His ex says something mean to you and he defends you

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Louis: You and Louis decide to go to a restaurant after he finished at the studio. You both get seated and you decide to order. "I would like to have Burger and some fries please and a medium coke." You said to the waitress. The waitress left with both of your guys order. Then you hear "are you sure that you should have order that burger because I think that you should loose some weight." When you look up you saw Jenny, Louis ex girlfriend. You were about to say something until Louis spoke up. "Y/N could order anything she wants.she is perfect. she doesn't need to loose weight she is perfect the way she is." With that Jenny left angry and you and louis were both smiling. "Thanks Louis for defending me." "You welcome my love."

Niall: Niall decided to take you on a date. You got ready and got all beautiful for the date. You and Niall got to the restaurant and order. You both were sitting there and talking until your food came. You were having a nice conversation until Niall's ex Emily comes up to the table. "Hey Niall, Hi Y/N." she said. You both said hi at the same time and you wanted her to leave. " Y/N I think you should have gotten a bigger size on that dress. It looks small, hopefully you got a salad for you could loose some weight." "Emily I don't you should talk to her like that. She doesn't need a bigger size that size is perfect on her maybe you should have gotten a bigger size on your dress because yours look small." Niall said defending you. Emily left like she didn't care. "Thanks" "You welcome, nobody talks to my princess like that."

Zayn: You and Zayn were on a date. The date was walking around the park and having a good time. While walking you both spotted his ex, Brittany. Brittany came up to you and was acting all nice to Zayn and flirting with him to but he didn't flirt back. While being all nice to Zayn she was being mean to you. She would not even look at you or talk to you. She was about to leave but she made one last comment. "Y/N you should really put on more makeup. Nobody was to she your ugly face and flaws." "Brittany hold on she doesn't need more makeup. She doesn't have a ugly she is beautiful. You're the one with the ugly face and you look like cake with all that makeup on." Zayn said. Brittany had tears in her eyes and left.

Liam: You and Liam hade a simple ice-cream date. He took you to the ice cram parlor to get ice cream and have a good talk in there. You had a double scoop of ice cream in cup and so did Liam. You heard the bell ring from the door and you knew that someone just walked in. You didn't expect to be Liam's ex, Andrea. Instead of her going to order her ice cream she came up to your guys table. Instead of saying hi to both of you guys she just came to say something mean to you. "Are you sure that you should have gotta two scoops maybe you should have gotten one for you could loose a couple if pounds because you really need it." "She could have two scoops if she wants. She doesn't need to be on a diet or loose a couple of pounds. She would always be perfect. Maybe you should go in line and order your ice cream." Liam said really mad. She ran off to the line and you both left the shop and you had a smile in your face that Liam defend you

Harry: Harry's ex, Ashley came up to you while you and Harry where having a lunch date. You were wearing some shorts and a simple shirt. You both were in line for ordering your lunch and that's when Harry's ex came behind you guys on line. "Hey Y/N you should really order something with low calories because you have some big thighs and they don't look good with those shorts. "Ashley she could order whatever se wants your are not the boss of her and by the way she doesn't have big thighs. So you probably leave now." Ashley left the restaurant and you both have a very good lunch.


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