You fight with his ex but he takes her side part 2 *requested*

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Here's part 2 that you guys wanted. I hope you guys like it. I love you guys no matter❤️😘


His POV: I can't believe that just happened. That's not like Y/n at all to act out in front of everyone.

"I'm really sorry Taylor." I said as she smiled at me which I thought was really weird.

"It's okay." She began rubbing her cheek. "Since you're here. Do you wanna catch up?"

"Sure why not." I nodded.

As the two of us talked I noticed out of the corner of my eye a woman talking to her younger girl who was crying. I hate seeing little ones upset. Just then I saw her and her mother look at me and asked me to go over to the table.

"I'll be right back Taylor." I said.

Before she could say anything I walked over to the table with the little on and her mom and the mother spoke up, "Sit down please."

"Is everything okay?" I asked confused.

"No." The little girl whimpered. "She's mean."

"Who's mean sweetheart?" I questioned rubbing her arm.

She pulled away from me and buried her face in her mother's shoulder. I'm so confused right now I have no idea what's going on.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I asked.

The mother whispered something in her daughter's ear and she looked up at her. She shook her head yes before looking at me.

"Taylor was very mean to me." She began. "All I wanted was an autograph from your girlfriend. She's my favorite person ever. I look up to her and I want to be just like her. So when I asked her for her autograph of course she said yes because she's amazing. So I started to cry. Then Taylor came over and told me that she was the real superstar and she suggested I get her autograph instead. She was so mean to me and Y/n."

Her mother hugged her as she cried in her arms. I was dumbfounded.

"She called me a brat." She cried.

"I'm so sorry little one." I began biting my lip. "I had no idea she was so mean to you."

"You didn't know Harry because you didn't give your girlfriend a chance to explain what happened." The mother began rubbing her daughters back. "If you had you would have known that Taylor was the one who started. She actually slapped your girlfriend across the face right before you turned around and saw what you did."

"What?" I asked feeling a rush of guilt come over me.

"Taylor slapped Y/n." The little girl whimpered a tear falling down her cheek. "All she was doing was sticking up for me and Taylor slapped her. And then you yelled at her. It's all my fault."

"Oh god no." I whispered kneeling in front of her. "It's not your fault at all. If it's anybody's fault it's Taylor's and mine."

"But if I would have just left her alone..." She began still crying. "Taylor would have left her alone and you guys wouldn't be fighting."

"I'll make this right little one I promise okay." I began. "Look at me."

She looked over at me and I began to speak again saying, "Let me go deal with Taylor and then maybe you can help me get Y/n to forgive me, yeah?"

A smile lit up her little face and I knew I had won her over again.

"I'll be right back." I smiled kissing her forehead.

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