looking at you. "What?" asked Niall, trying to work out what he missed. Louis and Harry laughed, "You love her, don't you?" Harry asked. You could picture Liam blushing about now, but kept quiet. "Yeah", Liam whispered. "I was planning on telling her tonight, before you all crashed our movie night", he said louder this time. Liam begun playing with your hair slowly. "She's beautiful. She's amazing, like she makes me happy and smile all the time, and puts up with you guys", he said laughing towards the end. You couldn't hold in your smile any longer. You were so happy; you and Liam have never said the L word before. Then you heard Niall say, "Uhh..Liam, I don't think Y/N is asleep." You opened you eyes and smiled sweetly. You looked at Liam's red cheeks and sat up. "That's prefect Li, cause I love you too", you said. Liam pulled you closer to him so you were sitting on his lap and kissed you earning "ewww" from the boys.


You were at Louis' flat hanging out. "I'll be back, boo", Louis said, kissing your cheek as he got up and headed upstairs. He was meeting up with the boys at the studio later and asked you to come along. You pulled your legs up onto the couch and wrapped Louis' hoodie tighter around your body. You loved wearing his hoodies; they were big and warm and best of all; they smelt like him. You sighed and snuggled into the hoodie. You heard Louis walking towards you and you turned around. "Hey Y/N, have you seen my -" he said but paused looking at you. "What?" you asked. "My favourite hoodie," he said pointing at you. You giggled and rubbed your arms. "This one?" you asked. He nodded stepping closer to you. You jumped off the couch, "If you want it, you have to catch me first!" you said cheekily. As Louis stepped forward, you laughed and run to the other side of the room. He laughed and run after you. After running through Louis' flat with him close behind, you slowed down to catch your breath. You sighed in relief, thinking you had lost him somewhere between the kitchen and the dining room. Suddenly you felt a pair of strong arms around you body. Laughing you tried to jump away, but instead you fell over, pulling Louis down with you. BANG, you landed on the ground. Louis was hovering over you. You could feel his hot breath against your skin. His eyes lock on yours as he lend in closer, stopping inches away from your face. "I love you", he said quietly. You blushed and lead up to kiss him passionately, causing him to smile widely. "I love you too Lou".


You had gotten a call from Niall and he sounded panicked, he asked you to come over; because he need to show you something. You agreed and were on your way over there now. When you pulled up at his house, you went to knock on the door but it opened, you walked in and called out Niall's name but he didn't reply. You were started to get worried, what if something happened or he did something or, your thoughts were everywhere, until you heard a large crash coming from outside. "Niall, is that you?" you were getting closer to the back door, when you heard Niall's laugh, "Yes princess, it is me, come over here" you felt safe knowing he wasn't hurt, so you walked out the door to see the backyard decorated in lights, a table set up for two and Niall standing near the barbecue, "Ni, what is all this?" you said looking around then at him. "This is for you, princess", he said leading you to the table. "Thank you, it's so beautiful. I can't believe you this did all of this, Ni," you said looking up at him. He blushed, "Anything for you and it's not as beautiful as you", he said kissing your forehead. This time you blushed. He giggled and walked away to get the food and drinks. "Wow Ni, you cooked. I didn't know you knew how to cook", you said sounding impressed. He sat down opposite you. "I'm sorry Princess, I can't lie to you. I wanted to cook, but it didn't work out, so I got the next thing", he said looking down getting embarrassed. You giggled and stood up moving over to Niall. You lifted up his chin and looked into his eyes, "Niall, this is prefect, really it is", you told him. He smiled and pulled you into his lap. "Princess", he paused, "I love you", he said slowly. You looked at him and knew you felt the same. "I love you Niall", you said as he pulled me into a kiss.


You walked towards the park where Harry said for you to meet him. You looked around but couldn't see him anywhere. You pulled your phone out of your bag and were about to call him but you heard some familiar voices. You looked up and saw Harry pushing the boys towards the car park. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but you knew something was going on. Harry turned around and saw you. He smiled widely and run towards you. He pulled you into a hug, kissing your forehead. "Hey Baby", he said. "Hi Haz" you replied. He grabbed your hand in his, "Shall we go for a walk?" he asked. You nodded. While walking the park, you were doing most of the talking. Harry was kind of distant; like his mind was somewhere else. You stopped walking, making Harry stop with you. "What's wrong Haz?" you asked him. He looked at you then around the park. "Come here Y/N" he said pulling you towards a bench. You sat down next to him as he gently rubbed his thumb along your hand. "Y/N" Harry begun. "You are absolutely amazing, you are the most beautiful girl", you blushed, "I wish you would see it. Your smile brightens my day, and your laugh is adorable. You're everything I want and more; I can't believe you chose me" he paused, taking a deep breath. You hadn't noticed you had tears in your eyes, until Harry gently touched your cheek. He placed your legs on his lap. "I love you Y/N", he said not breaking eye contract. You placed your hands on his neck, "I love you more than you will ever know Harry", you said making you both blush. He leaded in closer and kissed you passionately.


You were running late. You were meeting the boys for lunch and Zayn was picking you up every minute now. You heard a knock at the door and ran to open it. "Hi Zayn, I'm almost ready, just give me a few minutes", you said giving him a quick kiss and running back to your bedroom. He didn't say anything as he watched you run away. You returned moments later to find Zayn standing in the kitchen. You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. "Hi Babygirl", he said turning around smiling. "Ready?" he asked. "Just need to find my keys", you said looking around the kitchen. "Found them", you said. Zayn didn't answer you. He was looking at the clock on the wall. "Babygirl, you know your clock is broken", he said looking at you. "Yeah, I know. But is right twice a day", you said seriously. He laughed loudly and stepped closer to you. "Oh god, I love you", he said without thinking. As soon the words left his mouth, he was as shocked as you. "What?" you said not believing what you had heard. Zayn bit his lip nervously, took a deep breath and repeated himself, "I love you Y/N". He gently touched your arm, sending slivers down your spine. You looked at him; he breathtaking and you knew he meant what he said. "It's ok, if you aren't - " Zayn begun but you cut him off with a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you close. You placed your arms around his neck as you pulled away a little. "I love you too; so much". He smiled and kiss you again.


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