he admits he likes you/ ask you out in a twitcam

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Harry: "Do a twitcam with me, butt head," Harry says, poking your nose. "Fiiiine, slut bag," you say with a laugh. You squeeze in next to him on the couch and he signs on to twitcam. "Hellooo! This is Harry and (Y/N) reporting from my living room," Harry says, waving to the viewers. Soon, tweets are pouring in. "HARRY IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" "HARRY!!! ARE YOU DATING (Y/N)?!!?" "(Y/N) IS REALLY HOT!" You both read the comments, laughing occasionally. "No, calm your ovaries, girls, I'm not dating him," you say, leaning on his shoulder. "@FUCKMEHARRY69 wants you to ask me out before she cuts your balls off with a steak knife," you laugh, reading one of the tweets. Harry turns to you and smiles. "Well, thats motivation," he says. "Why aren't we dating?" You think for a moment and shrug. "I dunno, you should probably get at me before all them boys be lining up," you joke. "Okay, well, truth is we get on really well and I actually do like you, and FUCKMEHARRY69 is threatening me, so...." he smiles and laughs. "No, but seriously, I actually fancy you. Would you...want to date..?" You smile and nod. "Sounds good, but if you mess with me I'm calling @FUCKMEHARRY69 and her steak knife and I'll help her chop off your balls," you joke and he laughs, putting his arm around you.

Zayn: Zayn was on twitcam, having been pretty bored, and you were in the background making yourself a milkshake. He'd begged you to join him, but you didn't feel like it. The fans didn't really know you, and you were sure they'd judge you right away. Zayn's reading tweets, and he starts reading them to you. "They all want to know who 'that girl in the background is'," Zayn says, turning to look at you. "Oh, and @JACKJACK123 says you've got a nice ass," he adds blushing. You laugh and smile. "Thank you Jack Jack 123!" you call out. Zayn laughs and turns back to the camera. "That girl in the background is my good friend (Y/N), and yes, she does have a nice ass, you're right JACKJACK123, you cheeky fellow," You turn on the blender and finish making your milkshake. "(Y/N), get your 'nice ass' over here and onto the twitcam! Everyone keeps tweeting and asking about you," Zayn calls out. You take a sip of your milkshake and roll your eyes. "Fiiine, but if people start being mean, I'm leaving!" you plop down on the kitchen chair next to him and sit your milkshake on the table. "Can I have a sip?" Zayn asks. You nod and he drinks some. "Mmmm...delicious!" Suddenly, tweets are pouring in, complimenting you and asking if you and Zayn are dating. "Aw, they think we'd be a cute couple," you read. "I think we would, too, actually," Zayn says, turning to you and biting his lip. "Do you?" you say, raising an eyebrow. "I do...I've been thinking that for a while...would you want to test out that theory?" You take a sip of your milkshake and smile. "You mean, be your girlfriend? I'd quite like that," you answer. He smiles brightly and pulls you closer to him, putting his arm around your waist protectively.

Liam: "(Y/N) pleeeease come on twitcam?" Liam begs, looking over his laptop screen to where you're sitting on the couch eating cereal and reading a magazine. "No! I look like a mess!" you reply, pointing at your pony tail and sweat pants. "Aw! You do not! You look beautiful as usual," he adds with a blush. You smile at his comment, but shake your head. "If I get #(Y/N)JoinTheTwitcam trending, will you join me?" Liam asks. "Whatever," you reply, turning a page in the magazine and taking a bite of cereal. Literally one minute later, he shows you his phone where #(Y/N)JoinTheTwitcam is trending #3 Worldwide. "Holy shit..." you laugh, reluctantly joining him on twitcam. "Liam, you're lucky I'm not a liar, because I look absolutely terrible right now," you mumble, hiding your face as you join him on the twitcam screen. "Stop saying that! You look gorgeous," he says. "In fact, so gorgeous, that I feel like confessing something to you." You raise an eyebrow. "Yeah? What?" He smiles and puts his hand over yours. "I actually...I have a huge crush on you...and I wanted to know if you'd...go out with me..." he says nervously. "Really?" you ask, smiling. He nods. "Really..." You wrap him in a hug. "Of course."

Niall: "(Y/N)! HELP! MY HEAD IS STUCK IN MY HOODIE!" Niall shouts. You look over at him, where's on twitcam and laugh. After telling him to stop being a slut and put something on, since he'd been doing a shirtless twitcam, he'd obliged. His arms were half in the hoodie and his head was buried in the red cotton. "NIALLER! HOW DID YOU EVEN?" you laugh and walk away from the television and go to help him. You hear him laughing as you pull his hoodie over his head, so he can see again. "Thank you (Y/N). You're my hero," he says smiling. "I better be your hero. Since I saved you, you owe me a reward," you tell him. "Yeah? What kind of reward?" he asks, pulling you down so you're sitting on his lap. "Make me a sandwich," you laugh. "Actually, I was thinking something else," Niall says with a laugh. "What was that?" you reply curiously. "This." he pulls you close to him and presses his lips on yours. A minute later you pull away. "Niall, we're on twitcam," you smile, blushing. "Right." he says, almost as if he'd forgotten. "So...does that mean you will go out with me?" he asks, ruffling his hair with a smile, cheeks red. "I guess it does," you say with a smile, pulling his hood over his head and skipping away with a laugh.

Louis: "Come on twitcam!" Louis shouts to you, you look up from where you're all snuggled in blankets by the fire place reading a book and shake your head. "No! I'm all warm and toasty," you reply, sticking out your tongue. Louis groans and looks back to the twitcam screen, reading some comments. "Oh look, 'Lou, who are you talking to??!!' asks @niallshowmeyourluckycharms," Lou reads. "Hmm...I'm talking to (Y/N), my beautiful and fabulous and amazing friend who won't join my twitcam." He looks over at you and bats his eyelashes jokingly. "Ass kissing gets you noooo where," you sing, laughing and going back to your book. "If you won't come to twitcam, twitcam will come to you," Louis sings, picking up his laptop and plopping down next to you. You laugh and wave to the viewers. "Cuddle with me," you tell Louis, patting the place next to you among the blankets. "I don't cuddle with strangers," he says jokingly, moving closer and snuggling next to you under the blanket. "I'll cuddle with you if you'll be my girlfriend." You look over at him and raise an eyebrow. "You're already cuddling with me. You suck at bribery." He laughs and shrugs. "I know, I know. Will you...be my girlfriend anyway?" he asks, his cheeks turning pink. "Of course." you say with a smile, leaning onto his chest. "Oops. Forgot we were on twitcam," Louis says, looking back at the laptop. "Um..so..yeah...it's official. Me and (Y/N)," Louis mumbles, smiling. "You heard it here first!" you say in your best reporter voice.


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