Above and Below

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  Defeating strike-nigh after strike-nigh, the brothers and Fade finally crossed into the King of Clovers's borders. The strike-nigh couldn't cross the boundary between the Storm Plains and the Aureus Fields. They jumped up and down; attempting to reach the brothers and Fade, but their effort amounted to nothing. Realizing that their prey was unattainable, they turned and raced the other way before disappearing in the darkness. Catching their breath, the brothers walked forward a bit before crashing to the ground out of exhaustion. Combining their already exhausted states with intense fighting only led them to feel completely depleted of energy. Heart rested on his back before putting the saber back in its scabbard while Diamond sat crossed-legged, resting his head in his hands. Fade was tired as well, but not to the extent of the brothers. She floated over the hordes of strike-nigh while they had to run through them.

Hovering over to them, she pulled her pack off of her back before beginning to pull out some supplies. Retrieving three cotton brown blankets, she handed one to the brothers while keeping one for herself. With the blankets out, she closed her pack and set it aside, since none of them were hungry at the moment. Furthermore, lighting a fire wouldn't be of the best idea, since they were surrounded by fields of grass. Currently, one could not tell the color of the grass, but when sunlight hit the fields, they sparkled like a sea of gold. Golden bushes were scattered across the fields, bearing delicious raspberries and blackberries, though these berries tasted much sweeter than normal due to their golden origins.

Wrapping the blanket tightly around herself, Fade stared out over the expanse of earth, looking for any signs of movement. She hoped that she might notice your figure walking amongst the collection of shadows; she wished to spot her friend waving at her. Her dual-colored eyes only caught sight of grass and the cloud covered sky. There was little to no light in the area and it unnerved her. In her domain there was always a source of light and if there wasn't, she had memorized the forest. It had been ages since she traveled through these fields and she couldn't remember the dangers that lurked in them.

Maybe it was due to her companion at the time. Riding alongside that individual and sharing hundreds of laughs together. With such a jovial atmosphere, she never expected to locate such a threat within the golden fields. Now she regretted not paying better attention. Her companion would've scolded her on the matter, stating that she always needed to be aware, for darkness sometimes hides in the brightest of places.

Why couldn't her companion be here with her now? She could just imagine plopping berries into her mouth while the individual sent sparks of light into the air, giving a magnificent show to the viewers. It was strange remembering those times before her companion left her. Those memories were supposed to be sealed away along with the pain. Being alone for so many years caused Fade to create a barrier around herself, though you had broken past those defenses. Hugging the blanket even more, she rolled onto her side and drifted off into a light sleep.

As Fade slept, Heart kept his eyes open, for he was the first one on watch. They hadn't formally decided who would take the first, second and final watch, but Fade fell asleep before anything could be decided. Likewise, Diamond had slipped into unconsciousness the moment he rested his head in his hands, leaving Heart to stay awake. His blue eyes merely stared up at the overcast sky while he wished that he could see the stars and the moon. They would be more interesting to look at than the clouds, which had no definite shape. Moreover, he could barely make out the outlines of the water filled objects. He hoped it wouldn't rain, but the likelihood of water splashing against the grass was quite high. Thunder and lightning sounded back in the Storm Plains, warning of the land that lay behind him. Luckily, there was no more need to worry about the danger of those plains. Only when they traveled back to the castle would the need for that concern arise.

Resting his hands behind his head, he let the blanket cover him lightly while a quiet yawn escaped his lips. He would wait three hours before waking Fade up and having her take the next watch. It was strange seeing his past mentor look at the Aureus Fields with a somber expression on her face, for he could tell that it involved more than just your absence. Heart couldn't fathom how there could anything else more important than your capture. What was the girl thinking about previously? Even in her sleep she seemed tensed, as though her worries were taking shape in her dreams, plaguing her mind for the night.

