The First Elite

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  The girl before the three held quite a unique appearance, mainly due to her skin, which was the color of a medium sky blue. Her eyes like Balthier's were red, but her eyes seemed to glow with an ominous presence. Hair, reaching just past her chin and bangs hanging just above her eyes, held a similar color to her skin, but transitioned between purples and whites as well. Some of the strands of hair though, went past her chin, making her hair appear more voluminous. A dress, following the same hues of her hair, draped over her form while flips flops in the same color pattern covered her feet. Little red flowers decorated the tops of these shoes. Lastly, she maintained perfectly manicured nails and her lips shined with a clear gloss.

Standing at the height of 5'3, her lips curled into a small smile, as she glanced between the two brothers. She took a step forward and instantly the two tightened their grips on the sabers in their hands. Fade readied her chain and wondered what move the girl would make. So far she had made no indication of her capabilities, only her presence gave off a threatening feel. Eyes holding their deadly glow, Afendel tapped her right index finger against her lips.

"Who should it be, one, two, three, four, no not you, or maybe you. Yes, that should work. You..." she stopped before pointing her index finger at Heart.

Silence erupted through the room before Heart fell to his knees, supporting himself by utilizing his hands. His coughing erupted through the room, as blood dripped onto the marble floor. Each droplet hit the floor with an almost piercing sound. None of the three understood what had just happened, but Diamond's and Fade's eyes caught sight of a red circular object rolling across the tile back to Afendel.

Before anyone could really react to the situation, Afendel ran across the room at an alarming speed. She headed straight for Diamond, reaching into her left dress pocket and pulling out more of the red circular objects, which were in fact marbles. Holding four between her right fingers, she drew her hand back before quickly releasing them into the air. Diamond tried to deflect the small glass spheres, but he was too late; they hit him directly, one for each of his upper arms and the other two for his upper legs. Upon impact, he was shot backwards, hitting one of the stone pillars. Blood shot from his mouth, as he slid to the floor below. His sword now lay over by the right stairwell, leaving him defenseless.

Fade went to attack the girl, but the marbles swiftly returned to Afendel's fingers and she threw them at Fade. Her chain only blocked two, but the other two hit her in the gut, sending her to the floor. With all three knocked to the ground, Afendel proceeded to walk over to Diamond, who was struggling to get up. His reddish-orange eyes glared harshly at the shorter individual, but she only smiled in return.

"Hmm, you'll do nicely. After all you're the one who killed my previous lover; you should take up his position. Maybe, just maybe my master will let me keep you," she muttered before crouching down in front of him and running her right fingers down his torso.

He immediately grabbed her wrist and dug his long nails into her skin, but she didn't seem to mind in the slightest. Instead she smiled more before backhanding him across the left cheek. Blood ran out the corners of his mouth and he attempted to grab her neck in his right hand.

Stopping him easily, she grabbed his right wrist and uttered, "You're quite toned and have a wonderful craving for blood. The look in your eyes right now is too beautiful. Now be good and go to sleep for me."

Releasing her grip on his right wrist, she speedily secured another marble in her fingers and prepared to flick it at Diamond, but his brother had now recovered slightly. Afendel, noticing this, jumped to the right side, just dodging the approaching blade while Heart muttered curses.

Bangs covering his blue eyes partially and a sickening grin spreading across his lips, Heart proclaimed, "You dare touch my brother in such a manner? Surely, you know what happens when one disrespects us so."

Bearing a look of disinterest, Afendel saw the male break out into an insane chuckle, as his blue eyes stared into her red ones. A small smile graced Diamond's lips, as he watched his brother. Heart was slowly letting his desire for blood take over him completely and that desire was purely directed at the elite. Fade knew what that look meant and she knew to stay out of the battle until Heart calmed down, besides she was still recuperating from the two marbles she took to her torso.

"I have no interest in you King of Hearts, so move aside," Afendel responded, rolling a marble between her fingers before firing it at the blue-headed male.

