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   Landing on the plains that were a pale golden hue, Fade and you descended from the back of your bird companion while the brothers climbed down from their own birds. Hands on your hips, you glanced out over the terrain and you could just barely see the city belonging to the King of Clovers. It was a strange thought to think that you would be entering a city here in this world, since it was in fact the first you had laid eyes upon. The only thing close to a city was the abandoned village and the carnival where you experienced the brothers' first games.

With a light breeze blowing over the blades of grass, you turned to Fade, stating, "I don't think we should camp out in the open due to the attack we just experienced."

"Agreed, I know of a place where we can rest for the night before we enter Umelius's castle. It's close by, so we won't have to fly there," your petite friend answered before signaling for you to follow her.

The brothers having heard the brief conversation trailed behind you two with the three birds following. You didn't walk for long, proving Fade's point. Due to not seeing any structure in sight, you figured that the place was underground and so it was. Fade spared no time in crouching close to the earth and drawing a symbol in the ground. Upon closer inspection you saw the shape of a crossbow.

You didn't have too much time to inspect the drawing, as the drawing vanished and the piece of earth opened up, revealing a hatch and a staircase that lowered into the ground below. The three of you allowed the birds to enter first before all of you went in afterwards. Fade closed the hatch, preventing anyone from coming in after the seven of you. When the hatch closed, it only remained dark for a short moment, as simple glass lamps on the walls lit up.

Obviously, no one had entered this passage in quite some time. Spider webs were dominant along the ceiling and dust was in abundance. As you went further in though, you realized that the glass lamps were decreasing in number. Instead their light was being replaced by a softer light. A pale glow of purple, blue and yellow started filling the space while the lamps went out one by one behind you. Intrigued you found yourself increasing your pace slightly, but Fade still walked faster. She seemed to be more excited than you, but she was more nervous than anything; she was worried that the place wouldn't be the same as it was three and eighty years ago.

Reaching the bottom of the steps, the multi-colored haired girl let out a sigh of relief. Everything was the same; it hadn't been ruined by time like the steps were. Once the brothers and you were at the end of the steps, Fade stepped aside, permitting you to see the expanse beyond. Your (e/c) eyes widened at the sight. Dark grey-blue trees stretched up to the top of the cave while faint glowing blue crystals lay at the base of the trees. Moreover, these crystals climbed up the trunks in various places. At the top of the trees were spindly branches that appeared to be decorated with crystallized dew drops. Small flowers, glowing in blues, yellows and purples littered the floor and surrounded the cobblestone path. Lastly, a smoothed stone arch stood over the cobblestone path, providing a gateway to the garden further in the cave.

"Here's one of my mentor's most treasured places, the Suptilissima Forest."

"How did she find such a place?" you questioned, mesmerized by its beauty.

"Well when she discovered this underground forest, it wasn't sealed off. She was the one who placed the crossbow seal on the opening to the cave, the symbol being reminiscent of her queen's weapon. She thought it best to keep it hidden, so that it wouldn't be ruined. Despite my mentor's kind nature, she wasn't the most trusting of individuals. I digress though. My mentor told me that she came upon this forest when she was a child and was just beginning to train with her powers. Apparently, she just stumbled upon the hole in the ground and thought to explore. Later on, she showed me this amazing place. She mentioned that it was an excellent place to train in peace, especially since I had and still have a talent for earth magic."

Looking at the enchanting area, you merely nodded in response before asking if you could explore a bit.

"Of course, enjoy the forest. I'm sure my mentor would want you to, but let's all meet back here by the stairs when morning comes. You'll know that it's morning when the flowers start to change to hues of orange and pink."

Before Fade walked off, you remembered something that was bothering you and quickly voiced it, "Fade, do you know who shot at us?"

"Yes, I believe it was one of the elites. Those shots were too perfect, and from what I have heard from my informants in the past few years the man's name is Balthier. I don't know why he was in the canyon, but he now knows where we intend to go. He'll most likely be running to the castle at this very instance, though I don't know if he's traveling with any of the other elites. _____, you escaped in the canyon, yes?"

"Yeah, at the time I was with two elites. Tipora, the one who had kidnapped me, and I was with another by the name of Rollta, who met up with us after Lindepia Woods. He's the one who helped me escape."

"I see, though I'm surprised he aided you, but then again out of all the elites he would be the most likely. No matter, Balthier most likely met up with them and will be traveling with them. I'm just assuming this of course, but it's a likely possibility if you escaped in the canyon and due to the fact that Balthier was firing from the canyon. In any case we'll have to watch out when we leave in the morning. I doubt they know of this place. Hopefully, I'm right on that point."

After seeing that you were satisfied with her answer, Fade went off in her own direction while the brothers of course went with you. As for the three birds, they went over to a patch of flowers and rested upon them, hanging their heads down in memory of their lost friend. You felt bad for them, but there was little you could do in that situation. If you hadn't left when you did, you would probably be captured while Fade and the brothers would be dead.

At the moment you didn't really want their company, since another thought was bothering you. This underground forest reminded you of the grove that was just before the canyon. Just remembering how you left Rollta behind allowed the guilt to enter your being. You knew that's what he wanted, but you left him to deal with the intolerable Tipora and now he potentially had to deal with another one of his companions. It's not like you cared for him in that way; you already made that clear to him. Frankly, you did consider him a true friend and placing him in such a threatening position didn't sit well with you.

Your booted feet clicked against the cobblestone pathway and the brothers' black patent-leather boots clicked as well, falling in step with yours. Seeing Heart on your left and Diamond on your right, you let another sigh escape your lips, since you noticed the gazes they were giving you. They were probably still perturbed by your ace ability.

"Will you two stop? If you're worried that I'm going to get up and go to another your world, you're wrong. You two would probably find a way to come after me anyway, if I did such a thing," you mumbled, not really having the energy to deal with their possessive personalities.

"We are still worried about that, but I'm sure we'll find a remedy to ease our minds," Heart mentioned, though his gaze still remained darkened.

"Great, I look forward to more of your restraints," you muttered, rolling your eyes.

"Hmm, such enthusiasm, maybe we'll have to install some now" Diamond commented with a small smile on his face before regaining his serious expression and continuing, "That isn't the thing on our minds though. We want to know what this Rollta looks like. You mentioned back at Clarencia's castle that a man had confessed his feelings to you and aided you in escaping. Rollta must be him, so tell us."

Movement halting, your eyes widened. When you were talking to Fade, you had accidentally let that information slip. Your hands rested on your daggers, as you took a few steps forward and turned to face your two male companions.

Bearing an evident frown, as an almost threatening gaze overtook your eyes, you replied, "Don't even think of harming him, if we cross paths with him."

Glancing at each other before looking back at you, the brothers responded in unison darkly, "So you do care for him."

Losing your temper and patience with them, you yelled, "Not in that way, he's a friend! A friend for crying out loud! If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here; I wouldn't be next to you two, so leave him alone! I'm not going to disclose any more information on him, do you understand?! So don't even try to kill him!"

They stood with emotionless gazes, seeming to process your words and leaving you to hastily glance between them. Unexpectedly, they walked up to you. Heart rested his right hand on your left shoulder and Diamond vice versa. You tensed at the contact while their breath sent shivers up your spine.

"So long as you never have contact with him once this battle is over."

Knowing that the brothers would kill him otherwise, you angrily uttered, "Fine, you have a deal."  

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