He noticed the grave expressions that always painted the girl's face, when she mentioned the King of Clovers. Back when he was her student, he never thought to ask her much about her past. Even if he did, she would remain silent before changing the topic. Something had obviously happened before his brother and he were born, but what? Such curiosity managed to distract him from his growing depression, though even that thirst for knowledge couldn't keep him from worrying about you. Remembering that rare smile of yours made him bite his lower lip while thoughts of holding you and seeing that facial expression pervaded his mind. The night hours passed slowly while memory after memory played on an imaginary film tape.


The firelight crackled in the center of you three. You leaned up against a wall that thankfully was dry despite the abundant dampness of the tunnel. Your plush crème colored blanket surrounded your form, as your knees were up against your chest. Warmth slowly returned to you and you noticed that your hair was just starting to dry. Fire ate at the pile of wood, as you nibbled on the cooked potato in your hands. It was still hot, so you needed to take your time lest you burn your tongue.

Tipora had already finished her potato along with some of the fruit that was in the barrels. She now lay asleep against the wall opposite from you, curled up in her blanket while her umbrella was clutched in her arms like a teddy bear. Rollta on the other hand remained wide awake, keeping an eye on you. He merely tossed a purple grape into his mouth before eating another. His chin rested lazily in the palm of his left hand while his right hand grabbed the grapes from the nearby barrel. The blanket rested loosely on his shoulders and his posture indicated that he was more than relaxed. In comparison to him, you looked like a penguin huddled close to its fellow companions. It was taking an annoyingly long time for you to warm up despite the fire that was several feet from you.

Taking a small bite of the cooked potato, you noticed how quiet Rollta was. Maybe he was just being respectful of Tipora, or had he finally worn himself out with all of his crazy antics. At the moment his eyes were unreadable while they stared at the flickering flames, though these eyes were still watchful of your behavior. Even if you moved a muscle, you knew that he noticed. It was both terrifying and disturbing. Thus when he finally parted his lips, you tensed slightly due to the sudden sound.

"______, you shouldn't be staring at me so much".

"You're one to talk. Your gaze may not be directly on me, but I know you're keeping track of all my movements," you replied before eating another small portion of your food.

"Yes, but I have a good reason. I need to make sure that you don't try and run. What's your defense for your gaze?".

"Tch, I'm merely making sure that a creep doesn't try anything".

"You still have such notions of me? What a disappointment".

"Don't tell me that you've failed to notice your perverted remarks from time to time".

"Hmm, I suppose they do portray me in a bad light, but I don't mean any of them".

"Sure you don't," you stated sarcastically, rolling your eyes in the process.

A faint look of disappointment crossed his eyes before it vanished. You really didn't care though. Instead, you decided to just eat your food. An unknown amount of time passed before you finished the cooked potato and moved onto peeling an orange. Its citrus scent wafted into the air and a small smile graced your lips. The smell always pleased you and made you look forward to consuming the juicy fruit. Moreover, breaking the individual slices off one at a time always seemed fun to you. Once finished with removing the peel, you set it on the ground next to you and put the first slice into your mouth.

Its sweet taste tickled your taste-buds and made you put another piece into your mouth. The juice filled fruit was addicting, as your parched throat desired more of the liquid. It would make more sense to drink some water, but right now your mind only focused on the sweetness of the food item in front of you. As your attention remained centered on the orange, you didn't notice the amused expression on Rollta's face. He felt like he was watching a kid in a candy store. Then again he couldn't really criticize you, for he was eating the grapes next to him like they were pieces of chocolate. He enjoyed seeing someone actually appreciate food for its worth. Unlike Tipora, you knew that meals were important and without them one would die. Tipora would always throw the food into her mouth like it was a bothersome activity. She'd only appear grateful if their master was nearby.

His master didn't even seem to care, when food was placed in front of him. Instead, the man would stare off to a particular part of the room while he stabbed his food lifelessly with his fork. Honestly, it was almost painful to eat with his master. He could tell that the other two elite soldiers felt the same way. Only Tipora was happy eating next to their master. Silence always remained in the air around that table, except when their master addressed them on a matter he wished to discuss. Thus, it felt nice to finally have a different eating environment, but this would all end once they returned to Valinquinia.  

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