He finds out you been raped/ got raped while he was on tour

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Liam: Tell him. You think to yourself. You had to tell Liam what happened while he was in America. But you were afraid of his reaction. You sucked it up and knocked on the door to the bedroom where he was getting some rest. Or so you thought, he was doing a twitcam. "Hey Liam I have to-Oh." "Hey everyone, (y/n) is here! What did you want to tell me?" He looked so happy, you didn't want to tell him. "Oh uh nothing. I'll wait until you're done," "No! Tell me now!" He said grabbing your arm. "Liam, no, It's kind of personal," He looked at you concerned now. "Awesome twitcam guys! I have to go now but see you soon!" He clicked it off "What's wrong?" "I really don't know how to say this, but here it goes, While you were on tour my friends dragged me out to a club. They said I needed to get out and not mope around the whole time you were gone. At the club there was this guy who kept looking at me. Finally, he came up to me and he started doing some things that I wasn't really OK with. I couldn't find my friends and next thing I knew I was on the bathroom floor with nothing on. I'm sorry Liam," You say. He pulls into a hug "Don't be sorry, its not your fault. If anything it's my fault. I wasn't there to protect you and I love you so much (y/n). Next time you are definitely coming on tour with me, "

Harry: You were at Harry's and things were getting pretty heated. You were on the couch and Harry started leaning on top of you, pushing you down on the couch. This brought back an all too familiar scenario you had when you were about 14. Last time this happened you didn't say anything and you ended up getting hurt. You didn't want that again. "Harry please stop," You say. He didn't listen and went up your shirt, "Harry please," He stopped and looked at you, "Alright I give up. What's wrong?" You bite your lip, "I just don't feel comfortable. Last time this happened I got hurt. I don't want to get hurt again," "You've done this before?" Harry asks. "I didn't want to. But yeah," You say. He suddenly realizes what you mean. "Oh, babe, I'm so sorry. Trust me, if I knew I wouldn't have ever even thought about it. I promise you I won't do anything unless you're ready," "Thank you Harry," You say kissing him, thankful you have a boyfriend like him.

Louis: You were at the park with Louis walking, having an amazing time when you saw someone that wasn't on your good list. "Louis can we go home?" You ask. "Why?" He asks. "I just don't feel comfortable anymore, please?" You hadn't told Louis the horrible story of what happened while he was on tour. "What do you mean?" Louis asks. You were growing impatient and the guy was walking towards you now. "Louis please? Lets just go!" You practically cry. He stops asking question and pulls you away. He walks you to a tree and you sit by it. "Ok, we're away. Now can you tell me why you just had a freak out?" "While you were on tour that guy was not very nice to me," You say not wanting to say the actual word. "(y/n)," "Yes?" "Did that guy hurt you?" You look at the ground. "Kind of," Louis gets up leaving you by the tree. You see him on the phone and then he comes back smiling. "What did you do?" He shakes his head, "Let's just say he won't be roaming the streets for a while,"

Zayn: You were lying in bed with Zayn just talking about anything and everything. "What's your biggest secret?" Zayn asks you. Now, you could lie and make something up, OR you could tell him the awful truth. He was being really honest with you and your better judgment got to you. You told him the truth, "I was raped," He sits up a bit, "When? Are you ok?" "Yeah Zayn, I'm fine now. And it was only like 3 years ago. It was my fault anyway, I was dressed in some pretty revealing clothes," Now he really sits up. "Don't ever say that. Your outfit never has anything to do with rape. A lot of girls get caught in that same situation and they wear sweatpants or they're completely covered up. I'm just really glad that you're ok and with me," "Yeah, I'm glad too,"

Niall: Niall wanted to take you to this restaurant but you refused to go. You had very bad memories with that restaurant. "Niall can't we just go to Nando's?" "No! I want to take you somewhere else for a change," "Niall seriously I don't want to go," He looks disappointed, "Fine." You two sit on the couch in complete silence. You look around the room. You try to inch closer to him but he gets up. You don't want this to ruin the relationship so you blurt it out, "I was raped at that restaurant. In the alley behind it. That's why I don't want to go," Niall stops and turns around, "Why didn't you just say that?" "I was scared. I'm sorry," "Don't be sorry. I'm sorry that happened to you," "It's ok, Niall. I just don't like that place," He nods "I understand, So Nando's?" He kisses you, "Nando's" You smile.


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