Biddledal a Thought

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  It had been over a few hours since Diamond took watch of the campsite. The early morning air seemed to chill the very bones, but Diamond blocked the uncomfortable feeling, as he hugged the blanket tighter around himself. Standing, he surveyed the fields that continued on for quite some distance. Soon the sun would begin to rise, casting the fields into a beautiful gold hue, for the cloud cover was now gone. Much to Diamond's surprise, it never did rain during the evening hours. Even when his brother and Fade were on watch, he knew that it hadn't poured, since none of them were wet. Thankful for the lack of rainfall, he stepped a little ways away from the campsite. Despite his body's request for more sleep, he enjoyed having some time to himself.

His mind for the past few days had been a jumbled mess and it still was. Scenarios of him failing you pervaded his thoughts, though had he already lost you? They tormented you weekly back at the castle. Thus, why had you stayed? Maybe it was out of fear, maybe you worried that they would kill you should you try to leave the castle. Never would he commit such an act, yet he saw fear in your eyes constantly. He couldn't blame you, he could only accuse himself. It was his insatiable desire for entertainment that fueled his atrocious acts. Why did such wants exist within him? Not once did he understand it, yet it wasn't until now that he questioned it. Your capture had awakened the sea of questions and now it wouldn't stop crashing against the shore that he stood upon.

Marrying his concern for you and his inquiring mind only heightened both. Taking another step forward, he plucked a golden blade of grass from the ground, lifting it up in his right hand. Twirling the fine item between his right index finger and thumb, he closed his reddish-orange eyes, pretending that it was a strand of your (h/c) hair. It was a wonderful thought to have, yet such delusions wouldn't bring him any closer to you. They only aided in reducing some of the pain for a temporary set of time.

Light touched his eyelids, causing him to open them. For just a mere moment, he thought he would find you standing in front of him. Disappointment and sorrow crossed his orbs, as his illusion proved to be nonexistent. Releasing the blade of grass, he turned his gaze to the rising sun. Beams of light slowly stretched over the fields, illuminating them in an enchanting hue. The grass appeared to sparkle under the main sequence star, giving a misguiding atmosphere to the viewer.

Hearing someone stir behind him, Diamond glanced over his shoulder, seeing Fade awaken. She stretched her limbs before packing her blanket back into her pack. Coming over to the red-headed male, she hovered in the air quietly, observing the sunrise as well.

"Diamond, we'll get her back" Fade uttered, keeping her eyes on the fields in front of her.

"I don't need your reassurance, Fade".

"Really, your expression says otherwise. Your gaze is filled with guilt; you cannot hide that fact from me".

He remained silent, his gaze fixed on a point besides the girl beside him. Of course he felt such an emotion; there was no point in her stating it aloud. Why hadn't she remained asleep for awhile longer? Did she mean to pester him with such a statement?

"I too am feeling guilt, Diamond. I lost another friend. One of my greatest fears came true".

What did she mean by another? Surely, she didn't consider his brother and him her previous friends. No, that couldn't be the case, so who then was this other friend of hers? She never mentioned her past before, though this whole occurrence could be bringing her memories back as well. The past was finally catching up to them. For so long they had kept the memories at bay and they were striking back in full force.

"Fade there's no need to mention your past. It won't repair our standing. You lost our respect in you long ago and nothing will change that. We are merely accepting your help because it will get Miss ____ back".

"I didn't expect anything like that Diamond, but surely you've been remembering things as well".

"Yes, unfortunately I have been which leads me to a question. You have piqued my curiosity. Who is this past friend of yours?".

"I'd rather not say at the moment, though the strange thing is that I can neither remember their true name nor their appearance. They're a shadow of my past, but an important shadow".

