Aid of the Animal

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  "How interesting, a queen that doesn't utilize her magic, so very strange" the guardian stated, turning around to face you completely before finishing, "Managing to harm me with no magic, impressive. Tell me Queen, why do you not use magic?"

Clutching your dagger and holding in it such a way that you could attack again swiftly, you replied, "Give me one reason why I should tell you."

"You have no reason to tell me, but depending on your answer, I might have some valuable information for you," the lioness uttered slyly, swishing its long tail back and forth.

Standing up straighter, you eyed the beast suspiciously, wondering what knowledge it could provide you. Its gleaming purple eyes continued to watch you, waiting for your answer. Letting curiosity take control, you let your arm with the blade relax slightly.

"The previous Queen of Clovers thought it wise to bring me here from another world, a world without magic, so that she could sacrifice me and enter my world. You can see how that went for her."

After licking one of her front paws, she responded, "Just as I thought; I knew you looked like them. There would be no other way for you to become a queen in this world. Tell me, do you know how one becomes a queen in this world?"

"Yes, you either must inherit the crown when the previous queen dies naturally, or you kill the current queen to take her throne."

"Indeed, but that's not the entirety of the situation. You must also be a part of this world, though most now don't know that fact. I suspect that all in this world must consider you an oddity, since you do not possess magic, yet you have a rather strong queen's weapon."

"I don't quite understand. Are you saying that I actually am from this world?"

"Yes, your parents were the last of their kind in this world. At the current moment, there only exist queens and kings of the cards, however there used to be more of the deck. Your parents happened to be aces, my dear."

The dagger almost fell from your hands when this news hit your ears. That couldn't be possible, it just couldn't. How did they even reach your world then and were your aunt and uncle really your family? It didn't make any sense. Seeing the pure confusion in your eyes, the guardian picked up your other dagger with its mouth and held it out to you. Staring down at the creature with puzzlement, you hesitantly reclaimed your weapon.

Before you could even question its action, it said, "You have proved yourself worthy through the injury you left on pelt. Furthermore, I could never kill the daughter of two aces. Now form your queen's weapon and I can prove my statement."

Still bewildered by this new information, you just nodded your head in reply and complied with the guardian's request. Combining the two daggers, they glowed until they formed your double bladed sword. Shining in magnificent purple light, you held the sword out, allowing the guardian to examine it. Within seconds, the lioness lifted her left front paw and pointed to the handle where your hands rested. Moving them just a little bit, you watched as the creature pointed with one of its claws. Looking at where the claw was, your eyes widened at the sight of what you saw. Inscribed on the handle was a miniscule A. It was practically invisible unless one peered closely.

"I'm sorry, but this doesn't make any sense. How could my parents get to the world I grew up in without any sacrifices? How about my aunt and uncle?"

"Simple, one of the specialties of an ace is that they can travel between worlds. In exchange for such power they do not possess any other magic, yet they do have the ability to become a queen or king. You're the first to accomplish such a title and that's the reason why you're weapon is so strong. As for your aunt and uncle, they must have been became friends of your parents and took on the titles to deceive you and claim whatever inheritance your parents left behind."

Now that you thought about it, you only did start calling them aunt and uncle after your parents were gone. Moreover, they had claimed your parent's house for themselves and all of their possessions. The jerks had deceived you all that time, though was this really true? Would you really believe the words of this lioness? There was some doubt, but this story would explain the behavior of your supposed aunt and uncle. Why would parents ever leave you in the hands of such terrible people?

"But why would my parents leave this world behind?"

"That I do not know. I only crossed paths with them once, but I remember they were on the run from something. I don't know if that threat is still alive, but just in case I would keep your identity a secret, my dear. Now I take it you want out of this canyon."

"I understand, and yes I need to get out of here," you stated, disconnecting the sword and returning it to the daggers.

"Hmm, in that case I shall guide you out. Your parents saved me when I came across them, so I shall now return the favor. Follow me, my dear."

Not giving you time to reply, the lioness went over to the fire and pawed it out in one swift move. It gave you another look before walking off in the direction you needed to go. Supposing that you could eat later, since your food was now ruined, you followed after the lioness. You still didn't know if you could trust this creature entirely, but it was better than wondering through the canyon alone. Who knows what other dangers lay in wait for you in the canyon. Besides if Tipora figured out Rollta's betrayal then it would be best to have another to defend you, hopefully Rollta would never be discovered though.

Thus you continued trailing behind the creature and you didn't know how much time had passed, but the heat was only getting worse. You were practically dragging your legs across the grass covered floor. How was the guardian not affected by the weather? The lioness was probably just used to the extreme heat. Combing your right fingers through your hair, you halted your movement and rested your left hand on one of your daggers, which rested in the belt strapped around your hips.

"Hmm, you seem exhausted, queen," the creature announced, stopping as well.

"Is it any wonder with this weather, though I can keep going, but please just call me _____," you stated with an exhausted voice.

"I see, well ____ you're in luck. We just reached the part of the canyon where shade dominates. This canyon has it upsides."

Following the beings' gaze, you saw a large hole in the canyon wall. A pale blue glow illuminated the space and soon you found the source of the light. From your view, you could see blue crystals sprouting from the grey cave walls. Glad for the shade, you almost ran into the cave out of joy. Once inside, you heard the faint sound of water in the distance. As if you couldn't ask for more, you now had something to quench your thirst as well. Now trailing behind you, the lioness smiled an invisible smile at witnessing your childlike behavior.

Carefully maneuvering around the dark blue crystals that jutted out of the ground floor of the cave, you scanned the cave for signs of the water. Soon natural light entered the cave, highlighting the massive amounts of crystals. They glowed and sparkled under the light. Clusters of the gems grew from the earth while others hung from the ceiling, waiting for an unsuspecting traveler to crash into them. Among these beauties rested a stream of clear water that looked utterly magnificent to you. Going over to it, you dipped your hands in and brought the drink to your lips. Luckily the dried ink on your hands didn't affect the quality of the water.

After having a few more drinks from the stream, you looked over to the see the lioness getting a drink as well. After having her fill she motioned for the two of you to continue onward. Personally, you desired to wash the ink from you, but it would be embarrassing with the lioness near you. Thus you would have to wait.

More light continued to greet you, as the opening in the cave grew bigger. The quantity of crystals decreased in number while you exited the cave completely. Now overlooking a valley, you stared in awe at the scenery before you. How could the canyon hold such a sight? It went from the heat filled canyon to something utterly breathtaking; the only issue was how you would get down there. Sitting next to your standing form, the lioness swished her tail back and forth. Obviously, she knew something you didn't, which made sense; she was the guardian of this territory after all.

Taking another step forward, you glanced downward before saying, "So I assume you have some plan on getting down there guardian because I'm not jumping that far down."

"Of course I have a plan, ____. Why wouldn't I?" 

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