Observation of an Arrow

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  They stepped out of the stone tunnel after pulling a metal lever that lay next to a stone wall. The stones had moved to the sides, allowing them passage into the top levels of the castle. Light flooded their vision and all had to shield their eyes from the exposure. Fade had forgotten how much natural light penetrated the inside of the castle. Glass windows were separated from their fellow glass partners by beige marble pillars while intricate brass work covered the tops of the windows partially. One could almost picture the brass designs turning like cogs in a clock.

Greyish-brown marble tile was spread out over the ground. This flooring went in two directions, south and north. Remembering the layout of the castle, Fade took the brothers down the northern path. From what she could tell, they were on one of the highest levels. Having heard the harp, Fade knew that Umelius was two floors below them. Thus they walked down the hallway, though by now Diamond and Heart had placed their shoes back on their feet, seeing that their presence in the castle was already known. Besides they were getting tired of walking with only their socks on.

Soon the group of three came into a large open spaced room where more windows were abundant. Long windows in pairs of three, separated by intricate carved stonework, stood tall on the north and south sides of the room. On the far west wall was a large half-circle window that had brass metal-workings in the shapes of circles decorating it. A grand staircase of beige marble led up to the window, which overlooked the city of Valinquinia. Below the massive window and staircase were four arches that provided passage to the observer balcony beyond. Opposite the floor, the stone carved pillars transitioned into a stone ceiling and the grand details in the ceiling were easily spotted.

It was a beautiful tranquil space, but one figure disturbed the peacefulness of the room. Leaning on the top railing with a large grin adorning his face, Balthier looked down upon the three. Standing to his full height of 6'7, Balthier casually stretched out his arms before combing his left fingers through his shoulder length brown hair that was still tied into a side ponytail.

"So finally, I get to meet the Queen of Clover's companions, though I have to wonder why she would ever hang around individuals like you three. Then again the previous Queens of Clovers were always quite insane, though I sure am glad I decided to rest here after my long run to the castle. Let me introduce myself however; I'm Balthier, one of his majesty's elites and holding the second rank among the four. I shall prevent you three from reaching my master."

"Getting a little optimistic there, aren't you?" Fade voiced, moving her right hand to her left shoulder where her queen's weapon rested.

"Not at all, this room shall be your graves," he stated confidently, still wearing a large grin on his face while his red eyes gleamed.

Tired of this man already, Heart and Diamond unsheathed the swords at their sides. Heart was ready to run forward, but his brother stopped him. Giving his red-headed twin a questioning look, he wondered what his twin was doing.

"Heart, that man is a skilled ranger. He wants us to run at him, so he has a clear shot. Remember, we can't transport ourselves around in this room; this isn't our territory" Diamond whispered quietly, so that Balthier wouldn't overhear them.

"Then what shall we do?"

Fade had managed to hear their brief exchange and glanced back at Baltheir, who was beginning to grab his bow. They only had several seconds before he started firing; they needed a plan. Furthermore, they needed to get on equal ground with him. At the moment, he had the higher ground and the obvious advantage.

"Diamond, Heart, I have an idea. You two will run straight at him, do not veer off course. I know this sounds crazy, but just trust me," Fade quietly muttered to them.

Both stared at the girl like she had lost her mind, but Diamond's reddish-orange eyes caught the placement of her right hand. It rested upon her queen's weapon, which was both short and long range. Glancing back at the girl's determined expression, he began to understand the reasoning behind her mad request.

"Heart, I agree with Fade. It should work."

His mouth now slightly agape, Heart glanced between the two before he saw Balthier ready to fire two arrows. There was no time to think of another option. Still not quite understanding the logic behind this move, he just sighed and indicated that he would go along with it. Not a moment later, Diamond and Heart ran towards the archer, whose grin turned into a victorious smirk. Fade waited until the he released the arrows from the bow. One second, two seconds, three, then four and at last they were fired into the air. Zipping through the air towards their targets, the arrows were stopped and thrown across the room. She pulled her chain back and gazed up at the archer, whose grin faltered.

