Among the Orchard

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  Retreating to the apple orchard, you finally reached the hall that led out to it. Pushing back some of the light pink chiffon curtains; you grabbed the handle of the paned window and opened it. Walking outside you could feel the warm afternoon sun on your skin, which contrasted the cool tears that were running down your face.

Shutting the door behind you, you proceeded into the beautiful orchard. Due to the lighting, it appeared as though it was morning, but the setting sun erased that illusion. Glancing to your left, you saw the running river that led off into the unknown. It looked peaceful down by the flowing source of water, but you needed a place to hide and it was too open by the river. Thus you went south into the abundance of trees, which held red gems on them. Each apple seemed to shine under the sunlight while the pale green leaves mirrored emeralds. Rows of these magnificent trees covered the green earth, making it the perfect escape.

Going further into the grove, you found a perfect spot under a large tree, which was surrounded by many others. More shade covered this part of the orchard, which only made the area better for you. Leaning back against the grey trunk, you hugged your knees to your chest. The scenery became slightly blurred to the tears cascading down from your eyes. You had held in all of your emotions for long enough and now you couldn't hold any back; you were in your most vulnerable state.

You were so frustrated at the brothers refusing to answer your questions and instead just narrating how you had betrayed them when in reality you had remained loyal to them. So what if you had let Tipora into the castle? It was in the past; it was a mistake that you would never make again. They had probably made errors just as great at some point in their life.

At the moment, you figured that one of their games would probably be better than their current accusatory behavior. In that scenario you could really vent out your irritations and clear your head. How many of their twisted games had you played? Countless, you had endured so many over the past year, yet you stayed with them. There were times where you could have ran away in the night, but then they would whisper things almost inaudible in their sleep. Save me, accept me were two of the most common phrases.

These phrases by themselves weren't anything special, but the sincerity in their voices made it something more. Pain and longing were also present, giving each two worded phrase more weight. The words always seemed to pull you back, keeping you from going. Maybe that was pity taking its role, but you knew that wasn't the case. There might have been some pity, but there was also genuine care. You saw that feeling lurking in the darkness, ready to come out of hiding.

Occasions like this though always pushed that feeling back. For a year you had kept quiet and left the brothers in the dark. At times you truly desired to tell them how much you cared, but the words got stuck in your throat. As for the brothers, they had announced their feelings to you on multiple instances, but these phrases were repeated so often that you couldn't really tell whether they meant them or not. They had aided you in stopping Chroma when they could've let you die. Obviously that held some significance, but doubt was constant. Maybe it was due to the fact that they said that three worded phrase so casually.

Moreover, the very fact that you knew so little about the brothers made you skeptical. At the same time though, the past was in the past. Bringing up their history could have irreversible negative effects. You could judge someone based on their past, but could you really? In your case you wanted the brothers to forget about the mistake you made and move on. Should you do the same; just leave their history behind closed doors? What would the consequences of that choice be? It was all so jumbled and confusing.

More tears fell from your eyes, as the choices ahead of you were so unclear. Turning your gaze upwards, you gazed through the branches and noticed the darkening sky. There was probably only another thirty minutes left before it became dark. It didn't matter though, you would still remain outside.

After a few moments of silence, your mind traveled to Fade. She was in tears as well, though unlike you, she was remembering the painful loss of a friend. You couldn't imagine what it would be like to forget even their name and appearance, having only a shadow in their place. Your friend was suffering, yet you were out here crying yourself. Were you being selfish in that regard? Hearing light footsteps nearby, your thoughts were interrupted and you tensed. Clutching your legs more, you let your hair fall over your face, hoping that they would go away. Sadly, they didn't; they just came closer.

"You know this apple orchard was here before this castle was built," a gentle voice said.

Easily recognizing who it was, you relaxed slightly, still not wanting her to see your tear stained face. You remained quiet however, seeing if she would go on.

"It grew on its own with no care. No one knew it even existed until one day it was found. When my mother and me saw this orchard, we knew we needed to live here; we wanted to protect this peaceful place, this treasure."

Halting her speech, Clarencia looked down at your form before going over to you and resting the palm of her right hand on top of your left arm. Feeling the light contact, you hesitantly peered up at her and saw a small smile on her face. Her reassuring expression only caused you to let more tears fall down your face. Pulling her hand back, as you once again hid your face; she took an apple from the tree and gazed at it while it rested in the palm of her right hand.

"There was once a harsh freeze some two hundred years ago that crossed this canyon regardless of its usual warm temperatures. I was away, aiding some who survived one of Chroma's attacks. Lacking its caretaker, but knowing I would return, the orchard fought through the cold weather. It had almost died on several occasions, yet in the end it survived until I returned. I was relieved to find the trees alive; I was grateful that I still had the orchard to protect. I know you went through multiple struggles just to get here."

Her last statement caused your eyes to widen, as you realized that her short story was in reference to your current state. First, you were confused as to how she knew what you had gone through, but then you remembered that she can peer into the future. Thus she must have seen ahead of time what you would experience before you reached her castle. Like the orchard you endured the obstacles presented to you. All so you could find a way to get back to the brothers.

"Clarencia, could you tell me what will happen in the future?" you questioned, your voice nearly a whisper.

"I could, but the future I see isn't guaranteed. I only see one path that the future could take. In your case though, my ability proved to be the right outcome. Most of the time it is, but I can never be sure. Thankfully, this time it was correct."

"I don't care if it is the correct path, I just want to hear it," you muttered quietly.

"I know you want me to answer some questions that have been plaguing your mind, but it would best for you to answer them yourself, or discover the answer in time. For those who can't see a possible path in the future, this is the best course of action."

"Then what am I to do ... I'm so confused ... I just."

Cutting you off, Clarencia placed the apple in your hand before asking, "Tell me, do you have feelings for them?".

The question caught you off guard, though you should've been expecting it. You had told Fade before that you did, but you both agreed that you should keep it a secret, at the moment though that secret was tugging at multiple chords.

"I ... well I ...."

"Yes, or no".

Letting a few more tears fall from your eyes, you wiped them away and glanced at Clarencia. She kept a calm smile on her face while you turned your gaze to the apple in your hand. This apple was a treasure to the Queen of Diamonds, but were you a treasure to the brothers. Did they hold you in such a high regard; did you think of them in such a way? A year ago you gave your answer, but why couldn't you give it now. Was it due to your frustration? If you pushed that irritation aside, what would your answer be?

"Yes, but do they really care? Why can't they trust me enough to answer a question about their past," you quietly uttered to yourself, hoping she wouldn't hear you.

"They do Queen of Clovers, for I see it in their eyes and why don't you try asking again?"

Looking up at her, you were slightly confused with regards to part of her statement before you saw her looking to her left. Following her gaze, you froze at what you saw.  

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