Kid interrupts a heated moment *requested*

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Harry: You and your husband, Harry, have somehow managed to keep your sex life alive ever since Darcy was born three years ago. You had just put Darcy to bed and it turned out to be Harry's lucky day. Things started to turn heated rather quickly and you both were getting pretty vocal. Curse words were flying out of your mouths left and right. Whenever you got too loud, Harry would throw his hand over your mouth, but it didn't help. You both froze when you heard a tiny little voice, "Mommy?" "Shit...," Harry cursed under his breath. "There are monster under my bed," Darcy said, running into your bed. Harry quickly got off of you and pulled the cover over the both of you. "Hey Darce, there's no monsters under your bed, I scared them all away," Harry said, trying to get her to go back to sleep in her own room. "No there are, Daddy! I heard you and mommy yelling at them and screaming naughty words!" she cried, leaning into his chest. Your cheeks turned a crimson red and Harry smirked at you. "Why don't you grab your pillow and you can sleep with us tonight," you said. Harry looked at you with a shocked expression, upset that your adventures were over. You mouthed, "Tomorrow," to him as Darcy ran into her room for her pillow. While she was gone the two of you quickly got changed, but still managed to share a few kisses before she came back.

Liam: "Really quick please?" Liam begged you. The kids were all at school and weren't expected to be back for another hour. "I don't know, Li," you said, glancing at the clock. Liam gave you his signature puppy dog face. "Fine! You know I can't resist you when you pout your lip," you said, pulling him in for a kiss. The kiss quickly turned into a make-out session and it only escalated from there. The two of you were going at it. Sometime between the kissing and moaning, you managed to get to your bedroom. You were so involved with each other, you didn't notice your son, Logan, scream, "We're home!" from the front door. You thought you heard footsteps running up the stairs, but ignored it. "Hi Mommy!" your five year old, Taylor, shouted from the doorway of your bedroom. Liam threw you off him, but didn't hurt you. "Hello Tay, how was school?" Liam asked, trying to act normal. "Good!" she responded. Taylor looked at you two and asked, "Were you wrestling before I came in?" Liam looked at you with wide eyes. "Yes, sweetie. We were, but don't tell your brothers, okay? They love to wrestle and would get jealous," you said, knowing if she told her brothers they'd tell her the truth. "Oh don't worry! I won't, mommy! I pinky promise," she exclaimed, running over to your bed, holding out her pinky. You and Liam quickly shifted around trying to cover yourselves. After the three of you locked pinkies, Taylor left to do her homework. "That was close," Liam said, relieved you didn't caught and pulling you into his bare chest.

Louis: "Okay guys! Have fun!" you called out to your kids, Tommy and Alice, as they left to go out with friends. Once you close the door, you felt a pair of muscular arms snake around you waist. "Alone at last," Louis cooed into your ear. You shrunk back into his chest as goosebumps rose on your skin. He swiftly spun you around and placed a feather-like kiss on your lips. "I'll be upstairs," he said, waltzing upstairs to your bedroom. You smiled, knowing what was coming. As soon as you got upstairs, the two of you got down to business. You were so invested in one another, you didn't hear the phone ring. The two of you didn't stop, until you heard the front door slam shut. "Damn it!" Louis whispered-shouted, throwing his head back in frustration. "Hey dad, can I have some mon-," Tommy said, but went wide-eyed when he saw the two of you. His face turned a deep red and he started to stutter. "What you don't call anymore before you call home?" Louis joked, trying to ease the situation. You slowly hid yourself under the blanket. "Do you need money?" Louis asked, trying his best to act natural. Tommy quickly nodded and retreated back downstairs. Louis got up and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. He leaned over the bed and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I'll be back, love. Be ready," he said, before his went downstairs to give your, very distressed, son his money.

Niall: "Daddy! Will you read me a story?" Brielle, your six year, asked your husband. "Okay, Bri, but a short one. Daddy has to talk to mommy," he responded, giving you a wink. Niall had been especially frisky today and you had no idea why, but you were going to use it to your advantage. Not ten minutes had passed, before Niall came back into your room. "She's asleep," he mumbled, not taking his eyes off your lips. As he was kissing you, he climbed on top of you. The two of you certainly didn't waste any time. Your moans were bouncing off your bedroom walls. Your sleeping daughter was not stopping you from being quiet. You had forgotten she was in the house a long time ago. "Wait, shh," Niall stopped. "What?" you hissed, aching for him to continue. "I think Brielle's awake," he said, quietly, not moving off of you. Sure enough, you heard your daughter's voice. "Mommy? Are you okay? Is Daddy hurting you?" she asked, nervously, noticing Niall on top of you. "I'm fine, honey," you responded as Niall quickly got off of you and settled into his side of the bed. "Are you sure because I heard you screaming from my room." "Daddy was just showing Mommy, uh, his muscles!" Niall exclaimed, flexing. "Oh okay." The answer seemed to satisfy the sleeping tired six year old. "Next time Daddy shows you his muscles, just don't be as loud okay, Mommy?" she told you. "I promise," you giggled as she walked back to her room. "Maybe we should practice chastity for a few days until she forgets," you suggested. "Hell no!" Niall said, clearly opposed to your idea, as he climbed back on top of you, beginning where he left off.

Zayn: "So what do you want to do tonight?" you asked your husband. The two of you were alone for the night, since your twins, Trevor and Mollie, were sleeping over at the Styles's house. "Oh, I think you know what I want to do," Zayn responded, suggestively. Without any warning, he pounced on you. Since no one was around, the two of you were pretty loud. You would need a need coffee table. You and Zayn hadn't been intimate in a long time because you were so busy with the kids and Zayn with his career. There was so much sexual tension built up and it showed tonight. The two of you didn't even bother to move to the bedroom. Both of you froze when you heard the front door swing open. Before you could react, Zayn quickly threw a blanket over the two of you. "(Y/N)? Zayn?" Harry called, walking into the living room. When he saw the two of you he started hysterically laughing. "What the hell are you doing here?" Zayn said, throwing a pillow at his bandmate. "Mollie forgot her teddy bear," he replied, rubbing the spot where the pillow had hit him. "You ready to go?" he asked, Mollie when he saw her enter the room. Mollie nodded and looked at the two of. "What are you doing?" she asked. Harry tried to stifle his laughter, but failed. "Um, uh, Mommy lost her contact," Zayn said, pretending to look for the nonexistent item. While he was ruffling around, you tried your best to hold the blanket over you, hoping to not give Harry or your daughter, a peek show. "Well, we better hit the road, Molls," Harry said between laughs. "Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!" Mollie exclaimed, waving to the two of you and grabbing her Uncle Harry's hand. "Bye sweetie," you responded. "Great, now I'm never going to live this down," Zayn said, "but it was definitely worth it."


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