Umbrella Maiden

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  Standing back from the doors, you watched as Heart and Diamond opened them, revealing a figure standing outside. Due to the rain that was pouring outside, the individual was soaking wet, yet they didn't seem to mind their current condition. Examining them, you saw that they had pastel-colored rainbow hair, which was styled in an unusual manner. Some strands of hair were wrapped around the top of their head while other strands hung loose and past the person's shoulders. Moreover, they could be no taller than four feet and six inches. Their dress featured the same coloration pattern and went just past their knees. A crème and blue colored shawl was wrapped around their shoulders, but their feet were bare, yet no dirt or mud lay on them. They were quite clean despite them being bare. Soon though their pale grey eyes cast their gaze on you and you couldn't exactly read their facial expression. Both brothers stared at the girl with their hands hovering just above the sabers at their sides.

"What is it that you want, child?" Heart questioned, his glare never lighting up.

She remained silent for a few moments before replying, "I merely would like some shelter from the harsh weather. You see I got lost in the plains and I found your castle. I'll only need to spend one night".

"And why should we grant you this shelter? One night is already asking for too much," the blue-headed male added.

The girl remained quite expressionless, as she turned her gaze back to you. Her hands were positioned behind her back, as she cocked her head to the side, seeming to examine you further. When she went to take another step forward, the brothers quickly had the sabers unsheathed and out in front of her. Halting her miniscule movement, the brothers questioned what was behind her back. She glanced between them before moving her hands forward and revealing a grey and pink umbrella. Twirling it in her hands, she merely waited for their next course of action. You found it rather odd that she had an umbrella, yet she was soaking from head to toe. There was no doubt that the brothers had a similar thought process as you, concerning this matter.

"Why didn't you use your umbrella? And since you have one, you don't need shelter here, so leave," Heart questioned.

"Ah, but you see the water goes through it," she stated, as she demonstrated with her hand.

To your surprise, her hand did indeed go right through the top of the umbrella. Retracting her right hand, she waited for the brothers' reply. You knew the brothers wouldn't grant her permission to stay here. She did seem rather odd, but then again the brothers were odd. Sending her back into the storm outside seemed a little too cruel, so you stepped forward towards her, much to the brothers' displeasure. Her grey eyes were glued to you, watching your every action, as though she was taking notes on your behavior. This merely tempted your curiosity, or maybe it was just the fact that you hadn't seen a new face for some time.

Now standing a few feet from her, you questioned, "What's your name?".

"Tipora," she replied simply while rocking back and forth on her feet in a childish manner.

"Well then Tipora, you're welcome to stay here," you stated, seeing the shocked and angered faces of the brothers out of the corners of your eyes.

You knew that your action was a foolish one, for she could be some monster in disguise, but you needed to do something to rebel against the males who isolated you in this castle. A smirk graced your features, as Heart and Diamond lowered their swords. Tipora walked forward now and followed you, as you led her to your old room. Reaching the first door at the top of the flight of stairs, you opened it revealing the bedroom that you once occupied. It seemed so foreign to you, since you hadn't entered this space for about a year. The girl seemed happy with where she would be staying, as she set down her umbrella and jumped onto the bed before quickly falling asleep. Chuckling at her action, you closed the door and went back down to the kitchen, which you slightly dreaded.

As your feet were just about to guide you to your chair, you glanced around confused, since you saw neither brother in the room already. Looking around the room again, you didn't notice two hands reaching out to grab the back of your shirt. Gasping in surprise, you found yourself being thrown into your chair while the two brothers sat on the table in front of you. Crossing your arms, you watched the two, hoping that they wouldn't do anything too drastic. When Heart only ate a piece of your raspberry coffee cake and Diamond just merely tapped his long fingernails against the table, you became slightly confused, though you didn't drop your guard. Not being able to take the silence anymore, you sighed and addressed the two twins.

"Alright, I know you two are currently angered by my actions, so tell me why you're just sitting there?".

