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  Left hand covering your mouth, you tried to contain the constant giggles that plagued you. Your right hand and arm clutched your side, as it was starting to hurt, for you were enjoying this too much. At first the pastel-colored girl called and called for you, never receiving an answer. After the twentieth time, she gave up and started marching up the stairs. It was most amusing to see her just walk in place, not making any progress, but looking like just a fool. Rollta joined in with your silent laughter and grins painted both of your faces. You hadn't expected yourself to enjoy tormenting someone so much, but maybe the brothers' ways had grown on you somewhat and you were now being made aware of it.

When several minutes passed, the two of you decided you should probably get Tipora. Then again you could always push Rollta off of the stairs and bolt up the steps, but what if there was another illusion awaiting you. You wouldn't exactly make much progress; you would need Rollta to guide you out of here. Thus such a plan couldn't be executed.

In the next moment, Rollta called out to Tipora, causing her to look upwards. He waved happily with a wide smile on his face, causing the girl to just scowl in return before her gaze went over to you. Seeing her ice-cold stare, you gulped before scratching the back of your neck nervously. Rollta told her to just jump, but you suddenly didn't want her up here with you. She was clearly angered with the male and you, but at least he could defend himself properly. Of course she couldn't do you any real harm due to her master wanting you, though she most likely had something in store for you.

Soon she joined the two of you on the higher stairs, much to your growing displeasure. She nearly screamed at Rollta to move and he complied with no hesitation. He still wore a smirk though, clearly not feeling threatened by the small girl. Thus Rollta went on ahead, leaving Tipora to walk behind you. It wasn't hard to tell that she was glowering at you and you were constantly worried that she would whack you with that umbrella of hers. Putting your ink-covered hands into your pockets, you continued up the stairs with an awkward silence hanging over the three of you, or rather it felt uncomfortable for you. Rollta didn't have the pleasure of having Tipora glaring daggers at him. You never even looked behind you, for you didn't want to see the obvious expression on her face.

Glancing at Rollta, you saw him stop a few steps ahead of you. Looking around him, you saw that a door blocked the path, even though you could see the stairs on the other side; however they appeared to be made out of water, meaning that no one could step on them. Moving yourself to Rollta's side, so you could get a better view of the door, you noticed that there was no door handle. In place of it were two purple crystal orbs that rested in the stone object.

As Tipora reached the two of you, she pushed you aside before tapping at the door with her umbrella. This contact caused a light to appear in the orbs before pupils formed in the circular crystals. These eyes roved around until they landed on the pastel-colored girl.

"Do you wish to reach the top?" it questioned in a low monotone voice.

"Yes, now let us through, you piece of stone," she replied harshly, her patience having worn out.

The door blinked at her remark before moving its gaze to Rollta and then to you. It asked both of you the same question, to which you both nodded in response. Tipora rested her hands on her hips, waiting for the door to do something. Honestly, you thought you were impatient at times, but this girl reached a whole new level. Why did she have to be one of your captors?

"If you three desire to go through me, then you must give me something in return. I will not open without four items. The first is a thread of different colors that grows from the fount of wisdom. Secondly, juice similar to the color of raspberries that flows through many channels. Moreover, a crystal of beauty that comes from the red card will do nicely. Lastly, I wish for a substance strong and clever that surpasses the origin. Give me these and I will grant you access to the other side".

To say you were confused would be an understatement. Where were you supposed to find these objects? It didn't make any sense. You even noticed that Tipora was puzzled. Rollta on the other hand knew exactly what the door wanted. Like Tipora mentioned earlier, he had been through this tower before. In fact he had traveled several times through this structure. The reason for doing so was due to the fact that this tower used to store items of intrigue. His master requested for him to attain two tomes from the tower, though he never learned the contents of the books. Thus the male knew that the door was merely reciting four riddles.

In fact the objects were rather easy to obtain. Without explaining himself, he plucked a hair from both Tipora's and your head. Both of you glared at him for doing so, though you stopped when you saw him take a strand of his own hair. Carefully, he wrapped them around each other and handed the combined threads to the door, which accepted them gratefully. Seeing this, you finally understood.

Debating on the second riddle, you found your thought process ending, when you watched Rollta take out a pen and draw it quickly across his skin. Blood formed in the palm of his left hand before he smeared it across the door. Once again the item was absorbed into the talking structure. Realizing that Rollta knew the answers to each riddle, you stood back and allowed him to finish. Next the male removed a feather from one of his coat pockets and went over to Tipora.

Looking horrified, she stepped back down some of the steps, creating distance between the two of them. She gave him a warning look, but he quickly shoved the feather into her face. Within the next moment, she started to sneeze loudly and continually. The crystals soon began to run down her face, as hatred laced her orbs for the male that caused her current condition. Taking out a small vile from another one of his many pockets, he caught a tear and handed it to the door. Now there was only one item left, though you couldn't figure it out.

It wasn't until you saw Rollta grip the pen in his hand and stab it into the door, chipping off a piece of stone. The door watched him with brightness in its eyes, indicating that it was smiling. Happily accepting its own piece of stone, the stone restored what was lost and unlocked itself, unveiling the watery steps that were behind it, though the steps slowly changed from water to sapphire.

Smiling triumphantly, Rollta made a grand gesture, signaling for Tipora to take the lead. She huffed and walked past him, wiping away the last of her tears. You went after her with Rollta trailing behind you. The door closed behind him, happy with its new items that it took in. As you walked up the sapphire stairs, you noticed that more light was entering the tower. In fact there were now small slit-like windows in the stone walls, permitting beams of light to penetrate the inside of the tower. This light caused the gem steps to sparkle, casting dots of brilliant blue all around the three of you.

Analyzing the coloration of the light more closely, you figured that it was most likely late afternoon at the moment. It was nice to actually be able to tell what time of day it was. Back in the valley, night looked the same as day and drove you nearly insane. You never got used to not knowing what time it was. Without knowledge of the time it only made your situation worse. Gaining that information once again put a small smile on your lips; now if only you could get the ink off of you. Hopefully, you would have an opportunity to take a bath or shower sometime in the near future.

Reaching a wooden trapdoor, Tipora pushed the door open, letting a flood of light into the tower and allowing the illumination to reach the ground floor of the tower. After all three of you had entered through the opening, Rollta closed the trapdoor. Now outside, you examined your surroundings while a light breeze swept through the air. All around you was a sea of orange and gold painted clouds, as a blue sky with wispy white clouds decorated the expanse of the sky. The tower you were standing on had a spiral metal roof that connected to metal pillars. In the center of the tower was an intricate sundial. Its hand indicated that it was five in the afternoon.

Going over to the railing, you looked over and noticed how far down the stone tower went and how far you had climbed upwards. Unlike the beige stones on the inside of the tower, the outside was composed of multiple stones, ranging from hues of grey to red to brown. Casting your gaze to the west, you saw a mountain range. To the northwest, you noticed two more towers that were identical to the one you were standing on.

Coming up next to you, Rollta pointed out to the west, announcing, "That _____ is where we are headed. Beyond that mountain range lies another field of plains that lead straight to Valinquinia."

"Am I supposed to be comforted by that statement?"

"Of course, because it means that I get to spend an infinite amount of time with you."

"You're unbelievable" you muttered, before rolling your eyes and continuing, "Anyway how are we supposed to reach that mountain range?"

"We must walk on air."

Crossing your arms over your chest, you gave him a questioning look. You were not expecting that answer, but then again this was the male whose previous advice had been to jump.  

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