His eyes instantly caught sight of the marble and he rotated the blade in his hand, so that he was gripping the blade. Utilizing both hands, he held the saber like a bat and swung at the marble. The gold handle collided with glass sphere, sending it back at its owner at a marvelous speed. Heart didn't care if blood was dripping down his hands; it only fueled his temptation for a blood filled battle more. Due to Afendel not expecting this, she dodged her own weapon, but it nicked off some of her skin on her arm. Her red eyes widened at this, for she thought it wasn't going that fast. How could he hit it with so little care, yet strike it with such strength? No longer could she take him lightly.

A thin line of blood trickled down her right arm, which would cause a problem. If too much blood got on her fingers, the marbles would slip from her hold and that would be her downfall. The male's laughter continued before his blue eyes pinned themselves once more on her form while the blade was now once again held properly in his right hand. She readied the marbles in both of her hands, as the male slouched forward a bit and dragged the blade slowly across the tile. His posture nearly terrified her, as he looked no longer human. Sure, his appearance was human, but the deadly aura coming off of him was nearly unbearable.

Maybe she should've taken into consideration the tales she heard about these two. The twins who would show no mercy once angered to a certain point. Their victims always ended up in some horrid condition, but she thought that none could bare such an appearance in a battle. Her master would grow furious at points and laugh in a troubling way, but his eyes always displayed some sense of sorrow, like he had never recovered his wife's death. Then again he never had. The male in front of her now bore no sorrow, only an unnatural blood lust, meaning the curse placed upon them was true; it was all the truth. He would pay though, for making her feel this scared.

Catching sight of his now running form, she threw one hand of marbles at him. Once again he held his sword like a bat and swung at them crazily; ignoring the cuts he was receiving on his hands. One went past his defense and hit him in the shoulder, causing him to crash to the floor. No yell of pain escaped his lips. Instead he broke out into a fit of laughter, holding his sides like his laughter was hurting more than the impact the marble caused. Afendel witnessed this and a frown formed on her face; she needed to finish him off quickly.

Throwing the other marbles from her other hand, as she summoned back the other ones; she waited for them to impact her target. Heart in his fit of laughter shot them back at her with ease. Flinging herself to the ground just in time, she heard them hit the stone pillars behind her. By now Heart was standing again and was making his way over to her. He swung his blade down on her, his eyes wide with excitement. Rolling out of the way, she brought herself to her feet swiftly and placed some of the marbles back in her fingers.

Attacks between the two continued on and on, neither giving up on the fight. The only difference was that Afendel was clearly becoming exhausted by this exchange; Heart displayed no such thing. Fade had positioned herself far from the fight and hoped it would end soon. Heart's laughter and almost inhuman chuckles were starting to get to her. Moreover, his hands were bleeding quite horribly by this point. He did have increased healing abilities, but still this was too much. Diamond noticed this as well, but he made another discovery during the battle. As the wounds on Afendel increased, more blood ran down her hands. It wasn't hard to see that she was having increasing difficulty with holding onto the marbles.

In a few moments, he would have to step in and stop his brother before his injuries got worse. Feeling his shoulder and ankle wound beginning to heal, he got onto his feet and walked towards his brother after retrieving his sword. Heart had recently been thrown back onto the ground while Afendel was in a similar position. Standing next to Heart, Diamond glanced down at his twin, who gazed up at him with a wide grin. The blue-haired male's eyes sparkled with delight and Diamond sighed lightly.

"You've done well Heart, but let me take it from here. You wouldn't want to deprive me of all the fun now, would you?"

"Of course not brother, have fun!" Heart exclaimed, throwing his arms upwards, as he laughed uncontrollably.

Nodding with a small smile on his face, Diamond cast his gaze on the shorter individual, who was just getting up. Afendel frowned at seeing him standing and prepared the marbles between her fingers.

"You're supposed to be on the ground. Attacking me will be a mistake, King of Diamonds. Don't you want to live once I take you to my master?"

"Child, I will never let someone like you hold the fate of my life," he responded coolly.  

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