Back to the Annoying State of Things

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  A rush of red went to your cheeks and you instinctively pulled away from them. Diamond wore his typical smile while Heart displayed his characteristic smirk. Both stood a few feet away from you and had their arms crossed over their chests. Maybe, just maybe if they looked away for a moment, you could sneak into one of the other guest rooms and sleep there for the night. Sure, you might have missed the brothers, but you didn't miss sharing a room with them. Why couldn't you have both the brothers and privacy? Sadly, it seemed that the two didn't mix well.

Keeping a nervous watch on them, you noticed that their gazes were now turned away from you. This was the perfect opportunity you hoped for. Cheering in your mind, you quietly got off of the bed and made your way over to the door with the polished pink quartz doorknob. Your right hand was just over the doorknob when you heard complete silence behind you.

"Miss _____, I would think twice before placing your hand on that doorknob unless you're eager to play a game this instance." 

You didn't have the energy to deal with their twisted ideas of fun. Somewhere in the back of your mind you hoped that they would stop with the games, but obviously that was a false dream. The only way to end the games would be to find a way to break the curse and currently you had no knowledge concerning that matter. Thus already exhausted from everything that had previously happened, you allowed your lifted right hand and arm to fall back down to your side, as you turned around to face them.

"Good choice, my dear lady."

They looked away from you once more. Hearing their conversation, since you were only several feet from them, you learned that they were discussing shower arrangements. Much to your delight, this conversation didn't include you anywhere in it. From listening, you learned that Diamond would be the first to clean himself off. After hearing this, you saw him open and close the other door in the room. Once he was in the bathroom, a knock on the door sounded. You were going to answer it, but Heart beat you to it.

When he opened the door, Geela greeted the both of you while she held two packs in her hands. Heart grabbed them from her and you gave her a 'help me' look, but she only giggled and walked away. Thus Heart closed the door before going over to the bathroom door. He only opened it slightly, placing one of the packs inside. A 'thank you' could be discerned from the other side of the piece of wood.

Heart proceeded to drop the other pack, presumably his, by the vanity in the room. It was only after you saw Heart unzipping the pack and searching through it that you realized your attire. You couldn't very well sleep in your current outfit; well you could, but it would be most uncomfortable. With this in mind, you made your way over to the armoire and opened one of its doors. Looking inside, a sense of dread instantly filled your being. Nightgowns, nothing but nightgowns awaited you inside the piece of furniture. A nightgown wouldn't be a good idea with the two brothers sharing a room with you. In a desperate attempt to find something else, you opened the other doors in the massive armoire and were presented with the same result.

One of your eyebrows visibly twitched, as your right hand clenched around one of the handles of the armoire. Why on earth were there only nightgowns in this armoire? Something told you that Geela and potentially Clarencia had a hand in this, or you were just extremely unlucky with the room the brothers chose. Heart, noticing your obvious annoyed state, walked over to you and stood behind you, glancing into the armoire. Seeing what hung inside, an evident smirk graced his facial features once more.

"An interesting selection you have there, my dear lady."

Not glancing back at him and going towards his still opened pack, you replied in an irritated tone, "Be quiet, you perverted clown."

Your hands were only centimeters from reaching the pack that could provide you with acceptable clothes, when warm breath could be felt on your right ear. Feeling hands rest on your shoulders, you froze. His hands moved slowly down to your waist before they wrapped around it while his chin rested on your right shoulder.

"Oh and what do you think you're doing, my dear lady?" the blue-headed male questioned with a settle dark tone in his voice.

"Finding some decent clothes, can't I borrow some from you?" you asked, hearing a slight mocking chuckle escape his lips. Regardless of this, you continued, "Think about it Heart, I could enjoy your perfect scent for the evening."

Letting such a statement leave your lips almost made you gag, but you didn't want to wear one of those nightgowns. Besides, you didn't know if Heart had a particular scent at the moment, but as this thought passed your mind, you caught a faint scent of chocolate dipped strawberries. His grip on you soon loosened, as he stood back up before laughing loudly. Peering up at him, you saw him clutching his sides, leaving you to be quite puzzled.

"How you amuse me, my dear lady. Did you actually think that such a comment could change my mind?"

He continued to laugh, almost uncontrollably. Soon though, he stopped, as his blue eyes landed back on you. They seemed to gleam with that disturbing quality of his. Crouching down in front of you, he grinned widely and proceeded to ruffle your hair a bit. Afterwards, he moved his lips close to your left ear.

"You're so silly. Of course, you'll enjoy my scent. I'll be sleeping next to you after all. Now why don't you go put on one of those nightgowns," he whispered, as his breath tickled your ear and sent chills up your spine.

Deciding it better to get away from him than to stay where you were, you pushed him away before standing up and making your way back over to the armoire. You could always just wear the clothing you were wearing now despite how uncomfortable it would be. Then again you doubted the brothers would allow such a thing, especially Heart. Thus your new tactic would be to take an extremely long time picking one out. If luck was on your side, the brothers might fall asleep before you actually selected one of the frustrating pieces of clothing.

About five minutes later Diamond exited the bathroom, wearing red pajama pants and a matching red button-up pajama shirt. When he left the bathroom, Heart gave you another smirk before grabbing some pajamas out of his pack and taking his brother's place in the bathroom. He closed the door after him and not long after you heard water running once more. On the other hand the red-headed male's eyes glanced over the articles of clothing in the armoire and a small smile painted his lips. As he came over to where you were, you watched him suspiciously.

Now standing next to you, he examined the various nightgowns before his reddish-orange eyes landed on one. A look of pure displeasure covered your facial features, as you saw which one he was picking out. Like the room, it bore the color pink. Small pink bows rested on the slightly thick straps while it had a sweetheart neckline. Frills decorated the neckline. Going from the tightly fitted chest portion of the nightgown, the evening ware flared out afterwards, as pink frills covered parts of the base of the nightgown. This flared section was made of chiffon fabric and covered the satin white fabric underneath. To top it all off, a large light pink satin bow sat on the chest portion of the nightgown. Furthermore, you couldn't help but notice the length of the nightgown; this was definitely more of a shirt than a nightgown.

As Diamond held it out for you to take, you clenched your hands into fists, refusing to grab a hold of the short article of clothing. He pushed it closer to you and you shook your head. Combing his right fingers through his hair, he moved a few more steps closer to you before lowering himself to your height.

"It will look adorable on you, Miss _____. Please take it before I deem it necessary to change you myself."

Needing only one glance to see his threatening gaze that was hidden behind his smile and bright eyes, you harshly grabbed the pink nightgown. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his smile widen ever so slightly. Rolling your eyes at this, you went behind the screen and glared at the thing in your hands. If only the nightgown was longer and you weren't sharing a room with the brothers, then you might actually consider this nightgown somewhat cute, but in the present situation it was far from it. Taking off your day clothes and boots, you slid the article of clothing over your head. With a light shade of pink dusting your cheeks, you reluctantly stepped out from behind the screen. With your hands clutching the end of the nightgown, you tried to pull it down more, but it wouldn't concede to your demands. Seeing Diamond's gaze, you blushed more and crossed your arms over your chest.

Gazing away from him and still bearing a flushed face, you nearly shouted, "Can't you look somewhere else, you distorted jerk."  

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