Valley of Raspberries

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  The music had stopped when evening hit, leaving you to sleep surrounded by the quiet air of the night. When morning came around, you got off of your grassy bed, stretching your limbs in the process. Around you, the scenery was less breathtaking, since you had descended from the hill and now stood on level ground. Once again grass filled your vision, as clouds hung low to the ground. You could literally reach upwards and touch them. Sunlight barely broke through them, leaving them to their grey coloration. Thus you now found yourself in a rather dull atmosphere. Even the usual scowling Tipora managed to look more annoyed, which you didn't think possible.

As you walked on, you entertained yourself by reaching up and touching the clouds, clutching at their forms. Moisture played on your hands, indicating the high likelihood of rain. If it did rain, there would be no way to dodge it. Just when you thought you were going to remain dry for awhile, you entered an area filled with clouds. The only difference in this case was that you weren't in a damp tunnel. Keeping this in mind, you continued to run the tips of your fingers through the clouds.

Rollta, seeing your action, decided he would do so as well. Feeling the cold water filled clouds on his fingers brought a small smile to his face. His gaze turned upward, as he jumped up and stuck his face in the clouds for a brief moment. When he returned to the grass covered earth, his hair was soaked with moisture and tiny drops of water fell from strands of his hair. Running his right fingers through his hair, he caught your gaze and gave you a wide grin, causing you to roll your eyes and turn away.

Witnessing the male having wet hair, you shook your head, wondering why he wished to be cold again. You were hoping for a sun-filled day that would continue to warm your skin. Then again you were sticking your fingers into the clouds, but you were bored and had nothing else to do really. Tipora wasn't a conversationalist and from what you could tell she was quite a distance from Rollta and you. This didn't bother you though, as seeing her scowling face only made the day more depressing. Glancing back at Rollta, you finally figured that you might as well talk with him.

"Rollta, can you tell me more about that song that your master plays?".

His eyes widened slightly at hearing your question, for he though you would ignore him for the rest of the day, but he composed himself and replied, "Well did you want to know anything in particular. I'm sure you already figured that it was played on a harp".

"Yes, but the tune ... it sounded so beautiful, yet so melancholic. It would seem that there is some story behind it".

Lightly smiling, he nodded and answered, "There is indeed a tale behind the tune, though I doubt my master would want me telling you. I'm sorry, but I'll have to leave you in the dark once more, _____".

When he finished speaking, his smile turned into one that held more gravity. What did that song mean? If you could figure out the meaning, then you could know one of your enemy's weaknesses. Knowing that Rollta would remain quiet on the issue, you looked back over at Tipora. Suddenly, her dancing seemed disgusting to you. It didn't fit the song at all. Such jovial movements mocked the song and corrupted its meaning with a sickening false one. Why would she misrepresent a song that her master played? She apparently adored them. It made little sense to you and you began to wonder if her master had the same admiration towards her.

Before you could think anymore on the subject, you found yourself almost walking into a bush on the ground. Looking downwards, you found a raspberry bush at your feet. Its delightful red berries added color to the valley and you found a smile tugging at your lips. Crouching, you rested your arms on your knees and examined the miniature edible gems. Reaching out your right hand, you pulled one from the bush, bringing it to your eye level. It looked perfect for eating and you eagerly plopped it into your mouth. The sweetness spread throughout your mouth, causing you to pick another. When you had a handful, you stood back up and proceeded forward.

While you were busying yourself with the berries in your left hand, Rollta had the desire to test something else. Taking out a purple bouncy ball, he tossed it into the clouds above, counting how long it stayed in the air. The clouds here were rumored to slow objects down when they passed through. He didn't notice this when he placed his fingers in the clouds, but maybe lifeless objects would have a different effect. When he got to sixty seconds, he knew that something was off. Would the clouds really slow an object by that much? Normally, the ball would come back down in a few seconds, but now it was going over sixty. Crossing his arms over his chest, he tapped his foot impatiently. How could there be such time difference between a person's fingers and a bouncy ball? Then again nothing could be wrong and the feeling in his gut could be just fooling him.

