Another guy hits you and he gets defensive *requested*

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Harry: "Come on, just let me have your number" the drunk guy at the bar says. "No, I'm here with my boyfriend" you insist again, trying to move out of the corner he's trapped you in. "Come one babe, let's get out of here" he pushes, grabbing your arm to lead you through the club. "Seriously, I'm not going anywhere with you" you say, pulling your arm from his grasp. He wheels around, jerking his arm up and the back of his hand makes contact with your face. You barely have time to gasp when Harry's punched the guy across the face, dropping him to the ground before he continues to pound his face with his fist. You manage to pull Harry off him and lead him away as he shakes out his bloody hand. "Are you ok?" he asks, inspecting the red mark on your face and you sniffle. "Your knuckles are bleeding and you ask me if I'm ok?" you question and he smiles. "Let's go home and put some ice on that" he insists, helping you into the car while ignoring his throbbing knuckles until he's sure you're ok.

Liam: Liam stares in horror as Andy backhands you across the face. You drop to the floor, holding your cheek as Andy stares wide-eyed in shock. "Oh my god... what, I'm so sorry" Andy rushes, kneeling to one side of you as Liam kneels to the other. "Just, back off" Liam says, shoving against his mates chest as he inspects your bleeding nose. "I didn't mean to, it was an accident. Oh god, I'm so sorry love" Andy cries and Liam sighs because he knows Andy didn't mean to hit you but he did. "You can't just flail your arms like that Andy, she doesn't know how to dance like you" Liam scolds, helping you sit up straight while pressing a towel Maz has brought to your bleeding nose.

Niall: You're in the middle of playing soccer with some of Niall's friends and a few guys Niall isn't really familiar with but is being friendly towards. You're trying to kick the ball towards Niall when one of the guys another boy has invited starts shoving behind you trying to kick it from between your fit. You huff as you try to protect the ball but drop to the floor when he elbows you in the jaw. "You prick!" Niall shouts, shoving the guy to the grass while punching him a few times before Sean pulls him away. "Are you alright love?" Niall asked, sitting down beside you as you press an ice pack to your jaw. "Can we not play anymore?" you ask and Niall nods.

Louis: He finally had a night off and the first thing the two of you wanted to do was go out and have some fun. So, he took you to the nearest club for a night out with his girl. When you got there, it was already getting pretty busy and people were already hammered. You smiled at Louis and the two of you went to the bar to get some drinks. "Wanna dance?" Louis yelled over the blasting stereo. You nodded and took his hand. He started moving to the beat as did you. You danced for a while when Louis said he had to go to the bathroom. So now you were alone. A guy came up to you and started dancing with you. You thought why not and went with it, thinking he wouldn't try anything in a crowd this big. But you were wrong. He gripped onto your hips, tightly I may add and spun you around so your back was against his front. You began to get uncomfortable and pulled away, giving him a dirty look. You saw his eyes turn from the peaceful brown to almost black. You started to walk back to the bar, where you could luckily see Louis. You went to call out his name but your mouth was covered by a bigger hand, startling you. You started to cry and wave your hands, which the man was trying to contain. Luckily Louis saw you and his eyes widened. You bit the man's hand and he let go, giving you enough time to yell. "Louis!" The man gripped onto your hair and yanked you backwards, making you stumble. You were about to fall but Louis caught your wrist and pulled you behind him. "Who do you think you are?!?" he yelled, getting right up in the man's face. The man pulled back his fist but Louis was quick. Louis' fist flew through the air and hit the man square in the nose. Blood immediately gushed out of the man's nose and he left quickly. Louis turned back to you. "Did he do anything to you?" he asked, eyes filling with tears. "No," you cried, grateful Louis had seen you in time. "You saved me Lou." He chuckled through his tears. "Home?" he mouthed, the music getting louder. You nodded and he led you out of the club. Once the two of you were outside he pressed a lingering kiss on your lips. "You'll always be safe with me, I promise." "I know, I love you Lou." "I love you too (Y/N)."

Zayn: Zayn was finally home from tour and you couldn't be more excited. The two of you were getting bored just sitting and watching movies but because it was almost midnight, there weren't a lot of places open except clubs. You both wanted a quiet evening so after a few minutes of brainstorming, he finally came up with the idea of going for a walk in the small, secluded park only about five minutes from your flat. When you arrived there, he took your hand and both of you started talking about anything and everything. It was one of the best evenings you had ever spent with Zayn. Everything was going perfect until you caught sight of a group of about 3 or 4 teenage boys. You didn't want to place stereotypes but they looked like trouble. "Zayn," you whispered, tugging on his hoodie sleeve and drawing his attention to them. "Just stay close okay?" he said, pulling you closer into his side. As the boys got closer, they started getting a little louder. One of them whistled in your direction. "Sweet body sweet cheeks!" one called out. You were getting a little uncomfortable. "Watch out boys, this one's got an ass on her!" another called out when they passed you. You thought when they passed, you would be home-free but when a sharp slap hit your bottom you gasped and spun around. Zayn stopped and shot a death glare to the one suspected of hitting you. "Hey, you wanna keep your hands of my girl?" he growled, pushing you behind him. The younger boy lost his look of confidence and cowered back. "I-I didn't..." "You didn't mean it? That's what I thought. Now get out of here before I really lose it," he growled, even scaring you a little. "Zayn," you said softly, pulling on his arm. You didn't want trouble, you just wanted to continue walking. "C'mon, please?" "Not until these punks apologize." You sighed but couldn't help but think his protectiveness was attractive. "Apologize," he snapped in a louder voice." All the boys mumbled an apology before running off. You pulled on Zayn and linked your arm back with his. "Sorry babe, you now I can get protective." You smiled and stood on your tip toes to kiss him. "I know, it's very attractive too." His smile grew and he kissed back more hungrily. "Home," he panted against your lips. The two of you quickly got home, Zayn wanting to show you that you were his and his only.


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