Lindepia Woods

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  Tipora had just reached the edge of the woods, when you started to stir. Seeing your movement, Tipora waved her umbrella, creating a rainbow string that soon wrapped itself around your wrists. Her plan truly worked better than she thought; she knew that attacking when you were asleep would be the right time, especially since you didn't have your queen's weapon on your person. Of course Tipora still snatched your weapon from your room before she left. Your daggers, which molded into a sword of superior strength, were now resting safely in her pouch that rested on the light bay horse.

With your hands now properly restrained, she signaled the horses to advance into the forest. Your dark bay appeared to be hesitant about entering the woods that were only lit by glowing amber deposits at the base of the fifty foot trees. These trees curled and twisted over one another while the dark green leaves at the heads of the trees were barely visible. Arches made of branches were of abundance and at times the path in the forest was indeed made out of tree branches. Thin green vines hung from branches here and there, doing their best to trap a careless traveler. On the other hand, thick vines wrapped themselves tightly around the thickest branches, wanting to constrain the wood as much as possible.

When Tipora led her horse into the forest, the horse carrying you decided to follow, though reluctantly. Rich green grass padded the floor, giving the horses an easy walk amongst the various branches that stretched across the same ground. The slow pace of the horses kept you asleep until your horse almost caught their left front hoof in a branch. Tipora saved your horse from falling over, but your (e/c) eyes began to flutter open. With your horse recovering itself and continuing forward, you blinked a couple times, trying to figure out where you were. At first you thought you were merely in a dream, but everything seemed far too real for that to be the case. Glancing over to your left, you saw Tipora and slowly your mind started to put together your last memories. Recalling being hit in the head by the pastel rainbow colored girl, you almost went to back up, but due to being on a horse that was quite impossible unless you wanted to collide with the ground below. Thus you stayed put and saw that your wrists were tied together by a rainbow string. Annoyed at this, you glared over at Tipora, who seemed quite uninterested in your gaze. She turned her attention forward while your horse followed after her.

"Hey, tell me where we are! Why did you kidnap me? What's going?!" you yelled after her, making your horse go faster so you could be right beside her own bay.

Casting her unemotional gaze over at you, she replied blandly, "We're in the Lindepia Woods and I kidnapped you for my master, Queen of Clovers".

Personally, you didn't like being addressed by that title, since it reminded you of Chroma and her sickening ways. To have the same title that she once had was little too much for you, but at the same time it had a certain appeal to it. The brothers explained the queen and king system in this world, which was pretty straightforward. When one dies, they are replaced either by their children/chosen successor, if they had any, or by the one who killed them. You never really thought of yourself as a queen, but hearing the title said out-loud reminded you of your position.

"Who's your master?".

"You'll find out when we get to him" she said before turning her attention back to the front of her.

Gripping the reins with your bound hands, you furrowed your brow in frustration before rolling your eyes. Why did you ever let her enter the castle? Of course the brothers were right about Tipora being trouble. When you saw them again, if you saw them again, you would never hear the end of it. You knew though why you had let her stay. It was simple; you wanted some new company or to ask about the various places in this world. Being trapped in the castle and merely just reading about the different areas in this world wasn't satisfactory, especially when the brothers constantly distracted you from such reading. Your desperation for something new was your mistake, but then again was it a mistake? In fact at this very moment, you were traveling in a place you had never been to before. Being kept a prisoner wasn't exactly a preference of yours, though technically you were a prisoner back in the castle. The difference in this case was that Tipora wasn't trying to play games with you, or attempting to throw herself on you. If your hands were unbound then this would feel like a casual horse ride through an enchanting forest. These thoughts halted when the sound of Tipora's feet hitting the grounded reached your ears.

"We'll have to walk from this point on," she uttered while grabbing her supplies from her horse.

You wondered why you would have to walk, but then your eyes landed on the narrow wooden bridge that rested in front of you. It extended over a dark body of water that under the light of the amber almost seemed like glowing sapphire. Up ahead, light poured into the trees, yet you had the feeling that you weren't out of the forest just yet. Torches stood by the bridge, flickering now and then. Glancing over yourself, you saw your bare feet as well as the black satin pajamas that covered your form. Personally, you would prefer to stay on the horse than walk on your bare feet, but you found you had no choice in the matter, when you started to move off the horse against your will. Not a moment later, you stood on the grass covered earth and looked over at Tipora, who now stood at the start of the bridge.

"Please stop spacing out, you're taking too long. If I find you moving too slowly, I will forcefully make you go faster," she announced, waving her umbrella around in her hands.