Before Diamond could reply, the sound of another stirring hit their ears. Heart had now woken up, causing Fade to go back to her pack. Rubbing his eyes a little, the blue-haired male yawned quietly. His blue eyes glanced over to his brother, as his arms draped back to his sides. A small smile of greeting graced Diamond's lips, which his brother returned. With the three now up, they all ate a quick breakfast. This consisted of some green apples and dried ham. Finishing the simple meal, they started to walk further into the Aureus Fields.

As they progressed through the grass covered fields, they said nothing to each other. Each was preoccupied with thoughts of the past and about your rescue. Everything was quiet in the area, yet it was a strange silence. Typically, there would be rabbits hopping among the flora, but there were now none. Their floppy ears and fluffy bodies were gone, yet no one took notice of this peculiarity, since they were concentrated on other things. Instead of the peaceful rabbits, there was another creature among the fields.

A predator lurked in the blades of grass and hid under the dirt of the earth. Relying on sound, it waited for travelers to alert its listening ears. Tail swinging side to side and pushing back dirt, it dug its claws into the earth, waiting in anticipation. It had been starved of decent nourishment and the rabbits had learned how to avoid the creature, much to the being's displeasure. Thus when it caught the sound of footsteps above it, its furry brown body nearly jumped in excitement. Now it could have its long awaited feast. Saliva dripping from its mouth, it licked its claws with its rough tongue, getting ready for the kill.

Slowly, it started to push dirt away with its front claws, following the travelers secretly. Perking its ears up, the creature moistened the sharp claws once more. Blue nose sniffing at the dirt, it reveled in the fact that it would soon smell of blood. Moving its flat body along under the earth, it finally heard the footsteps stop. Knowing that it now had the chance to attack, it burrowed further into the dirt ground. Having reached a satisfactory point, the creature positioned itself so it was now facing upwards. One second, then two, then three, then four, and on five, it sprung from its place. Bursting from the ground, the biddledal opened its toothless mouth while its clawed hands sprung it forward towards the brothers and Fade.

Swiftly, they dodged its first attack. Both brothers drew their weapons while Fade readied her magic. She could possibly ensnare it with the blades of grass if she timed her attack right. Before any could attack, the biddledal went back into the ground, leaving the grass covered fields untouched. The creature could break the earth, but the fields would instantly restore themselves to their former state, giving the creature a slight advantage. Its trace had been erased and the three now waited for its next appearance.

Parting from the underground once more, the creature went for Diamond. Jumping out of the way, the red-headed male swung the saber at the being, missing its hide by a thread. Heart couldn't strike it, for it had hid itself back in the earth. Fade watched the earth carefully, timing the breaks between the strikes. A duration of thirty seconds passed between the first two. If it stayed consistent, then she could plan a counterattack. Another appearance occurred, but this time it waited forty seconds, throwing her plan out the window. Muttering slightly to herself, she searched the ground despite the fact that no traces were visible. She couldn't just wrap the blades of grass around it, for it moved too quickly.

Heart rolled to the side while the creature disappeared back into the ground. Both brothers were annoyed by now, but couldn't do much to improve the situation. They only hoped that one of their strikes would hit it. Fade feeling similar frustration to the twins, brought her hands out in front of her. A blue nose appeared out of the grass and in one wave of her hands the grass wrapped itself around the biddledal. At first she thought she was successful, but the creature broke its bonds and went back into the ground. Cursing at this, the girl didn't see the biddledal coming up from the ground behind her. She attempted to get out of its way, as it sprung into the air, but she couldn't move fast enough.

Whacking her in the side with its balled tail, she was thrown to the ground before she slid across the grass. Allowing her no time to recover herself, the biddledal rushed over to her, preparing to dig its claws into the girl. Heart and Diamond ran over to defeat the creature, but they wouldn't make it in time. Fade only had one option left. She couldn't utilize her magic, since it could destroy the grass wrappings.

Thus she would have to resort to that measure, though she didn't want to. Never had she actually used the item before. Why had it come to this, she desired any other option, but none were presented to her. Regretfully, she reached behind her back before the creature could stab her. This was her last safety measure.  

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