Leaving to Another Place

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  Completing your relaxing bath, you got out after draining the water and changed into the clothes provided for you. Glancing down at the old pajamas that were on the floor, you decided not to wash them, but just throw them out, for tears were prevalent in them due to the trees that were in the Lindepia Woods. You were still amazed that Tipora hadn't received one rip in her attire. Thus you tossed them into the waste-bin that lay next to the bathtub. After doing so, you went over to the bed and fell upon it, falling into unconscious before you could pull the sheets over yourself.

When you next awoke, you found yourself clutching one of the nearby pillows. Your tired eyes looked down at the soft item before a light sigh escaped your lips. You had grown accustomed to having something to hug in your sleep ever since the brothers forced you to share a room with them, though you never admitted that you enjoyed snuggling into one of them. It wasn't your fault that their body heat provided you extra warmth. Sitting up on the bed, you kept the pillow in your arms, as your eyes landed on something new in the room. On the mantel of the fireplace rested an orange mug, which presumably held some drink inside. Letting go of the pillow, you went over to the mug, which had steam coming out the top.

Staring into the cup, you saw that its contents consisted of a type of tea. Next to the mug was a note, reading Good morning and no I didn't poison this. No doubt it was from Rollta, but did he honestly expect you to take a sip of the tea? It wasn't going to happen and so you placed the flip-flops on your feet and exited the room, leaving the tea untouched. Arriving in the hall, you tried to guess which door led to a bathroom. Sure you had a bathtub in your room, but the rest of the bathroom was missing and you needed to tend to the mess that was your hair. It was knotted at an annoying level and you were suddenly getting annoyed by the condition of it. Furthermore, you needed to tend to the rest of your morning routine.

Finding the door on your left locked, you went to the one on your right, discovering it unlocked. Peering inside, you saw that it was indeed a bathroom. Thus you headed inside and locked the door behind you before taking care of your hair and morning routine. While you were combing your hair with a clean brush you found in one of the drawers, you noticed that scars on your feet were gone. Removing your bandages around your leg, you noticed that the burned skin was completely healed as well. Frankly, you doubted Rollta's claim last night, but you were now proved wrong.

When you finished everything, you unlocked the door and went to exit the bathroom, but the door opened before you could turn the doorknob. This led to you being wacked in the face with the wooden object. Falling back onto the floor, you glared up at the individual while holding your right hand to your nose. A gasp of surprise exited Rollta's lips, as he quickly kneeled in front of you and attempted to remove your hand from your face. You swatted his hands away before holding your hand to your nose once more.

"I just want to see the damage, _____. Now, please move your hand".

"Tch, this wouldn't have happened if you had been more careful. Now can you move, you're blocking the door".

"Look I'm sorry, but just let me check your nose to access the damage done".

Continuing to glare at him, you reluctantly removed your hand. His right fingers lightly touched the appendage, sending a cold wave through you before a look of relief crossed his mint-green eyes.

"Well what's the diagnosis?" you asked in a sarcastic voice, indicating that you were irritated by his presence.

"You'll be fine," he stated in a calm voice before standing up.

"Good," you muttered before maneuvering around him and leaving the bathroom.

Rollta watched as you left the bathroom and went down the hall into the kitchen and living room. Honestly, your personality reminded him of Tipora, though you would actually talk to him rather than just ignore him most of the time. It didn't surprise him though that Tipora ignored you as well, since she only cared about their master. Such devotion sickened Rollta. Of course he respected his master, but he wouldn't constantly try to gain his favor. He merely demonstrated his loyalty by accomplishing his master's wishes; there was nothing more to it, yet Tipora would cling to their master like a desperate dog. Exhaling, he shut the bathroom door and continued with his own morning routine.


While Rollta was in the bathroom, Tipora and you had a quiet breakfast. She wore a crème colored shawl with a pastel green dress that went a little above the knees. Crème colored flats decorated with green flowers covered her feet. Her umbrella rested on the island while you discovered that there were now stools with grey cushions in the kitchen area. With the two of you sitting on your own stool, you ate the food before you. Both of you merely had toast with butter and blackberry jam accompanied by orange juice and sausage.

As you bit into your toast, you looked over at the grey and pink umbrella, curious about the object. It truly was a strange object. Its purpose was to protect one from the rain, yet Tipora clearly didn't use it for such a thing, as she demonstrated before that her hands would go right through the top. You knew it was her weapon, yet why couldn't it keep one dry from the rain. Moreover, back on the fields she opened the umbrella when there was the storm and you couldn't decipher why. If it didn't block the falling water from the sky then why did you open it? Likewise, there wasn't even any water in the first place, so why did she open it? There had to be some purpose behind the action.

Sadly, you couldn't think more on the subject, as Rollta came into the kitchen and retrieved food for himself. His hair was slightly damp and he wore a simple light blue button-up shirt with black pants while his brown vest rested on his shoulders. The same flip-flops from yesterday were on his feet. Soon he had food on a plate and sat at the table with you two. Tipora rolled her grey eyes at his presence, as he smiled cheerily at her, almost seeming to bounce in his chair. Once again he had changed his personality. There was something wrong with the man, but there was a part of you that knew there was something lying behind his personality change. Maybe it was a defensive mechanism, or maybe he just wanted mess with you. Having finished her food, Tipora got off of her stool and started heading back to the hallway.

"Ah, Tipora where are you going? Don't you want my company, I know you secretly do," the male mused, grinning at the girl's turned away figure.

She gazed over her left shoulder before sending an icy stare his way. After making a grunt of displeasure, she went into the hallway. Great, now you were left alone with Rollta. He smiled over at you, biting into a Fuji apple with a loud crunch. Luckily, you were done with your food as well and went to leave. No sign of protest came from Rollta, as you left into the hallway. Tipora was leaning against the door that you had previously found locked. Her umbrella twirled in her hands, but something on top of the item glinted in the light of the hallway. Staring more closely, you saw that it was a gold and silver key that had pearls embedded in it.

Walking up to her, you questioned, "Aren't we leaving today?".

"Of course we are, but we're taking a different way that will take us under the Storm Plains. I trust that you want to avoid the strike-nigh, though you're always welcome to take that path if you so desire".

"I was just asking a question," you muttered, irritated by her attitude.

"Anyway, we'll leave once that buffoon in the kitchen finishes eating".

Despite your own dislike for Rollta, it was nothing in comparison to Tipora's hatred for the man. You wondered how such tension grew between the two, though with Rollta's personality it was somewhat understandable. Going back to when you first met him, you wondered how you ever considered him a tolerable person for that one moment. It was amazing at how fast your opinion of the man could change. Leaning your back against the wall, you crossed your arms over your chest and glanced over at the door that led to the kitchen. Hopefully, he would finish soon. It wasn't like you wanted to get to their master quickly, but you wanted to get back out in the open, so you could escape.

The brothers were no doubt looking for you and part of you wanted them to find you immediately, though there was another part that desired for some more time to yourself. If they located you, they would most likely blame this whole situation on you and play some demented game with you. It was somewhat frightening how you had grown used to their behavior and you couldn't help but think that you were crazy. This world was changing your mindset, making you accept things that you would never even consider recognizing before. Somehow you had become a queen and were now officially part of a world you couldn't escape from because of a wish you made a year ago. A certain saying ran through your mind, be careful what you wish for. It easily applied to this situation, though even with all the madness in this world, it was still better than your previous living conditions. Your aunt and uncle were now vague memories that held no importance to you and you were glad for it. Once the door to the hallway opened, revealing Rollta, Tipora placed the key in the lock and turned it, allowing a clicking sound to resonate down the stone hall. It was time to proceed onward.  

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