Long Afternoon Discussion

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  You were going to ask Clarencia on how to stop Umelius's plan to capture you, but she left with Geela before you could ask; only explaining that tomorrow would be a better day to arrange an attack against him. Thus you found yourself alone in the sitting room with the brothers. It was odd being along with them, since it had been a little over three weeks since you last saw them. Furthermore, you could only manage to stare at your hands, which rested on your lap, not wanting to make direct eye contact with them. How were they going to react now that Fade, Clarencia and Geela were gone? Anything was possible with them and a growing feeling of dread started to wash over you.

Of course, you already admitted to yourself that you missed them, but you wouldn't forget what they were capable of. Would they blame you for your capture, would they punish you for being careless and letting a stranger stay at the castle? You didn't know and the suspense was awful.

Time seemed to tick by slowly in the sitting room while the afternoon sun came through the windows. Every tick and tock sounded louder than normal, as though the clock had replaced your heartbeat. Why weren't they doing anything, why were they so silent and still? Was this the beginning sign of their future torment? Your hands clenched even tighter around the cloth of your shirt, as the brothers still kept their grip on you. Their grip didn't tighten, but it held an ominous presence to it and you could almost feel the twins' gazes darkening.

Deciding to break the silence, you questioned, "So you're parents were the previous King of Diamonds and Queen of Hearts?"

Nothing, they didn't answer. The gravity in the room appeared to increase, and you cautiously looked upwards. Glancing nervously between the two, you saw unreadable expressions painting their faces. Diamond removed his right arm from your waist before resting his left arm on the armrest of the sofa.

Placing his left cheek against the fist of his left hand, he responded, "Yes, Fade told us when we were looking for you, Miss ____. The conversation occurred when we found one of our father's old earrings abandoned in the Aureus Fields, which is to the south of here. It seems though that our parents weren't the best of people."

"Yes, and you two are so much better than your parents," you muttered before you could stop yourself.

It only took you a moment to realize how harsh your sarcastic statement was, but it was too late to take it back; it just came out and you would probably soon regret your carelessness. Thus it didn't surprise you when you felt yourself being pulled backwards. Heart now had your back pressed up against his chest while his arms had tightened their hold around your waist. Your (e/c) eyes looked over at Diamond, allowing you to see the slight frown on his face.

"If only you knew, my dear lady. You have no idea how much we are suffering at this current moment," the blue-headed male explained, as his lips glided ever so gently over the helix of your ear.

This action sent chills down your spine and you instinctively pulled your head away from him, causing a smirk to tug at his lips. What did he mean by suffering? Diamond and him looked completely fine at least physically anyway. Did he mean mentally then? If so, that would be surprising, for they seemed to enjoy their cruel acts. On the other hand you could remember a strange look crossing their faces at certain times, like they were forcing themselves to hold back; this look only lasted for a brief second though.

"I don't understand. What are you hiding from me?"

"Why should we tell you, Miss ____? We still haven't discussed your foolish action that occurred back at the castle. Do you think you deserve such information?"

"I only allowed Tipora to stay at the castle because you two were depriving me of any outside contact. I was trapped in a box and the temptation of having someone new in the castle was too demanding. Of course, I realize my mistake now. I'm done exploring this world for awhile. As for my question, is it too much to ask for a little more information on you two?"

"So you're essentially blaming this whole series of event on us then, merely because we held too tight a restraint on you? How interesting, but I'm afraid we won't accept such blame; you're the one who asked for us to lessen our protection and look where it led you, Miss _____."

"Though, we were idiotic for agreeing to let the pastel girl stay," Heart broke in, as his right fingers combed through your locks.

Frustration began to consume you and you suddenly remembered how irritating these two can be. Keeping a hard and steady face, you glanced between the two before prying Heart's left arm off of your waist. Taking this opportunity, you stood up from the sofa, taking a couple of steps away from the twins. They watched you like hawks, wondering what you were going to do.

Resting your hands on your hips and with your back turned to them, you responded, "You still haven't answered my question."

"You don't need to know the reason for our suffering," they stated in unison.

"I can't believe you two! Why won't you let me understand you two more? I barely know anything about either of you, yet you know my past due to the letters Chroma sent you. All I know is that you two are sadistic obsessive clowns, yet despite this personality trait of yours I have remained loyal to you."

Frankly, you didn't want to cry, especially in front of these two. Sadly, your emotions weren't permitting you such a pleasure. You had missed these two for some odd reason; you wanted to return to the castle. Now that you had reunited with them, you at first felt that feeling pull at your heart strings, yet you now only felt irritation and a mixture of other jumbled emotions. Couldn't they understand that you just wanted to know them more? What could be so hard about that?

"How exactly were you loyal to us when you convinced us to let a stranger into our house? How were you loyal when your mistake led to your capture and to our worry, Miss _____?"

Bitter laughter almost escaped your lips while tears were beginning to form at the edges of your eyes before you replied, "You know, I had someone confess their feelings to me while I was away from you two. They were one of my captors, but then again you two were my captors and in some ways still are, yet they were the opposite of you two. They showed exceptional kindness to me and even helped me escape from Tipora. They made my capture somewhat bearable and you know how I repaid them, I turned them down and left them to a possible fate of death; I rejected them because I missed you, Heart and Diamond.

"I desired to go home with you two, back to the castle despite the fact that the two of you constantly torment me. I knew that there was more to you than what you let on. There was something more behind those smirks and smiles of yours. Thus I just want to know what lies behind those painted faces of yours; I want to see past the masks of the men I missed while I was away, yet you deny me this request."

There it was; they now knew how you missed them. The only thing that hid some of your feelings was the fact that your back was facing away from them. If they saw the look in your eyes, they would see all. A tear ran down your right cheek, as you heard movement behind you. Soon a hand rested on each of your shoulders, but you wouldn't let them see your face; they didn't deserve it. They didn't deserve to see your secret care towards them.

Roughly, you turned around, causing their hands to fall off of your shoulders. Not wasting any time, you threw the sitting room door open and went out into the hall. The apple orchard would be a nice retreat and so you went towards the hall that led to the grand bathroom, which led out to the ochard.

In your hurried escape, you didn't notice the shocked expressions of the brothers. They were infuriated at discovering that another man had tried for your affections, but were bewildered to find that you actually missed them, so much so that you rejected a man, who sounded to be too good to be true. Moreover, they were honored to hear that you had been loyal to them.

Learning this, they felt guilt tug at their hearts. Heart collapsed onto a nearby pink upholstered chair, running his left fingers through his blue locks that had green highlights. Diamond merely glanced down at the pink carpet, his mind pondering what he had just heard. He had just discovered more about you, yet you still knew so little about them. Frankly, he didn't want you to know about the curse placed upon his brother and him. Both Heart and he were too prideful to let you pity them. Despite the growing guilt, he desired something from you first. His brother would want the same.

"Heart, don't you think it's time we received an answer."

Heart peered up at his brother, understanding him perfectly and he nodded in response. Like his red-headed brother, he desired one more piece of information before he related to you the curse placed upon them. He had waited long enough.

"Yes, I suggest we go find her, Diamond."  

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