Coming onto the Morning

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  It had been several days now and they were now in a new area. The sol bears had waved goodbye to them when they left the Aureus Fields during sunset. Their multicolored pelts shined brightly under the light while the one bear winked at Diamond, causing him to internally grimace. Heart merely chuckled at the bear's departing action.

Thus leaving the fields and the bears behind, the three now found themselves among many hills that led to a mountain range in the distance. The sun was just rising in the morning, revealing the light mist that hung over the bright green hills. Pine trees and other evergreens covered the grass covered earth that dipped and rose. Shafts of pale yellow, orange and purple light hung across the sky with blue dominating most of the sky. In the distance small cottages could be seen while smoke escaped the chimneys that rested on the roofs of the structures.

Seeing these homes, Fade pulled her hood over her head in case someone recognized her. It had been over three hundred years, since she had been through these parts, but there was still some possibility that someone would remember her. Not many had her characteristic hair, or eye colors.

Climbing down the first hill, the smell of fresh baked pastries filled the noses of the travelers. The collective sound of stomachs growling in response to the smell resonated throughout the air, since none of them had eaten breakfast yet. Heart's eyes sparkled at the prospect of eating fresh sweets, but Fade gave him a warning look. On the other hand, Diamond was in agreement with his brother, though not for the sweets. He figured that if there were baked goods being prepared then there must be other breakfast foods as well. A change from their current diet of dried meets and fruits due to the supply of fresh fruits having run out, since they could only last so long in the backpacks, would be appreciated.

Fade tried to convince the brothers from entering the cottage, but they wouldn't listen. A fresh meal was too tempting an idea. Thinking they reached the cottage too fast, Fade tugged on their sleeves, but they only cast threatening looks her way. She attempted to explain to them that this was a bad plan, but they wouldn't hear of it. The two twins were really too used to fresh meals. It had only been a little over six days and already they were caving into their desires for a warm plate of food.

Smoke came out of the small beige stone chimney while the sunlight highlighted the purplish-red roof and stone walls of the building. Fade pulled her hood closer to her face, not wanting the individual inside to see her. She didn't particularly communicate with the people in these parts when she had roamed the area. Mainly, she would practice her earth magic while her friend would discuss matters with those in the cottages, however she did overhear their conversations. From what she could recall, the individuals living around here sounded nice, but such personalities could change with time.

Knocking on the purplish-red door, Fade tensed, as she waited for the object to reveal the person inside. When the door at last opened, she glanced to the side, preventing any possible eye-contact. From the brother's perspective, they saw a rather short man of 5'1 standing in the doorway. His bronze colored locks glistened in the early morning light while his hazel eyes analyzed the three curiously. Flour covered parts of his grey peasant shirt and beige shorts, as his feet remained barren of any covering.

Not understanding why there were three strangers standing outside his house, the man questioned, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, we smelled something delicious from your house and were wondering if we can have some," Heart asked honestly, not grasping how strange their request sounded to the man.

He scratched his head before crossing his arms over his chest while his gaze turned to the cloaked figure behind the two taller men. Something seemed familiar about the cloak that covered the individual, but he couldn't quite pinpoint what. The brothers shifting awkwardly, as they stood at the door, caught the man's attention. Looking over the travelers, the man decided he might as well have company over. Besides he did make a little too much food, even though they seemed quite odd. Previously, he was expecting the company of his sister and her husband, but they had canceled at the last moment. In fact he received the letter explaining their absence just as he had everything already cooking.

Standing to the side, he allowed the three into his home before closing the door. He couldn't keep his eyes from staring at the cloaked figure. When his eyes caught hold of a turquoise strand, a memory came back to him in almost an instance. At the time he was only six and his mother was expecting a visit from someone. A woman that lived in the main city came, yet he couldn't remember the woman's appearance or name. Only the knowledge that the individual was a woman remained in his head. Behind this woman was a girl with turquoise and white hair. She had matching eyes to go with her locks.

Not being able to contain his curiosity, he called out, "Hey, are you that girl from awhile back. You were with some woman, right?"

Halting her movement, the girl shook her head while the brothers glanced at each other with interest in their eyes. Her abrupt stop however gave the man all the information he needed. It was obvious that his question had struck a chord within the girl. He wasn't going to let her go that easily, besides she was currently in his house; he had a right to know the identity of his guests.

"Don't lie, now please remove your hood. If you're worried about me reporting you to the King of Clovers, you have nothing to fear. I have no interest in his resentments," he demanded, going closer to the girl.

Casting her hidden gaze towards the short man, she let out a sigh and knew that he was telling the truth; no deception lay in his hazel eyes. Slowly, she pulled the hood from her head while a grin painted the man's face.

"I knew it; I knew I recognized that hair color."

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you, though thank you for not announcing my presence here to the King of Clovers. He would probably come here himself to rid me of my existence."

"Yes, from what I heard, he holds quite the hatred for you, but please sit and make yourself comfortable while I get the food," he stated before motioning the brothers to sit as well.

Glad to know that her presence would remain quiet she let the tension in her body disappear while the brothers looked at her intrigued, wanting to know what happened between the King of Clovers and her. Normally, they wouldn't have cared, but since this man was behind your capture, they desired to hear her past with him. Maybe they could discover a weakness of his. She ignored them and was happy to see the man return with a tray that had four plates on it. Scrambled eggs, sausages, orange slices and miniature pies were on top of the plates. After setting them on the table, the man took his own seat.

"Well dig in; I hope you enjoy my cooking. I tried to learn as much as possible about the art from my mother before she passed."

"Thank you ...I'm sorry, but I believe we never learned your name," Diamond mentioned about to stab into the fluffy eggs.

"Ah, forgive me. My name is Rivin and what would be your names, though if I remember correctly yours is Fade, right?"

"Yes, it is. The man who just asked you the question is Diamond and his brother is Heart," Fade responded, taking a bite out of one of the pies.

With everyone's names learned, the four ate their meal, but the brothers hadn't forgotten about their previous curiosity. On Rivin's end, he wondered if Fade knew who the other woman was. At once three people asked Fade two different questions. Placing an orange slice into her mouth, she stared between the three, knowing that they were determined to have their questions answered. Taking a deep breath and releasing it, she rested her hands on her lap and tightened her hands around the fabric of her cloak.

"Concerning why the King of Clovers despises me, I betrayed him during the event of the tragedy. That's all I will say on the matter. As for your question Rivin, like you I cannot remember her name nor her appearance. It pains me that I cannot recall this information, as she was very important to me."

A little disappointed with her response, the brothers continued eating their meal while Diamond gave Heart his pies. They listened to the conversation somewhat between Fade and Rivin, but didn't join in, for they found little to no value in it; their food held more importance to them. Thus while the twins ate, Rivin unveiled a very interesting point to Fade.

"Now that I think about it, no one in these parts can recall her name or appearance, even though she affected the lives of many in this kingdom," he mentioned, eating one of the blueberry pies.

It was indeed strange for everyone in one place to forget the woman. Did people in other areas of the land have a similar lack of memory? If so, why? Maybe the King of Clovers was the cause of such an effect, maybe it was his punishment that he placed upon his people. What would possess him to do such a thing though? Even if this new information might not have anything to do with your rescue, it was still important to Fade, for it concerned her lost companion.   

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