By now the brothers were near the grand staircase, though instead of running up the stairs, they ran in-between them. Balthier raised his eyebrow at this and began to string another two arrows. The tall man hoped that Fade's weapon wouldn't reach this far, however he didn't expect the brothers' next move. Diamond quickly sheathed his weapon before turning towards his brother and holding his hands out. Heart took this opportunity to jump onto his brother's hands, as his red-haired twin launched him into the air.

Cursing, Balthier hastily aimed at the flying target, as Heart did a flip in the air before holding his saber above his head. Balthier fired, the arrow going for a direct hit, but Heart brought down his blade and sliced the arrow in half. Moreover, the blade still came towards its main target. Dodge rolling the sword, Balthier quickly created distance between the two of them, though in this elapse of time Diamond had ran up the right flight of stairs and was approaching Balthier with weapon once again out of its sheath.

Not expecting this attack, Balthier ducked, causing the blade to just miss him. Utilizing this position to his advantage, he went to punch the King of Diamonds in the gut with his right hand. This never happened though, because Fade's chain wrapped itself around his right wrist. Pulling on the chain, the man was sent up into the air before the chain went soaring downwards. The tall man would've impacted the ground, but he grabbed the chain in his left hand and pulled hard on it. Fade wasn't expecting the action, and the force of the pull threw her on the ground instead. Soon though, Balthier tugged once more on the chain, lifting Fade into the air. With her in the air, her weight caused his descent to slow down to where he only hit the ground lightly.

Taking the chain in his right hand now, he grinned and noticed the approaching twins. Before Fade could recover, he whipped the chain, sending her flying into the twins. All three grunted upon impact and Fade was done with this. Standing on her feet once more, she saw Balthier about to swing the chain again. She let him lift her into the air again, but this time she controlled her chain in such a way that she was now going directly towards him. Seeing this, he unlatched the chain from his right wrist, but Fade was already too close to him. Her right foot impacted his jaw, knocking him to the floor.

Now standing a few feet away from him, she saw the brothers only a foot from him. They raised their sabers above his chest, but Balthier wouldn't die yet. He grabbed two arrows from his quiver and stabbed them just above the their ankles. Letting out a yell of pain, both twins glared down at their target, but saw him now back on his feet. Removing the arrows from their ankles, they cast the weapons aside, though Balthier had three arrows in his bow. He fired, sending them into the air. Fade knocked them aside with her chain, but Balthier had fired three more.

Throwing herself to the ground just in time, Fade saved herself from the flying weapon. Heart managed to slice the arrow in two once more, but Diamond yelled in pain again when the arrow made contact with his left shoulder. Deciding it would be better to attack first, Diamond ran forward at Balthier. Stringing another three arrows, Balthier went to launch them, but Diamond got to him first. Rage evident in his reddish-orange eyes, Diamond thrust the blade forward and into the gut of Balthier. The elite's hands flew instantly to his stomach region before Diamond removed the blade.

Falling to his knees, crimson cascaded onto the floor, as the man exclaimed, "Not possible, you couldn't have beaten me. D*mn you all!"

Coughing up more blood, he fell to the ground, as a pool of crimson painted the floor around him. His red eyes slowly closed, but a smile graced his face, when he saw a familiar face. At least he got to glance upon Afendel's beautiful face before he died. Breathing his last breath, he closed his eyes, as life faded out of his body. Diamond allowed the blood to drip from his blade before he removed the arrow from his shoulder and turned to stare upon a new figure, as his eyes narrowed. Heart smirked at the newcomer, looking forward to another fight. It had been so long, since he last had a good fight.

"So you managed to kill my comrade. What a pity and he was such a good one too. I'll surely miss his displays of affection; truly it's a pity. The three of you will have to pay me back. Maybe one of you can act as my new lover."

Gripping the chain tighter, Fade darkened her gaze while the brothers' gazes held only irritation and blood-lust, though all three could tell that she would be no easy opponent.  

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