"Is that the case? Well tell me, how do you plan to do that?" you questioned, wanting to learn about this girl's secrets.

Appearing annoyed by your question, she just turned around and started to walk down the bridge. Huffing out in annoyance at her attitude, you felt your legs moving again. Casting your gaze on her, you saw the point of the umbrella pointing at you before Tipora started twirling it once more in her hands. There was no doubt that it was her umbrella, though was she merely channeling her magic through the object or was her only source of power the umbrella? Until you figured that out, trying to escape would be out of the question. Besides you might as well enjoy this break from the castle, if only she would stop controlling your movement.

"Look I can walk fine on my own, so you can release from whatever spell you're using".

Halting her movement, she looked back at you before replying, "Fine, but if you try to escape I'll start dragging you".

Nodding that you understood, she signaled for you to walk in front of her. Complying, you went ahead of her and continued walking forward. As you moved across the bridge, you couldn't help but glance into the mesmerizing water. It was like you could see to the bottom of the body of water, but at the same time you couldn't. You felt like getting on your knees, so you could run your hands through the velvety liquid. Reaching your bound hands outwards, Tipora quickly grabbed the back of your button-up pajama shirt and pulled you away. Sending you a glare, she poked you with the umbrella hard in the side, motioning you to continue onwards.

"Ow! What was that for?".

"For you being an idiot. Touching that water will be the death of the both of us. At the bottom rests thousands of fishes that will consume us in a few moments. If even a millimeter of your skin touches that water, it will wake them".

She didn't have to call you an idiot, how would you have known that? Just moving forward, you glared at your bound hands, wanting to move your arms and hands like a normal person. Soon the bridge came to an end and you were back on the soft grass, which was much more preferable than the wooden bridge. Thankfully, you didn't get a splinter from walking bare foot, though your attention was drawn to the giant stones that were in front of you. They appeared to be diamond deposits, but the gems looked slightly different. At first they seemed to be clear, but after staring at them for awhile, you saw that they were a milky white color. Running your fingers over one of the stones, it felt smooth to the touch, which you suspected.

Tipora started to walk to the left of the stones, stopping and waiting for you to follow. Not wanting to be controlled again, you went in front of her and proceeded on the path. Lazily trailing behind you, Tipora watched your movements with care. She found the way you carried yourself interesting. Every queen she had met before held an evident authority. Chroma always exerted her dominance in any situation and she wouldn't bow down to anyone. The Queen of Spades was reclusive, but one gaze from her and one could understand that she was one not to be taken lightly. With you though, she couldn't sense an authoritative air about you. Did that mean you were more dangerous or less so? Was it because you originated from another world? Every step of yours held curiosity and wonderment, making it evident that you had never been in these woods before. Why were you making yourself so vulnerable? Maybe it was a ruse to get Tipora to lower her guard, which would surely not happen. Getting you to her master was too important for her to even consider lowering her guard.

Your daggers clanged together in her bag, but luckily you were too distracted by the scenery to hear the sound. Tipora opened the bag just a little to see your queen's weapons. They looked like ordinary daggers, but rumors spread that your queen's weapon was a stunning sight. No one had actually seen your weapon except for those that witnessed the death of Chroma. Thus only three had observed you when you fought with the blades in their queen form. She wondered if your weapon would be anything in comparison to her master's weapon. It was rumored that yours was more magnificent, but could anything ever be better than her master. Such an idea seemed so odd to Tipora. Her eyes scanned you over once more and she wasn't satisfied. How could someone like you harbor such rumored power?

While Tipora was contemplating these various thoughts, you started to notice that a breeze was sweeping through the forest, though this wind seemed anything but normal. In fact it penetrated your skin and left you cold to the point where you were shivering quite noticeably. You swore that you heard voices in the wind, whispering about your impending death and proclaiming the future scenes of torment.

Blood from your very veins will paint the halls of time and grace the face of the wicked, who sits upon a throne of manipulation and endless suffering. You will die Queen of Clovers before the one that seeks to claim you. You will die and die over and over. Die, die die, die ...

Now you were sure that the whispers were there and you covered your ears, trying to block out the sound. The announcement of your death wouldn't stop; it kept ringing through your ears and you fell to the floor, hoping that it would go away. A hand gripped your left arm and pulled you upwards. Your eyes fell on Tipora and before you could ask her what was going on, she dragged you forwards and headed for a base of the one of the nearby trees. Throwing you under the base, you found yourself surrounded by the glowing amber. Tipora came in after you and leaned against the amber wall while wind moved swiftly outside the cover of the tree. Something was coming and you didn't want to know what it was.  

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