He's stressed out *requested*

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Liam: Liam walked into your apartment, and not even acknowledging that you're standing on the other side of the door, pushes past and collapses on the couch, then proceeds to bury his head in his hands. You walk over to him and pull his head out of his hands, brushing his hair away from his face. He looks at you with his big brown eyes, and his eyebrows scrunch together. You sit down in his lap and begin to stroke his cheek, and he leans his face into your palm. "You wanna talk about it babe?" You ask, your eyebrows scrunching in concern. "Well it started out after I left this morning..." He begins softly, looking down at his hands.You sit there, with your head on his shoulder, and listen to everything that went wrong with his day. "And then when I woke up in the car, Harry had spilled tea on my pants." He finishes, looking like he was about to cry. "Ok Lili," you say, looking him in the eye, "how about I make your favorite meal, and put on Toy Story, while you go clean up?" He smiles at you, and kisses your cheek. "Sounds like a plan."

Harry: Harry comes into your apartment with fresh tear tracks on his cheeks. You drop the plate of food you're carrying and run over to him, quickly taking his head in your hands and wiping away the tears on his face. He drops his stuff on the floor and wraps his arms around you waist, more tears quickly replacing the ones that you had just wiped away. He quickly buried his head in your neck, and you could feel the tears wetting your shirt. The two of you sink to the floor, him still nestled in your arms. "Harry," you say softly. He just squeezes you tighter. You sigh and say "Harry." a little more firmly. "Stop." He keeps crying. "Stop." You say, pulling his face away from your neck. He just looks at you, tears still brimming his eyes. "What is going on?" You say, running your fingers through his curls. "I did terribly at the studio, management's mad at me, and I got a fresh batch of hate served to me today." He says miserably, looking down. You smile slightly. "Harry, everyone has off days, managements ALWAYS mad at you five, and haters gonna hate, you just can't let it get to you." He just keeps crying. You keep running your fingers through his hair, and you say softly, "I think you are amazing in every way, and you sing beautifully, and you have to be the handsomest man alive." He laughs slightly, and the tears stopped flowing. He pulls you into his arms and the two of you stay in the entry way, talking on the floor until the two of you fall asleep.

Niall: You're on your couch reading when a very tired, messy Niall slumped in through the front door. He closed the door then immediately fell back against it, sliding to the ground. You put the book down, and walk over, sliding down next to him, then taking his hand in yours, gently rubbing your thumb in circles on the back of his hand. You don't speak, not even when the tears start to fall. You simply just let your head rest on his shoulder, letting him know you're there for him. He puts his face in your hair, still crying. The two of you just sit there, together, until he's done. When he lifts his head, you look up at him and wipe away the remaining tears that linger on his face. When some more appear in his eyes, you pull him back to you, and say softly in his ear, "tomorrow will be better." He pulls away and looks at you again. "But what if it's not?" He asks. "Then we say it again tomorrow. Because it might be. You never know. At some point, tomorrow will be better." You say, brushing his hair out of his face. He smiles at you, then says, "I'm in love with a smart girl." You smile and kiss him softly, then say, "I love you too." He smiles under your fingers. "Thanks, princess." He whispers, kissing your forehead. "No problem." You say, standing and pulling him up with you. "How about you go get cleaned up," you say, straightening your shirt, "and I will dry my hair, and we go to Nandos?" He smiles even wider and kisses you before running off into the bathroom. You laugh quietly, and then follow suit.

Louis: You notice that your boyfriend has been coming home really stressed out and uptight. Louis doesn't want to do anything besides eat And sleep. You suppose the schedule is really hard on him and management isn't really easy on him either, so you develop a plan. One day you go out and buy two nerd guns. You take one for yourself, then you lay the other one on the table with a note that says "Welcome home love! I have graciously left you this weapon. The games begin now. Love, Y/N." That entire night you two chase and hunt each other all over the apartment complex, and by the time you're done, Louis is laughing and totally relaxed. When you two climb into bed, he takes you in his arms and whispers in your ear "thanks love. You always know exactly what I need." You smile and say "that's my job," before lightly pecking his lips and drifting off to sleep.

Zayn: The door to your flat burst open, causing you to jump in surprise. Your boyfriend Zayn walked into your arms, not even bothering to close the door, and buried his head into your shoulder. You sigh and wrap your arms around his neck, feeling the tense muscles there. You begin to rub them. Once they've loosened a little, Zayn looks up at you. You laugh and say, "Go watch some tv while I make dinner." And he all too willingly obliges. Once the two of you are sitting at the table and eating, he begins to rant to you about everything that went wrong in the past week. You had no idea that he was this stressed. Once he's finished, you think for a minute. "Babe," you start, "maybe we should get away." He looks up into your eyes. "Just the two of us?" He asks, arching an eyebrow. "Just the two of us." Zayn jumps up from the table and grabs a globe and spins it. "Put your finger on it." He says, and you do, a little confused. It lands on Fiji. "Start packing babe, we leave tomorrow morning, bright and early." He says, and your eyes widen. "We are going to fiji?" You ask. He nods, and says, "tomorrow morning!" You bolt from the table and start rage packing. The trip turns out beautifully, and Zayn is more relaxed than ever.


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