At one point, you had finally noticed that you heard no footsteps behind you. Stopping, you turned around with one last raspberry in your hand. Well over a dozen feet behind you, you saw Rollta staring up at the clouds. What was he doing? Tipora halted her movement as well, wondering why both Rollta and you had stopped. Not a moment later, both Tipora and you widened your eyes. Coming out of the clouds behind Rollta was a shadowy figure that seemed to drip from the moisture filled objects. Raising the last raspberry to your lips, you knew that in just a few moments you would need to run.


Diamond took a bite out of a raspberry from one of the nearby golden bushes. He instantly spit it out, remembering its sweet taste. For a moment, he had forgotten what the berry tasted like, for he was distracted by the conversation he was having with his brother. They were planning on what to do when they retrieved you. It helped them to forget the present situation and their worry. Both agreed that a trip to the mountains would be relaxing. Those thoughts however were ruined now thanks to the sweetness that polluted his mouth.

Heart tried not to chuckle at his brother's mistake, but a small laugh escaped his lips. It was the first time he had laughed in awhile. Normally, the red-headed male would've glared at his twin, but seeing the cheerful expression, he stopped himself. Laughter was too rare on this journey to be wiped out when it occurred. Thus Diamond smiled at his brother's action before drinking some water to rid himself of the taste. After placing the water canister back into his pack, he ruffled his brother's hair a bit before going on ahead.

Letting out a 'hey', Heart rearranged his hair and caught up with his twin. Both brothers didn't wear their hats anymore; instead they decided to get rid of them. They had changing tastes when it came to such things and they figured that it was time to dispose of the hats. Heart would on occasion wear a dark blue headband to push back his bangs when he read, but that was the extent.

Concerning Fade, she traveled ahead of the two twins with her cloak flowing out behind her. Her petite arms draped beside her while the sun kept her figure warm. Gold grass shimmered around her while a ladybug crawled to the top of one of the blades. Its black and red wings fluttered before it flew off. Her eyes followed the little creature. It reminded her of the butterflies that lived in her old home. There always seemed to be one of the winged creatures flying about. If only she could return to the time where she would lie back in the grass and watch the little creatures fly around her, though would she have met you then? Probably not, but maybe she would have.

Casting her gaze away from the tiny being, she brought her hands out and stared at her palms. She was a part of that incident that happened so long ago and she could feel the guilt on her hands. Her hands suddenly began to look unclean to her, but it was only an illusion of her mind. Soon though, her attention was directed elsewhere. Looking downwards, she found the ends of her cloak swaying in the gentle stream below her. Sunlight reflected off of the surface, giving light to the bottom of the body of water. Fade pulled her cloak upwards and wringed most of the water out of the fabric. The brothers stopped a few paces behind her and stared down at the stream.

Pulling his canister back out, Diamond filled it with the fresh drink, restoring his supply. The water was perfectly clean and proved excellent to drink. Heart did the same as his brother. Fade still had a full canister and so she waited for the two. With canisters full, the brothers stood up before their eyes caught something in the distance. It sparkled magnificently under the afternoon sun. Curious, the trio went towards the item, the gem that shimmered in the sea of gold.

Reaching the small object, Heart picked it up and analyzed it. In the bright light, the sapphire gem seemed to glow. This gem dangled from a gold hoop earring and was in the shape of a diamond. It was similar to the brothers' earrings and they stared at the object with growing intrigue. Fade on the other hand knew exactly who the earring belonged to and her face paled. Never had she expected to see an object belonging to that individual again. The brothers took notice of Fade's expression easily.

"Fade, who did this belong to? You obviously know," Diamond stated, not breaking his gaze with the girl.

They didn't know what they were asking, they were about to uncover something that she thought she would never have to explain. Such a simple object held more weight than was granted to it. How on earth could it still be in these fields? It had been lost for over three hundred years; it was supposed to remain that way. She didn't want to think of how they would react, especially since she kept such vital information from them. The twins didn't have the best control over their emotions and this could potentially heighten that instability. Then again that individual was part of the reason for that instability existing in the first place. Time had finally called for a major secret to be revealed and Fade sadly was the one who had to disclose it.  

A Melodious Song (Yandere Twins x reader)Where stories live. Discover now