The things he loves about your personality *requested*

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Niall:You have a great sense of humor. You never stop laughing, which is good, because he loves your laugh. Not a single awkard moment is shared between the two of you, because any silence is filled with bursts of laughing, no matter the occasion.

Zayn:You're fragile. Always aware of your surroundings, always aware of what you're feeling. He likes that. He likes that you stepped out of your boundaries and let him have you as his own. He likes the way he has to be careful around you, it gives him time to think, time to say what he wants to instead of screwing everything up and hurting you when he doesn't mean to.

Harry:You're sweet, innocent. You don't think the way other people do. You always look for the good in things rather than seeing right to the bad. You're different than most people he encounters. And that's what he likes. He is determined to keep you safe, handle your mind and heart with care, because he doesn't want to mess with your innocence.

Liam:You're loving. Always caring for him, watching out for him and the people you love. He sees great potential in you as a mother. But he likes to care for you, when you are too busy caring for others. He likes to make sure you're happy, and safe, so he can return the love you give to him.

Louis:You're classy. From the way you act to the way you dress, you're classy. You hold a large amount of respect towards yourself and towards others, and he wouldn't want it any other way. He likes that you hold value to the little things. Cherishing every moment the two of you spend together, making every second worth it.


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