Unable to sleep

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Liam: It was one of those nights were you really needed to sleep, but you just couldn't. No matter how hard you tried, all you could do was stare into the darkness, waiting for the alarm to go off. You had too much on your mind. In less than 48 hours, you and Liam were getting married. You had so much to do in the next 2 days, and you really needed to be well rested, but your excitement was stopping you from sleeping at all. "Are you awake?" you whispered, hoping that next to you, Liam was awake as well. "Yeah," he answered quickly, "I just keep thinking over too much." "Me too," you responded, glad to know you were not alone in your millions of thoughts, "I don't think I'll sleep at all tonight or tomorrow." "Me either." Suddenly a thought made you laugh. "What?" "We'll end up passing out at our wedding." Liam now laughed as well, "It could be a interesting memory."

Louis: After having a stupid argument with Louis, you couldn't sleep. It was such a small fight, over the simplest little thing, but it wasn't resolved. You'd both go to bed upset, and that was horrible to you. You never wanted to do that. It felt wrong to sleep, while next to you Louis thought you were mad at him. Louis was sound asleep though. He had no trouble at all passing out after everything that had happened. Knowing you'd never get any rest without saying sorry, you had no choice but to wake him up. "What do you want [Y/N]?" Louis asked, while still half asleep, "I was sleeping." "I just wanted to say sorry," you said, and instantly you felt better, "I didn't want to go to sleep without saying that." "Okay, sorry too," Louis mumbled, before going right back to sleep. You sighed to yourself, as you laid down comfortable on your pillow. Maybe now you'd finally fall asleep.

Niall: "This cold is horrible," you said to Niall, as he brought you a glass of water. It was close to 4 in the morning, and you'd yet to sleep for even ten minutes. Every time you tried, you'd end up sneezing or coughing like crazy. "Yeah, and you need your sleep," Niall replied, while you took a sip of the water, "It would help you get better." "I know," you answered sadly, as your entire body ached. It was truly the worst cold you'd ever had, and you really wished the medicine you were taking would just knock you out already, so you could get some rest. "Maybe you'll sleep better during the day," Niall commented, when you handed him the empty glass, "Just stay in bed today, and maybe you'll sleep sooner or later." You laid down on your pillow, knowing you weren't going to sleep, and sighed, "I hope so."

Zayn: "One day, I'm going to be able to sleep again, and I'm going to be so, so happy," you whispered to Zayn, your husband, as you rocked your newborn child back to sleep, after yet another feeding. It was the 4th one tonight, and you just didn't know how much longer you could go. You felt like soon, you would just pass out, and not wake up for many, many hours. You didn't have that option though. You had no bottles prepared, that Zayn coud use, if you weren't awake. For now, the only option, was for you to wake up every single time your child was hungry. And at the moment, that was every single hour; which left you with very little time to sleep in between. "I'm sorry [Y/N]. I know you're tired. This growth spurt shouldn't last long though, and then you can go back to every 3 hours or so. Like before." You smiled at that thought. Only a few more days. "I'd give anything for 3 hours of sleep right now."

Harry: Taking a flight from one end of the world to the other, and then hopping on yet another hours long flight, was exhausting. You had trouble sleeping on planes, so it had been many, many hours since your last good rest. By the time you landed at your destination, you could barely keep your eyes open, "I'm so tired." Harry didn't need you to tell him that. For about 6 hours now, he knew you were barely keeping yourself awake. He'd seen you drifting off more than once, and knew all you wanted was to land your head on a pillow, and pass out. "We're going right to the hotel. You'll be able to sleep in about an hour." An hour seemed like so far away. You knew you couldn't make it. "I think I'll use your shoulder as a pillow and take a quick nap in the car." Harry smiled at you, "Sure Baby. You really do need to sleep. And tomorrow we have a lot planned." You tried to look excited, but it was forced, "Sleep first, excitement tomorrow,"


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