The Strings Connect

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  Diamond and Heart hurried out of the sitting room, attempting to see where you went. They couldn't find any trace of you among the halls. Thinking that maybe you went to hide in one of the guest rooms, they found a flight of pink marble stairs leading upwards. Ascending the steps, they took occasional glances out of the paned windows. Not once were they graced with the sight of your figure, but rather they just overlooked the river that carried off into the distance. The seven rainbow foxes were walking in their line and playing their cheerful music, but they were of no importance to the twins.

Reaching the upper hallway on the west wing of the castle, they stared down the long pink carpeted space while a soft breeze entered through the paned windows, causing the pink chiffon curtains to shift lightly. The light highlighted the many doors that ran down the area, all with doorknobs of polished pink quartz. Not a single door was open and no sound came from behind any of them, however the sound of someone singing could be heard outside the windows. It didn't sound like you, but then again neither of the brothers had heard you truly sing.

Going over to one of the nearby windows, they peered out to see Geela dancing under one of the grapefruit trees, singing a melody they had never heard of. It could've been an ancient tune or one the child merely made up, but something seemed odd about the song. It talked of an adventure grand and dangerous but none of the places mentioned in the song were in existence. It went along the lines of:

I walked the streams of Avaka, picking a piper and making a muse.
I ran the streets of Ganab, eating fruits and drinking honey.
I swam the oceans of Hanec, stopping mermaids and sailing waves.
I flew the skies of Rinned, blowing a whistle and turning wings.
I entered the depths of Kinete, slashing monsters and killing enemies.
I ascended the stairs of Jisef, reaching the throne and claiming the gold.
This is my treasure, this is my burden, and this is my home.

After the seventh line, she repeated all the lines over again and continued with the tune. Both twins were intrigued by the song, but you were more important at the moment. Figuring that Geela might have an answer to your location, they called out to her from the window.

Stopping her singing, she glanced upwards and upon seeing the brothers a grin spread across her lips. She saw the desperation in their eyes and she loved it; she loved knowing that she had the answer to their question. Of course you had never told her where you were going to be, but she had seen you run into the apple orchard. Personally, she found your relationship with the brothers adorable and she wanted it to work out, as did her mother. At the moment though, she would have a little fun and tease them a bit. Geela was only eight, but her personality had matured well past her age.

It was odd though, knowing that her mother was so much older than her. Apparently, her mother hadn't been ready for children; at least that's what her mother had told her. Geela knew there was more to it, as was the case with most things in this world. She understood that her mother was fearful of having children, since she could see a potential outcome of the future that was almost always right. Having the knowledge of the future, her mother could influence it. There were probably multiple instances where her mother would have had children, but the queen prevented said occurrences.

Geela could only guess at what her mother saw in the future, but it probably displayed the child dying, though something must have changed eight years ago. There was still one question left. Who was her father? Never did her mother mention the man, but hopefully in time she would. She could be patient.

Collecting her thoughts once more, Geela responded to the brothers, "Hmm, why do you want to know? Are you sure she wants to see the two of you?"

"Child, just tell us whether or not you know her location. This is important and we don't have time to play your games," Diamond replied, his hands clenching around the windowsill.

"Ohh? But you have time to play your games," she mentioned innocently, as her eyes shined in delight at seeing the brothers' growing irritation.

"And how do you know about our games?" Diamond questioned, his eyes narrowing.

"Why mother's seer abilities and the very fact that you two are infamous for your games."

The brothers glanced at each other before turning their gazes back on the small child, whose bright orange eyes looked up at them.

"So what if we play games with our dear lady? Just stop messing with us and tell us her location!" Heart yelled, his hands slamming against the windowsill.

Only smiling more, Geela asked, "Why do you two hide behind that face-paint of yours? Why do you hide so many things from her? Is it because you fear her pity, that she'll only like you because she pities you?"

Their eyes slightly widened. How did she know that? How could their thoughts be revealed in a potential future? They couldn't be, so how? Were their feelings just that obvious, were their masks beginning to fail them? Moreover, her questions were not those of a child. The girl before them seemed to be an adult in a child's body, but they had learned from Fade that the child was indeed only eight. Not being able to reply to her questions, or rather not wanting to answer her questions, they turned their backs and went to leave, but her voice halted their movement.

"She's in the apple orchard," Geela called out with a grin still on her face.

They didn't turn around to thank her, but just nodded in response and ran off. Their footsteps went throughout the castle, as they hurried across marble stairs and hallways until they found the windows leading out to the orchard. Turning the handle and opening the window, they exited outside. After closing the window behind them, they walked out and noticed the darkening sky. Rays of sunset were cast across the expanse of land, highlighting the apples' perfect color.

Listening closely, they could hear two voices up ahead in the orchard. One sounded like Clarencia's and the other yours. A wave of relief washed over them and they soon could have a long awaited question answered.

Taking step after step into the orchard, they heard the voices more and more. Clarencia had just asked 'Yes, or no', which was followed by a long silence. What was her question in relation to? Both brothers thought they knew, but they couldn't be sure. They wanted to, no, they needed to hear your response. It was as though they had been starved for a year and your answer would be their replenishment.

Only a few moments passed before they saw two figures in the distance. After a few more seconds they could make out the figures, though they already knew they belonged to Clarencia and you. Their eyes lost sight of Clarencia though and remained on you, seeing your knees up against your chest while your bangs hung sloppily around the front of your face. Tear stains were evident, but your condition didn't disgust them, it only made them stop and stare in wonderment.

In this state of amazement, you finally uttered your answer to the Queen of Diamonds's question. It rolled off your tongue beautifully and left them even more wonder-struck. How long had you cared for them? When did your feelings start? Were they really hearing things right?

When Clarencia pointed over at them and your attention turned on them, their breath got caught in their throats. The look of shock on your face was something new to them. It wasn't any normal shock; your eyes told everything. A few tears cascaded down your cheeks and your (e/c) eyes were wide. You had just revealed one of your greatest secrets to them; you were vulnerable and you could no longer defend yourself. There was no hiding left and they found your current state absolutely stunning. They now had their answer and they found themselves moving over to you.

Clarencia seeing her part finished, walked off gracefully, leaving the brothers alone with you. This was no longer her business. When she reentered her castle, she cast one glance behind her and let a simple smile fall upon her face before closing the window and going to find Geela.

You backed more into the apple tree behind you, wishing that you could escape this situation and run away from the brothers' gazes, but you couldn't. Stuck, you hid your face in your arms, hoping they would leave you alone. No such thing happened and you felt a pair of hands on your arms. They pulled your arms from your face and you stared into the blue eyes of Heart. Placing his right fingers under your chin, he lifted your face before wiping away one of your tears with his left hand. After doing so, he stood back up, his gaze still on you.

Your eyes turned up to Diamond, who smiled gently and held his right hand out for you to take. You gazed at the hand with long painted fingernails. Should you take it, should you increase your vulnerability? Hands trembling, you clenched them and looked away, however you were still lifted into the air, since both brothers had pulled upwards on your arms. They weren't going to let you get away.  

A Melodious Song (Yandere Twins x reader)Where stories live. Discover now