Starting on a Similar Path

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  After they had their fill of food, Rivin offered to guide them through Pine Hills and onto the path that led to the entrance of Emerald Canyon. Personally, the brothers had no idea why the male was helping them, but they had a suspicion that it had to do with Fade. The two short individuals were hardly silent, as they traveled up and down the tedious hills for a few days. When the brothers decided to interrupt their conversation, which was currently about how to find eatable plants in the most unsuspected of places, the two shorter companions merely stared at them with slight irritated faces. All the brothers wanted to know was why they were heading south instead of west; they were going in the wrong direction of Valinquinia. It wasn't until Rivin finally answered that they understood. Apparently, there were two ways to get into Emerald Canyon and both were located in the middle of the canyon.

Thus the brothers remained rather quiet for the rest of time, talking among themselves and hoping that you were still fine. By now they had managed to keep their worry at bay and only optimistic plans of retrieving you filled their heads as well as their intentions when they met your captors. They could suppress their bloodlust and save it for when they encountered their enemies. Heart reveled in the idea of sinking the blade at his side into the flesh of the pastel-colored girl. A grin would paint his face when that time came. Much like his brother, Diamond waited in anticipation to grant his enemies proper punishment. His long nails would most likely be sharpened, so that he could sink them into the opponent's skin and let the blood run down his fingers.

When at last they reached the point where the land sloped downwards into a pit of grey clouds, the brothers sighed in relief until Rivin halted them. He handed the both of them grey cloaks, which he removed from a pack he carried on his back, while Fade was fine with the one she wore over her shoulders. At first they were confused as to why they had to wear the bland articles of clothing, but after a brief explanation of the creature that hid in the clouds, they knew the purpose of the cloak. Covering themselves with the grey fabric, they headed into the clouds, but had to stop when Fade didn't immediately follow. It would seem that she was saying a quick goodbye to Rivin, who replied by sending a gentle smile her way along with a casual wave of the hand.

With all three of them now in the cloud cover, they kept their watch out for the creature in the clouds. Fade had met the being before, but luckily for her she had her black cloak on. She really couldn't remember its exact appearance, for at the time fear pervaded her mind. All she did was remain still until it saw fit to disappear back into the clouds above. Since the brothers had never encountered it before, they had no idea what to expect. Normally they would've sought out the being, just for a good fight, but at the moment they just wanted to reach wherever you were.

Taking step after step forward, they found that the cloud cover was becoming thicker by the minute. Moreover, it was getting closer to the ground, so much so that they could no longer see the green grass at their feet. The grey objects swirled around their feet and little light barely provided them view of this. Thankfully, they had their cloaks on, for the creature only stood a few feet away from them. Its shadow-like body moved through the surroundings with ease, waiting to come across something colorful, something bright and cheery to eat.

Both Fade and the brothers halted their movement when they caught sight of the creature. Walking right in front of them, it stopped and turned to look at them, as if it knew they had more to them than the grey cloaks on their figures. All three tugged at the hoods of the clothing in order to better cover their brightly colored hair. If it were to see the strands of flowing turquoise, blue and red, it would surely feel like it had landed upon a feast.

Still curious about the three new beings in its territory, the creature stepped ever more closely to them until its quiet breath was a few inches from Diamond's face. He closed his reddish-orange eyes, as the thing pulled and poked at the cloak. It was near unbearable, but thankfully it moved on, clearly not interested in them anymore. Vanishing into the grey scenery, the three pressed onward, knowing that they still had awhile before they reached the entrance to Emerald Canyon.


His mint-green eyes stared at the sleeping girl, who didn't suspect anything at the moment. No longer did stolen daggers rest around her waist, nor did she have a hold on you. He just watched her, debating on the proper time to wake her. You should've been a good distance away by now, but he couldn't be sure. Watching turned into pacing, as he continued to ponder when he should put his plan into action. Personally, he hadn't worked out all the parts, but he had a good idea in mind and he hoped that it would do the trick.

Glancing over at the glowing trees, he wondered if he should've done anything different. Was it truly wise to let you run off? Probably not, but he didn't regret his decision. His master would've turned you into a puppet had he brought you to him. In truth, Rollta had little knowledge about his master's past; he had only heard of the incident that happened over three hundred years ago, but he knew that his master was suffering greatly. This however didn't give the man the right to turn you into a doll that would do his bidding.

Sighing lightly, Rollta looked upwards, but due to the environment he couldn't tell the time of day. He figured though that it would be near morning by now. Hearing Tipora stir in his sleep, he figured that he might as well take action. Pulling one of his sword-pens from his pockets, he drew the blade carefully across his forehead, letting a thin trickle of blood run down his facial features. Hiding the pen back in his pocket, he pretended to be dizzy and went over to Tipora. Shaking her awake, she opened her grey eyes, staring at the male questionably.

"Tipora, I couldn't do anything. She caught me off guard and knocked me unconscious," Rollta stated, holding his right hand to his head like he was in severe pain.

Instantly, her eyes widened and she screamed, "What?! You fool, how could you let her get away? What will master say? Do you understand how disappointed he will be in me?"

Dragging her fingers through her hair roughly, she stood up and paced hurriedly. This news made it seem like an explosion had occurred in her head; it was like her whole world was crashing around her. She didn't mind if her master killed her, but him becoming doubtful of her abilities to serve him was unacceptable. No, she wouldn't have it.

Turning back to her idiot of a companion, she asked with haste, "Do you have any idea where she could've gone?"

"No, I was knocked out, though I think she will have taken a right in the Emerald Canyon. She probably believes that it will lead her straight back to her home, yet she doesn't know that it will lead her to a dead end. That's our best bet," he announced in a fake tired tone.

Nodding in a rushed manner, Tipora sped off, hoping that she could reach you in time. Little did she know that you were headed in the opposite direction. Thus her feet pounded against the stone floor of the grove while she muttered worried phrases about her master. Soon her breath became ragged, for her legs had never worked so hard. Rollta, keeping up his act, staggered slowly behind her, yet she didn't care. It was only the priority of maintaining her master's graces that filled the girl's mind.

Once she reached the opening that led out into the Emerald Canyon, she looked both ways, thinking that she may see you standing there. No such luck was granted to her; rather she was just greeted by the green ground and walls made out of rock. Flocks of birds went by overhead, filling the void of silence with a tone unwelcome. She glared daggers at the animals, thinking that they were only mocking her and showing her how you escaped right under her nose. How could she be paired with such a foolish partner?

Clenching her fists, she took a right and headed off in that direction, still leaving Rollta somewhat behind her. He didn't really mind this arrangement, for it meant he wouldn't have to listen to her huffing and puffing. If only he could let a smirk decorate his lips. It was highly amusing to see the girl in such a state, though he would pay for this later. There was no difficulty in picturing her lecturing later. Name calling would also be prominent, but it would be nothing new; it would only be in higher quantity.

"Why isn't she here? Where is she? Oh, what will master say?" the girl cried out, falling to her knees and pulling at the grass in frustration.

"She most likely has a good head start. I doubt she'll be hanging around, waiting for us to come and claim her back."

"Oh, be quiet you imbecile. This is your fault, all your blasted fault," she yelled at the male, as she continued to beat at the innocent ground.

Wiping some of the blood from his face, he stood and watched, as the girl proceeded to tear at the grass. Screams echoed down the canyon before she crashed to the ground and covered her face. It would've made more sense to continue walking, so as to not waste any time, though this never crossed Tipora's mind. She had lost her self-control and was at the moment wishing she had never received this assignment.

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