You and your boyfriend break up

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Harry: You were over at your best friend, Harry's, house and you were having a laugh. The two of you had been best friends since Pre-School, and you told him everything. Today, you were watching some older movies and eating popcorn, when your phone vibrated. You picked it up, seeing that you had one new message from your boyfriend. It read "(Y/N), don't take this the wrong way, but I think we need to break up. Please don't cause drama." You felt the air rush out of your lungs, and Harry looked over. "You alright, love?" he asked, placing a gentle hand on your arm. You shook your head, and tossed him your phone. He read the message in silence, and suddenly stood up. Your boyfriend was one of Harry's close friends, and Harry was appauled that he would do that to such a wonderful girl. He walked out the door and told you not to follow him. A few hours later, after you called him 6 times, Harry walked through the door. You jumped up and ran over to him, about to ask what happened, when he shushed you. "(Y/N), you deserve someone so much better than that." Harry just shook his head, put his arms around you, and held you while you cried. You swore that you could hear him say "I love you", but you weren't sure...

Niall: You were out for dinner with a few of your friends, and your best friend, Niall. You were having a great time, celebrating your other friend's birthday. You had left your phone in the car so you could focus on your friends for a while. After you left the restuarant, you saw that you had missed 5 calls from your boyfriend. Concerned that something happened, you called him right away. You were now in the passanger seat of Niall's car, and waiting for your boyfriend to pick up his phone. When he did, he told you that he no longer loved you, and had found someone worth his while. You dropped your phone into your lap without hanging up, from shock. You started to shake, and all of a sudden, you were bawling. Niall reached across the car and picked up your phone. "Hello?" he said, not sure who it was, "Yeah it is.... Excuse me?! You have no right to call her that. She is perfect and beautiful and she deserves someone ten times better than you." you looked up from your lap in shock. You had never heard Niall say anything like that before, and you didn't know what to say. "(Y/N), he is scum He doesn't deserve someone like you." You nodded you head, and your body shook from crying. He reached across you, and pulled you into him. You cried into his chest for a long time, until he pulled away. "(Y/N), I love you. I always have. I'll never hurt you, and I'll always keep you safe." still, you didn't know what to say. So, you nodded and pecked him on the cheek, lucky to have him.

Zayn: You were a waitress at Olive Garden, and your shift was almost over, You were so excited to get off work, because today was your boyfriend's birthday. You were staring off into space, when somebody snapped. "Hey, (Y/N), somebody's at your table." you snapped out of your daydream about your perfect boyfriend, and grabbed a notepad to take orders. When you got to the table, you were happy to see your best friends, Zayn and (Y/B/F/N). They both smiled up at you. "Welcome to Olive Garden. I'm (Y/N), and I'll be your waitress tonight!" you said cheekily. They both laughed and acted like they didn't know you. They continued doing this for the rest of the time, making you enjoy your last hour of work. After they were done eating, you went to go clear the table. You walked up to them, smiling, to see that both of their faces had fallen. (Y/B/F/N) was looking over your shoulder, glaring. You turned and saw your boyfriend with another girl. Not only that, but they were kissing. Zayn went to say something to you, but you marched away, and right up to your boyfriend. "Excuse me sir, but I think you may be cheating on someone, with HER." you pointed at the girl he was lip-locking with. He turned around with a shocked face. "(Y/N), I... I promise it's not-" "Oh it's not what it looks like? Seriously? You've got to have a better excuse than that." you were yelling, not caring who heard. You slapped him across the face, turned on your heel and walked away. Not far behind you, Zayn walked up to him, flipped him off, and then said "Buddy, if I had her, I'd treat her like gold." He followed you to your car and drove home before staying with you for the rest of the night. He held you until you had stopped crying.

Louis: You had always been very close with your best friend, Louis. Over the years, you found that a lot of your boyfriends had been extremely jealous of him. Now that you had been through a couple of bad relationships, Louis had become extremely protective over you. When you started dating your currently boyfriend, Louis told you straight up that he did not like him, and he didn't trust him. You told to to stop worrying, and you didn't really care. You thought Louis was just being sassy. Now, you were on your couch in the fetal position, crying your eyes out. Your boyfriend had called you and told you that you were boring, pathetic, ugly and stupid. You didn't want to tell Louis, because you really weren't in the mood for "I told you so." After about an hour of crying, you went upstairs to grab a new tissue box, and saw that you had missed 14 calls and had 20 texts from Louis. You picked up your phone and called him. He picked it up right away, and you didn't even need to say anything. He could hear your sniffles. He was at your flat in a matter of minutes, prepared with ice cream, chick-flicks, and tissues. The second you opened your front door, you flung yourself at him, causing him to drop everything he was holding. He put a hand on the back of your head, and one on your lower back, soothingly rubbing you. He picked you up and carried you to the couch where you cuddled for the rest of the afternoon. He listened to you rant and vent, nodding and saying things when needed.Never once did he say "I told you so."

Liam: Liam Payne had been a part of your life since around the same time that you started dating your current boyfriend. Never once did you stop to consider that there might be some jealousy, and some tension. One night, you were at Liam's flat. You guys had watched movies and now you were baking. At around 11 PM, there was a knock at the door. You had flour all over your hands, so you let Liam go get it. It seemed like he had been downstairs at the door for a long time, so you leaned over the railing and listened. At first, you couldn't make out any words, but soon, you could hear Liam yelling at someone. Curious, you went down a few stairs and saw your boyfriend yelling at Liam. Your boyfriend noticed you and said "Well, speak of the bitch." Your heart shattered, and Liam lost it. "You have no right to call (Y/N) that! You have no right to call any girl that. You should be disgusted." You came down the last few stairs and asked what was going on. "Well (Y/N), let me tell you," your boyfriend started. Liam was almost shaking. "I came over here to ask why you were here, when you should be home with me, making ME cookies." you looked shocked, he never acted like this, "you're MY girl, and pretty boy here, is taking you away from me. " he gestured to Liam. "I don't want a girlfriend who isn't worth my while." That was it, Liam lost it. "Excuse me?!" he yelled, causing your boyfriend to jump a little "(Y/N) is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And she is sure as hell the best thing that has ever happened to you. If she was my girlfriend, I'd trust her. And I sure as hell wouldn't be a control freak who keeps her from her friends." And with that, Liam punched (Y/BF/N) in the face. He stumbled backwards, tripping over his own feet. "Consider this relationship over." Liam yelled, slamming the door, before your now ex boyfriend could get off the ground." You were in shock, and soon, you were bawling. Liam turned to you and wrapped his arms around you, holding you to his chest. "(Y/N), I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I love you. I always have." You looked up at him, through your tears and said "I love you too, Liam. I think I always have." and with that, you shared a passionate kiss.


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