Approaching a Plan

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  To put it simply, your night's sleep was less than enjoyable. Diamond's stares were annoying enough on their own, but in combination with Heart, it increased tenfold. Your turned away eyes found themselves staring at the daggers that now lay by your day clothes and you wondered why you didn't use them before. It would've been easy to threaten the brothers if they tried to get you into one of the nightgowns, yet you ended up wearing one anyway.

Furthermore, when you tried to get your daggers, Heart and Diamond got to them first. Before you could try and get them back, they threw the weapons on top of the armoire, which was well out of your reach. When you declared that you needed those to defend yourself, they merely shook their heads and stated that they could perform the task of keeping you safe. After rolling your eyes, you climbed into the bed and made a pillow wall, which was taken down shortly, though you put up a good fight for it.

All in all, you ended up between the two brothers. Your back was pressed up against Heart's chest while your head rested on Diamond's right arm, as his left arm lay wrapped around your waist. Heart's arms were around your waist as well. Thankfully, the sheets did a good job of covering you, for you figured that otherwise part of your undergarments would be showing at the moment.

Moreover, since you had gotten used to sleeping by yourself, you felt extremely awkward, or rather more so than usual. You had no free reign on your sleeping position and it was beyond vexing, meaning a horrible sleep for you. This was far from good, since you were heading for Valinquinia tomorrow. Thus when Geela woke the three of you up in the morning, it seemed as though you had only received maybe a few hours of sleep.

After the child set your daggers by your day clothes, she ran off, presumably to the dining room. You didn't know how she got your daggers down, but you pushed it aside and went to go back to sleep. Maybe you could rest for just one more hour; however this wish was quickly destroyed. Heart was the first to get out of the bed, but in the process had dragged you with him. Apparently, he forgot that his arms were still wrapped around you. Having removed you from his hold, Diamond slowly woke up before stretching. Quite uncomfortable in your current position, you went to remove Heart's arms from you, but he only yawned and kept a firm grip on you.

"Brother, I believe you're causing Miss ______ some discomfort," Diamond stated after letting out a yawn himself.

Heart's blue eyes gazed down at you and you just sent him a glare, as you crossed your arms over your chest. He smirked before releasing his hold on you abruptly. This sent you crashing to the wooden floor, causing you to emit a grunt of pain. Before you could yell at him, his face was a few inches from yours, though you still kept a glare on your face.

"You know, you should stop making that face at me unless you want to fall again, my dear lady," he warned, as he stood back up to his full height.

"I wish you would fall," you mumbled, glancing to the side.

Picking up your quiet remark, his smirk grew wider before he asked, "Oh, is that so? I can grant that wish easily if you want it. Shall I count up to three?"

At first you didn't understand why he would want to fall until you noticed that he would crash right into you. Eyes widening at this, you went to move, as Heart began his countdown. He halted though, when he hit two, due to Diamond asking him to stop.

"Heart, she's had a horrendous sleep. I don't think she needs your antics at this moment," Diamond declared, getting out of the bed and going over to his pack, which now rested by the armoire.

"And how would you know how I slept, Diamond?" you asked, standing up and sending another glare at Heart before sitting on the bed.

"Simple, I waited until you fell asleep before I allowed myself to slip into unconsciousness."

You didn't know if you should consider this a creepy, or a gentlemanly gesture, but it was most likely both. Just nodding at this, you lay back on the bed, wanting to close your eyes and sleep. Thus you were surprised, when you were actually able to lay on the bed in peace. Both brothers seemed fine with allowing you a few more minutes of sleep. It seemed odd, but you were too tired to question it; however you sprung out of your sleep, when you felt two hands rest on your shoulders. Jumping off the bed, you turned on the individual, seeing Heart smiling on the bed. He sat cross-legged, as he rested his head in the palms of his hands.

"And here I thought I would let you sleep while I changed you," Heart muttered with that blasted grin of his plastered on his face.

Red tinting your cheeks slightly, you grabbed one of the nearby pillows and hit him hard in the face with it. He wore a slightly shocked expression before chuckling to himself. Diamond merely shook his head and told you to hurry up with changing. Ignoring him, you went behind the screen and took off the awful nightgown. Placing your clothes from yesterday back on, you stepped out from behind the screen and exited the room before the brothers could stop you.

They trailed behind you while you thought about teaching them a lesson with the daggers that were now strapped around your hips. You would need your energy though for later; you doubted that Umelius would be an easy opponent. This didn't keep you from maintaining a fast pace. If you walked fast enough, they would have a harder time if they tried anything. On the way to the dining room, you three saw Fade, who was wearing her typical cloak and a plain turquoise dress, and you practically ran over to her. Of course the brothers didn't share your happiness upon seeing the petite girl. Thus on the rest of the way to the dining room, Fade gave you a brief summary of what happened while you were away from the brothers and her. Frankly, you would've liked to see one of these sol bears, especially the one that was interested in Diamond.

Once the four of you reached the dining room, you stepped inside and the smell of cinnamon rolls instantly filled your nose. Feeling a little more awake now, you went over to the chair you sat in last night. Already in that spot rested a plate with eggs and a cinnamon roll covered in orange flavored icing. A crystal bowl filled with honey dew and blueberries sat next to your plate. Moreover, a silver goblet held orange juice in it.

Like last night, Fade sat on your left while the brothers seated themselves across from you. At the head of the table and with Geela sitting on her right, Clarencia signaled you all to start eating and you were happy to oblige her. The queen was wearing a vibrant red dress made of velvet while long red gloves covered her hands and most of her arms. Her hair was done up in a high ponytail while blue jeweled barrettes highlighted parts of her head. Moreover, a large blue bow was wrapped around her waist. As for Geela, her purple hair hung in the usual ponytail while a short-sleeve lace white dress went down to her knees.

Sending a quick glance at the brothers, you noticed that they had their face paint back on. They must have painted their faces while you were taking that quick rest of yours, though would they ever wear no makeup in front of you again? With the comment you made yesterday, you would've thought they would've kept it off for longer. Maybe they would only take it off when they were alone with you from now on. Thinking about such a gesture brought a light smile to your face, but quickly remembering what they made you wear for the night wiped that smile clear away. Why did they have to be such irritating jerks sometimes?

"Fade, I assume that you remember the layout of Umelius's castle somewhat," Clarencia called out, breaking you from your thoughts.

"I remember the castle well. It was my first true home," she responded, using her fork to place a blueberry in her mouth.

"Wait, don't we need the layout of the city as well?" you asked, glancing at the Queen of Diamonds.

Permitting a small smile to grace her face, she replied, "Not at all, you'll be flying in after all. Of course, you'll also be undetected, since both Fade and I know of a secret way into the castle. Umelius's late wife gave us this little detail without his knowing. She knew she could trust us with this information".

"If that's the case, then we really do just need to discuss what to do once we're inside. Fade it looks like you're going to be our guide."

"It does seem that way, though if we're taking that specific passage, we'll be heading upwards into the main part of the castle from the dungeons. If that's the case, then we'll need to be extremely careful," she mentioned, as her voice became quieter towards the end of her statement.

Sensing her growing worry, you knew something was down in those dungeons, but then again dungeons almost always had something disturbing in them. You would probably be more concerned if there weren't something terrible hiding within a dungeon's halls.

"It will be hard to go by the Equ Army unnoticed," Fade stated, bearing a slightly nervous expression.  

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