"Ah, Diamond, it seems like our silence has finally gotten to her. What should we tell her?".

"Hmm, good question, brother. Should we state that she went against us once again this morning, mention how infuriated we are, or maybe announce what our next course of action is?".

Rolling your eyes at their response, you decided you had enough and went to get out of your chair, but Diamond cast a warning gaze on you, making you mumble some curse words before sitting back down. Growing impatient with them, you began tapping your foot against the ground in irritation until Heart finally jumped off the table and rested his hands on your shoulders. Diamond on the other hand got off of the table as well, but stood in front of you.

"Tell us, Miss ____, why did you let that girl in here?".

"Isn't it obvious? I'm tired of you two isolating me from everything that is outside this castle. Maybe if you two stopped being overprotective jerks, then I wouldn't be so inclined to go against your wishes".

"Don't call us such things; we're only doing that for your safety, my dear lady".

"Since when has cutting someone's face been considered a measure of protection?" you questioned, turning your head slightly and glaring at the blue head behind you.

Letting out a sigh, Diamond stood back a little from you before combing his right fingers through his hair. He cast his gaze over at his brother, who stared back. Heart's hands withdrew from your shoulders and walked back over to the table. Picking up your plate of food, he handed it to you, which caused you to question his action. Feeling the slight hunger in your stomach, you decided to overlook this behavior and finish your meal. You knew that the two brothers were whispering to each other. Hopefully, they weren't planning to kill Tipora secretly. The last thing you wanted was to cause a death that didn't need to happen. Placing another piece of raspberry coffee cake into your mouth, you began to wonder why you had developed feelings for the two twins that stood before you. After the defeat of Chroma, you thought their ways of tormenting you would slowly subside, but they never did. Instead they seemed to grow worse, as they became annoyingly overprotective. Would their games with you ever end, would you ever get a break? Such an occurrence seemed impossible or only a dream that you could hold in your mind.


Opening her eyes, Tipora cuddled into the soft sheets on the bed. Looking out the windows, she saw that she had been asleep for a few hours. Stretching, she sat up on the soft dark purple sheets, slightly annoyed at herself for falling asleep. She wasn't supposed to, but she couldn't help herself. Such a comfortable looking bed was too tempting to resist. Besides, she hadn't seen one in a week. Searching all the castles in the world was a tiring task, though she had finally found you. Finally, she laid her eyes on the one her master wanted. No more nagging reminders about how she needed to find you. Honestly, he was such an impatient man.

Glancing once more at the afternoon light, she sighed, knowing that she would have to wait until night to make her next move. She thought she was going to have fight the brothers at the entrance doors, but you had been kind enough to let her stay here. The only problem was how to get you from the brothers' grasp without their knowing. Like before, she didn't want to have to fight them. Fighting against two kings would surely mean her demise, since her master's other troops were quite a distance away. When she had first heard that Chroma had been killed a week ago, she couldn't believe her ears, yet her master's eyes seemed to glow with happiness at the news. At first she couldn't understand such happiness, but when she heard that you had been from another world, it made sense.

Never had a queen been chosen from another dimension. It was unlikely that you could cast spells like most in this world, but you could control the magic of your queen's weapon. In fact it was possible that your queen's weapon would be the strongest in this world yet. There was no doubt that her master wanted such power. Who wouldn't want to have the strongest queen's weapon on their side? With you on her master's side, it would be easy for him to overtake this world, though Tipora hadn't expected for you to be in the grasp of two kings. Not even her master knew such information, yet here you were under the wings of the King of Hearts and the King of Diamonds. It was surprising that they weren't trying to overtake the world, but then again considering their past it made sense. They were known to be sadistic souls, who merely desired entertainment. How you ended up with them was beyond her knowledge and she didn't really care. All she wanted was to take you to her master and get out of their domain. Such a task would prove rather difficult though and she quickly started going through various plans that would end successfully in your capture.

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