Fear in your eyes

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  Pushing their hands off of your shoulders, you huffed out in frustration before looking upwards and closing your (e/c) eyes. You just didn't understand them. What did it take to earn their trust? Were you supposed to shout to the heavens that you truly did care for them? That probably wouldn't even satisfy them. Tightening your grip around the handles of your daggers, you wondered if you could change the bargain that you had hastily agreed to. There was a possibility that you could take the on brothers, but would you really want to with the battle with Umelius tomorrow? Your grip increased more on the silver and gold handles that were embedded with amethysts. Feeling the gems press into your skin, you winced in slight pain before ignoring it.

Both brothers could easily tell that you were in a state of pure irritation. They didn't really care though; they wouldn't let some other man spend time with you, especially since he had feelings for you. You were theirs and they had chased after you when you were kidnapped. Now that they had you once again, they weren't going to let you go off with another man. Sure, they had heard your declaration of feelings, but they refused to let you have interaction with a man who sounded too good to be true.

Easily noting the way you were holding onto your daggers, Diamond calmly questioned, "Miss ____, do you desire to harm us?"

"Tch, you have no idea. I just don't understand why the two of you have to act in such a way. Rollta's a friend, a friend, but apparently you two can't grasp that concept."

"I'm not surprised that you don't comprehend our actions, my dear lady. You see, we don't intend to lose what's ours to another man again."

"You two are pathetic if you think I would seek something more than friendship from Rollta. I already told you how I feel about you two, though I'm beginning to wish I didn't have those feelings. You two only seem to bring me an endless supply of frustration. Besides, what do you mean by 'again'?"

"We're hardly pathetic; cautious would be a better word choice, Miss ____. Surely, you remember us mentioning that we had two playthings before you and that we attempted to adjust the behavior of the second one. Well you see we weren't only trying to change her personality because of her constant attempts to kill us; she had developed feelings for another man, who she at first stated was a friend. We foolishly allowed her to see him because we hoped it would lessen her murderous plans; we stupidly thought that it would only remain a friendship.

"How wrong we were. We never learned where she met him, but he appeared to be a herdsman, since he was usually surrounded by sheep. Thus he was probably lived somewhere on the plains and we only became aware of him when our plaything started talking to him. It only took a month for our plaything to become too attached to him and her attempts to kill us only increased within that month. Thus we killed him soon after and that same day we made our plaything drink the potion within that vial."

Not gaining any sympathy after hearing this, you only shook your head and replied, "You can't compare me to her. I haven't tried to kill either of you, which is actually quite surprising considering your personalities. Do you seriously have that little trust in me?"

"My dear lady, we're grateful that you haven't tried to kill us, but concerning the matter of this man we just can't let you see him," Heart said before coming to stand on your left side.

Extending his left arm outwards, he permitted his left hand to rest on your right cheek. He turned you to face him, but you slapped his hand away. Taking a few steps away from him, you looked up at him about to make another comment. You stopped however, when for a brief moment you took note of something in his blue eyes. So that's what it was. Thinking back to their brief recount of their second plaything, the herdsman had been a threat to them and likewise in this case they considered Rollta a threat; they feared him. They were terrified to loosen the restraints, only for you to run off with another man.

Relaxing a little, you rested your hands on your hips and shook your head a little once again and uttered, "You know you could just tell me that you were scared instead of acting like a couple of jerks and threatening a man's life."

"You should know that we don't like displaying such emotions, Miss ____," Diamond voiced, combing his fingers through his red locks that were highlighted with hues of yellow and pink.

Turning from you and going over to one of the nearby trees, Heart stared down at one of crystals on the tree and muttered, "Surely, you can see why we're defensive."

"Yes, I grasp that you're worried I might betray the two of you, but I won't. I already rejected his feelings, so you must trust me that I won't seek anything beyond friendship."

Letting out a bitter chuckle, Heart shook his head before pinning his gaze on your own, shouting, "You have no f**king idea how scared my brother and I are! We at last have found someone, who has accepted our sick nature. We have attained a beautiful crystal, a rarity. The idea of having someone take you from us is f**king terrifying, so you better believe that my brother and I will prevent any man from being friends with you. We will not allow for even the smallest chance of risk; we will not allow for there to be a chance for you to develop feelings for this friend of yours!"

By now his hands were gripping your shoulders and he was shaking you slightly before Diamond removed his brother's hands from you and whispered to his brother, "That's enough Heart, there's no need to continue."

Heart permitted his bangs to cover his eyes, as he faced away from you and rested his head against his brother's left shoulder. Diamond's left hand rested gently on the back of his brother's head while his reddish-orange gaze stayed on you. The red-headed male whispered a few inaudible things to his brother, who nodded in reply and stepped away from his red-headed twin. This allowed Diamond to come over to you and clasp his hands around right hand, lifting both his hand and your hand upwards. Slightly tensing at this contact, you watched him suspiciously, as he seemed to examine your delicate hand and fingers.

Long painted nails gliding over your skin ever so softly, he quietly announced, "You're so fragile, so beautiful, Miss _____. Forgive my brother's outburst, but he only speaks the truth. How can two sadistic clowns compare to a man who seems so perfect, so right for you, a man who betrayed his entire life just so he could save you. He permitted you to give your feelings to others, even though he cared for you. We understand that he saved you and that he's the reason you're here with us now.

"And how can we compare to such an individual? How can we keep your feelings, if such a person is with you? Maybe that's why we're being so brutal about this," he mentioned even quieter, before collapsing to his knees and resting his head against your hand.

Surprise graced your face, as you had never seen the male like this except for once before. It was back when you had arrived at the castle after the circus. He had shed a few tears when he had kissed you that day. You're ours, you're mine, you're never to leave me rang through your mind and you could almost hear the desperation in his voice now.

"Maybe that's why we're being so cruel. He was the one to save you, not us. Can't you understand how enraging and terrifying that is? So how, tell me how we're supposed to compare to that man?"

His voice was cracking and something tugged at your heart. Looking down at the man by your feet and over at the blue-headed one, who was shaking slightly, you let out a sigh. The fools, they really knew how to mess with you. Getting down on your knees, you pulled your right hand from his grasp and wrapped your right arm around Diamond while resting your left one behind his head. With your left hand, you pulled his head closer to you and let him rest his forehead in the crook of your neck. A faint gasp left his lips due to being surprised at your gentle action.

"You idiot, you're not supposed to compare yourself to him. There's no comparison to make. I only care for your brother and you. I will never leave either your brother or you for another man. There's nothing to fear; he's just a friend and he understands that. So I'm asking you to respect that."

Wrapping his right arm around your waist and standing up with you, he rested his left fingers under your chin and lifted your gaze up to his, responding, "Do you promise to stay with us forever then?"

Seeing his serious expression that was trying to mask the invisible tears, you smiled lightly and stated, "Yes, so stop worrying."

A smile of his own graced his lips and he brought them close to your ear, whispering, "Thank you."

The soft tone of his voice and the way his breath tickled your ear brought a light blush to your face and you tried to hide it as he pulled away from you. Glancing over at Heart, you saw him clenching his fists before he darted over to you and secured his arms around you. Caught off guard, you gasped while Heart buried his face in your neck.

In doing so, you could just barely hear him say, "My dear lady, thank you."  

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