Going to a haunted house together

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Zayn: "I'm fine. I'm not scared at all," you stated, as Zayn reached for your hand, thinking you may be scared walking through the dark hallway you were in. But as soon as those words left your mouth, a man wearing a dark masked jumped out at you from behind a wall. "AHH!" You screamed, while falling into Zayn's arms. He held onto you, while laughing at your reaction. "I thought you weren't scared at all?"

Louis: "Can I open my eyes yet?" You asked quietly, as Louis led you through the scariest haunted house you had ever been in. You were okay with the first half of the house, but the second part had been just a little too much. "Not yet. We're almost out," Louis answered quietly, as he spotted the exit ahead. He took only one more step though, before something that he had not seen fell from the ceiling and landed right on you. "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF ME!"

Harry: You leaned in as close to Harry as you possibly could, as you walked through a house that seemed more like a maze. "This is more confusing than scary," Harry stated, while you both stopped at a hallway, which went both ways. "I don't know, I think it's kinda scary," you replied, while holding onto Harry tightly. Sure it wasn't horribly scary, but any excuse to be in Harry's arms was a good one. "I'd hate to see you in a real haunted house," Harry responded, putting an arm protectively around you, "Lets try this way."

Liam: "This is the worst haunted house ever," Liam said, while the two of you walked through the house. So far you'd seen a lot of fake cobwebs and pumpkins, but nothing to make it truly scary. You nodded, "I don't even think anyone is in here to jump out at us and make it a little scarier." "There's a mummy over there," Liam pointed out, as he motioned towards a doll wrapped in toilet paper in the corner of the room. You rolled your eyes, "Oh yeah, that's so scary." Liam walked over to the doll, and laughed at how non-scary it truly was, "Are we supposed to be scared of all this?" "I think so."

Niall: Stepping into the haunted house, you automatically felt your heart beating faster, and you reached for Niall's hand, "Stay close to me please." "I'm right here," Niall reassured you, squeezing your hand for a moment. You stepped a little further into the room slowly, so scared of what was going to happen. You felt your heart pounding loudly, "I'm such a chicken." "It's okay, it's all just...." Niall's words were cut short, by someone jumping infront of the two of you holding a fake chainsaw, causing you to scream loudly. You turned to Niall, and hugged him tightly, burying your head into his shoulder, "Can we please hurry and get out of here?!"

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