Split Paths

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  Even though you couldn't really decipher too much of the Queen's expression, you could tell that she was genuinely relieved to hear your statement. A small smile painted itself across her glowing face before she seemingly cast her gaze on you once more. She proceeded to move over to the stone that you pressed previously. After pressing the device, the opening made itself evident once more and you were shocked to discover that no one was there. Surely, you had only spoken to the Queen for five minutes. It didn't make sense for them to just leave you there, especially in the brothers' case.

"Ah, you seem quite confused Queen of Clovers. Your friends aren't here because they're currently on a different path. You see, I over thought security measures when I was alive. Thus the second time you press the stone, it leads to a different path. If you examine the opening, you'll see that different stones in the wall were moved. This was designed in such a way in case someone managed to break into this room and find the stone; they couldn't follow after due to them taking a different path."

"Didn't you say that only a king or queen can enter this room?"

"Yes, but you can never be too careful. Like I said though, I probably over thought the security."

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. Are you going to follow me out of the dungeon?"

"Yes, hopefully you don't mind. Besides, that way you won't get lost, since there are some misguiding passages down this route."

"One question before we go though, how did you know who I was and that I was an ace?"

"I already answered your second question; only an ace can see me, no one else can do so. Furthermore, Umelius described your appearance several times to his elites. As for how Umelius learned of your appearance, he discovered through the traveling of news. People were quite excited to know that Chroma had fallen. Apparently the day The Land of Amusement fell, some travelers were in a boat nearby and saw your queen's weapon along with the destruction of Chroma's domain."

Just nodding in response, you signaled for her to lead the way. As the opening closed though, which was due to you pressing another stone in the wall after the Queen showed you which one, the sound of the stones moving wasn't only heard by you. The brothers and Fade heard the movement, thinking that at last you would open the wall again. These hopes were dashed though, when the wall didn't move at all. All three were wondering what had gotten into you? Why were you acting so strange? Fade was just mainly concerned, but the brothers were both worried and infuriated. How dare you send them off without you? It was obvious though that you weren't coming down this path.

Heart lowered his fists from the stone wall, droplets of crimson descending to the stone floor below. Only a few days ago they had you back in their arms and now you were gone again. Mind wondering to impossibilities, Heart thought that maybe Umelius had already learned of your presence in the castle and was now mind controlling you, which was indeed not possible; no one in the world had the magic capable of performing mind control, which was probably for the best. Diamond rested his left hand on Heart's right shoulder, signaling him to calm down.

"We'll be reunited with her once again brother. There's no need to fear, so save your energy for the man that caused this mess," the red-headed male voiced to his blue-haired twin.

Knowing that his twin was right, Heart sighed before nodding in response. Thus the two brothers headed down the stone hallway with Fade following them. The petite girl tried to think of a reason for your behavior, but nothing came to mind. She searched through her memories of the dungeon, thinking back to when her mentor showed her the passages in the dungeons. Never had she seen the one she was in now, but once again her mentor probably couldn't trust her with everything detail of the dungeon. Fade would never have betrayed any of the information unless in a situation like the present one. It was understandable though that her mentor kept some of the castle secrets to herself, however none of this related to your present actions.

How could you know of the secret paths unless you asked her mentor yourself? A task like that was impossible. Mind flooded with puzzlement, Fade rubbed the bridge of her nose, figuring that she could ask you when she met up with you again. On the other hand, it could really relate to your ace powers like you stated before you sealed them in this hallway. Her thoughts were disturbed however, when the sound of a harp being played was heard.

It wasn't the same tune that she had heard on her way here. The song that was strung before was a favorite of her mentor's, but this song was much more. How had she forgotten? Of all the days that they had decided to come here, it had to be this day. Three hundred and eighty years ago in the evening, Umelius played the last song that his wife ever heard, for that was the night before the battle with the jacks. Of course, Fade didn't know that her mentor could still hear the tunes. Truly, how had it escaped her mind?

Every note that was struck echoed throughout the castle, slow and sometimes fast. It was steady and soothing like calming one to sleep, so that they may forget the troubles of the future. Captivating those around it, the music flowed through one's being until their mind lay at rest. This ensnarement could be deadly though, hence the slightly darker notes in the piece. This song could either be one to lull someone into peaceful dreams, or become the opening to a fateful battle. The harp was drawing them closer to Umelius, and today its music wouldn't bring a restful night.


Long pale fingers glided across the strings of the instrument. Arms and fingers moved in graceful motions, as the individual sat in a simple wooden chair, which was painted a dark magenta. Strands of long white hair fell past the individual's waist while a few strands were held up in a gold hair pin. This pin had an almond shaped jade on the end. A loose fitting thin pale blue robe hung on the individual's body while a white robe lay underneath the blue one. On the right side of the robe, it was adorned with a delicate white floral pattern that complemented the individual's white hair.

Their fingers continued stringing the instrument, which had a body of gold and silver. The tune didn't die down, as the player pressed onward. This was their song, their tribute to one who was lost. They would play in memory of their beloved. Picturing their form, which was small in comparison to their own, the individual could see their beloved lying in the field of poppies beside them. Eyes gently closed and a smile on her face while the music danced around the room. How they missed their beloved.

Soon, too soon the song came to a close. Should they play it again? No, once was enough. They would've heard it; they had to have heard it. A name was called softly, but was lost as soon as it left their mouth. Only they knew their beloved's name, only they could remember her appearance. In some sense this placed a smile on their face. It was somewhat pleasant, knowing that no one else could utter her name. There was no possibility of anyone tarnishing her name; she was his and his alone.

Placing his hands on his lap gently, he stared up at the illusionary sky that was decorated with stars and galaxies. His brown eyes glanced to his side. In the past both as children and as adults, his wife and he would create fake constellations before she would talk about the many adventures they could have in space. The childish grin she always bore, when she spoke of such things, always brought a smile to his face.

The opening of a door disturbed his memories and he cast his gaze over to the intruder. Removing from his right shoulder the small purple bear, which wore a black dress and black ribbon around its right ear, the King of Clovers set it in his lap. This small stuffed animal was one of his wife's favorite possessions, and it helped ease his mind when he had it with him. It was almost like she was there with him, but sadly he could only let his illusions go so far.

"What is it Rufus?" the King of Clovers questioned in a collected yet slightly irritated tone.

Wearing a suit of armor that had attached to it a pale gold cape, a man with messy fiery red hair and green-yellow eyes saluted his King before responding, "Your majesty, several guards from the dungeons have reported that there are intruders in the castle. They are currently trying to detain them, but the intruders have gone into a room where the guards cannot follow. What shall we do sir?".

"A room they cannot access ... strange. That only means ..." Umelius broke off, as a small grin spread across his lips.

So a king or queen had arrived, he could only hope that it was the Queen of Clovers, though, Rufus mentioned several intruders. Could there be more than one king or queen in his castle? How delightful that would be; he could get utilize the Queen of Clovers and kill another king or queen in one day.

"Finally, I can bring peace to you, my beloved," he mumbled, petting the head of the small stuffed animal lightly.

"Your highness?" Rufus called out, as he waited for his King's orders.

"Don't worry about them Rufus; I have a feeling they'll be coming here. I'll deal with them personally." 

A Melodious Song (Yandere Twins x reader)Where stories live. Discover now