A Long Awaited Meeting

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  Seeing the woman's stunning outfit and appearance, you felt somewhat embarrassed to be wearing ink-stained clothing while your hair lay in knots. Before you could say anything, or figure out how to behave, you watched Geela run off towards her mother. The child jumped into her mother's lap, hugging the woman's waist tightly. A warm smile painted itself across the woman's pink lips before her gaze turned back to you.

"I welcome you to my home, Queen of Clovers and last survivor of the Aces, ______. I knew I would meet you soon, my predictions told me so, though you must want to hear about the King of Clovers and not my sight into the future."

"Yes, I mean no. Sorry, I wouldn't mind listening to your profession, but I would like to learn more about the one after me," you tried, cursing yourself for sounding somewhat impolite.

She chuckled lightly at the jumbled sentence before responding, "It's alright, but first I imagine you'll want to get cleaned off and have a change of clothes."

Was it really that obvious that you were in a state of disrepair? Then again you had ink all over your clothes and your hair was a mess. Scratching the back of your neck awkwardly, you nodded and let out a small awkward chuckle.

"Geela, would you mind showing her to the bathing room and retrieve a fresh pair of clothes for her?"

"Not at all mother," the child announced with a wide smile on her face.

Not a moment later, the child ran over to you and grabbed your right hand like before. The Queen of Diamonds gave you a slight wave and you returned the gesture. Following Geela down a pink marble hallway, you noted the countless white doors with rainbow glass doorknobs that sparkled in the light coming from the large paned rectangular windows. Light pink chiffon curtains draped over the windows, blowing in the slight breeze that came through the partially opened windows. Chandeliers, decorated in rainbow crystals, hung from the white ceiling.

Taking a glance outside, you thought the bright blue sky beautiful. A couple of sparrows flew through the air while you noticed an apple orchard at the back of the castle. It truly was peaceful here and you thought you would never find a place like this in this world of madness. Even when you were in a marvelous setting, there was always some chaotic element to it. At last you could just stretch your limbs and take in the comforting afternoon air, for the temperature was perfect in the castle.

Geela skipped along the hallway until she opened the door at the end of the walkway, revealing a square room that had two doors, one on the left side and the other on the right. She signaled for you to go into the right door. Nodding in response, you walked through the pink marble room that had paintings of flower gardens hung on the walls. Tulips, bluebells, daffodils and many more flower varieties met the viewer's eyes.

After opening and closing the door on the right side, you found yourself in a small room with a vanity made out of white oak while the mirror was adorned with sapphire flowers. Lying over the mirror was a white plush bathrobe. On the opposite wall of the vanity were multiple shelves, holding various shampoos, conditioners, bath salts and gels. Deciding that you deserved a nice bath after a few weeks of harsh traveling, you grabbed the honey orange blossom scented bath items along with the bathrobe.

Entering the next room, you gazed upon a large pool that overlooked the landscape outside. Paned windows covered the wall at the other end of the room, allowing such a view. For privacy though, the user could see outside, but if an individual were outside they could not see inside. The wall connected to the entrance door was made of beige marble while polished stone steps led into the pool of water.

Setting the bathroom supplies near the edge of the pool, you stripped out of your clothes and ignored the steps leading into the pool. Instead you jumped into the water, letting the water cover your entire person. It felt absolutely amazing and even more so when you added the bath salts, which somehow were enough for the large pool. To your left side a waterfall came out of the wall and poured into the pool.

Once you finished, you wrapped the bathrobe around you and entered the other room connected to the large bath. On the vanity you found new undergarments and clothes laid out for you. You didn't question how Geela knew your size, since at the moment you really didn't care; you had new clothes and that's all that mattered. After putting on the undergarments, you placed the purple shorts on along with the multiple black belts. One attached at the top of the shorts while the others hung loosely around your hips. A purple high-low blouse that had frills on the front covered your top while a black vest went over it. Moreover, the sleeves flared out at the wrists, giving them a medieval dress look. Purple over-the-knee socks went over your legs while over-the-knee lace-up black boots covered the socks. Lastly, you attached your daggers to the main belt around your hips. Satisfied with your new attire, you exited the room and seeing no Geela on the other side presumed that you were supposed to head back to the throne room.

Your boots clicked against the off-white tiled floor due to the one and a half inch heel on them. Having washed and attained new garments, you felt you could take on the enemy especially with the daggers at your side. You were now ready to learn more about the King of Clovers and his plans. No doubt you would have to go into his territory despite having escaped Tipora and Rollta. The Queen didn't have to tell you such information, since you assumed that the King of Clovers wouldn't stop until he claimed what he wanted, though you weren't entirely sure of what he desired.

Nearing the throne room, you heard voices in the distance, but you were so lost in your thoughts that you failed to recognize them. Thus you took one step into the throne room only to stop abruptly. Before you stood three figures and you couldn't quite process their presence in the room. How did they get here, how long were they standing there for? Your voice got caught in your throat. You didn't know what to say; you were speechless. How should you react?

Before you was one of your closest friends of this world and beside her were the two men who had managed to earn your feelings, yet you never expressed those feelings. At the current moment though, you almost wanted to, but would it be the right moment to do so? What would the consequences be? Should you jump off the cliff and enter the pit of uncertainty? Something kept you standing on the rocky edge. Maybe it was their sadistic personalities, their desire for blood and entertainment; however you could tell that they were hiding something from you.

They turned when they saw the Queen of Diamonds's gaze look over at you. Fade almost had tears pouring down her face before she floated over to you and wrapped her arms around you. Smiling lightly, you placed your arms around her and let her mutter her words of relief.

"I thought I was going to lose my only friend. You have no idea how much I worried for your safety, _____," she cried out, tears now falling down her cheeks.

You wouldn't cry in front of the brothers, but you tightened your hold on Fade just a little to show her that you were grateful for her words. It meant the world to hear her pure concern for you and your well-being. As the girl continued to speak her gratitude, you looked over at the twins. Heart had his fists clenched tightly, as he stared down at the floor, as though he was trying to hold back tears himself. Diamond merely brought his right hand up to his mouth, trying to cover the shock and joy painted on his face.

Fade released you and stood out of the way, permitting the brothers full view of you. Not knowing what else to do, you gave them a small smile and that seemed to make them snap. Heart unclenched his fists and hurried over to you in an almost speed-walk fashion. Bracing yourself for the contact, you closed your eyes only to feel yourself pulled into the male's arms. When you reopened your eyes, you found yourself up against his chest while the male's head rested on top of yours.

"My dear lady, I missed you so much. Please, never leave us again. I could barely stand not having you next to me" he whispered into your soft locks that smelled of honey and oranges.

Heart pulled away, gazing down at you with gentle eyes that were quite unusual for his character. It was quite the sight to see and you found a light blush tinting your cheeks. Before you could say anything however, you saw Diamond coming up to you. Not a moment later, you witnessed him kneel before you and take your hands into his. Bringing his lips to your soft skin, he kissed the backs of your hands gently before looking up at you.

"To see you again brings complete joy to me, Miss ______" he mused before standing to his full height and placing a soft kiss on your right cheek.

A darker pink colored your cheeks at the gesture and soon he pulled himself away. The Queen of Diamonds stood with a gentle smile on her face while Geela giggled childishly next to her mother, who was the height of 5'11.

"I hate to ruin your greetings, but I believe we should all discuss the matter of the King of Clovers. Now please follow me. I think the sitting room will work perfectly for our conversation," she spoke in a soft manner before entering the hall on the right side of the throne room. Finally, you would have your questions answered.  

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