He gives you a promise ring

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Niall: Your eyes fluttered open caused by the blinding light flooding into your room. You squinted checking the clock, 8:34 AM. You groaned. Your class started at 9 and you had to get going. You rolled over to see Niall. His back was facing you but he was awake. He was playing with something in his hands. "Niall?" you whispered. "Hm? Oh goodmorning babe!" he said cheerfully rolling over and putting his hands behind his back. "What are you up to?" you asked him cheekily. Without a word he slowly brought his hands up from behind his back. In his hands was a beautiful ring. It was pure silver and had an infinity sign on it. "Y/N. I love you so much, and I know it's too early to tell. But I know for a fact that we are going to be together forever," he said holding the ring out shaking a little bit. You smiled, "I love you Niall." "Now and forever?" he asked slipping the ring onto your finger. "Now and forever."

Zayn: "Why are you taking me here Zayn?" you asked rubbing you arms with your hands. It was a chilly, winter night and Zayn made you stop your studying and come to your secret rooftop. He was silent for awhile. He grabbed your hand and led you out. "Do you remember this place Y/N?" he asked handing you his jacket. "Of course I do Zayn. This is where we had our first kiss," you replied scanning the city lights from above. "That's right..." he said reaching in his pocket. "Y/N. Will you take this promise ring?" he asked you holding it out. It was beautiful, you were speechless. You nodded not able to say a thing. "I love you Y/N. And with this ring you will always know it."

Harry: "How about the ferris wheel babe?" Harry suggested. You smiled and nodded. He grabbed you hand and walked towards the ticket booth. You were at the annual fair with Harry and you two were having a blast. "Thank you," you said thanking the man who opened the carriage door. "Have fun you two," he winked closing the door leaving you and Harry alone the carriage. You were sitting across from Harry because it was too cramped to sit next to each other. "Now is the perfect time to give you this," he said taking something from his coat pocket, "Y/N, we've only been going out for 6 months now but I want you to know that I love you and always will. Will you do me the honor in taking this promise ring?" light flickered in his eyes hoping you'd say yes. "Of course I will!" you said kissing him hard against the carriage's door.

Liam: 2 hours. 2 hours of laughing, story-telling, and just plain talking with your amazing boyfriend. And it would all be coming to an end. "I can't stand the thought of you leaving for tour tomorrow," you said tears glistening in your eyes. "I know babe I know," he said getting down on one knee. "I know I'm going on tour but I'll be back before you know it. I'll call you every day and we can even video chat and facetime every so often. I want you to know that me going on tour won't change anything between us. As long as you have this," he said displaying a beautiful ring with a sparkling diamond right in the middle, "Know that I will always love you."

Louis: "Thank you for the amazing dinner babe," you said to Louis from across the table. "I'm glad you enjoyed love," he said walking over to you. "What-what are you doing Lou" you asked confused. He got down on one knee and you gasped. You loved Louis with all your heart but you didn't think you were ready to get married! "Don't worry Y/N. I'm not proposing," he said reaching in his pocket. "But I did want to get you a ring. We've been together for quite awhile now and think that we should have some sort of commitment. I bought you a promise ring so that you know that I'm only yours and nobody elses. I love you and I know that you love me as long as you wear this," he said placing it on your finger. "Then I am never taking it off."


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