Forgotten Grove

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  Overall, it was a struggle coping with the creatures that came out at night while the three of you sat up in the tower. They were annoying little things that buzzed incessantly. Transparent wings flapped mercilessly in the air while neon orange fur covered their miniature bodies. Little pinchers were at the head of their mouths ready to bite their victims and suck the blood from their bodies. It was definitely wise not to try and cross the rope with those things flying around. It got so bad at one point that the three of you had to travel inside and sleep in a crowded room of barrels. Moreover, the sound of a large roaring monster echoed in the night air outside the tower room. Frankly, you didn't want to know what produced such a sound; you only hoped that it was consuming those irritating bugs that flew around in the air.

When morning came, the three of you set out onto the tightrope, much to your dismay. Rollta offered to carry you across and you almost accepted, but after hearing Tipora mumble 'pathetic', you decided against it. Thus you somehow made it across on your own, causing you to smirk when you reached the end. You almost stuck your tongue out at the pastel-colored girl, but ended up keeping your childish desires at bay. She merely muttered under her breath when she noticed the facial expression that you were carrying. Once Rollta reached the end of the rope and stood next to you two, he glanced between the peeved smaller girl and you before forming a smirk of his own. High-fiving you, he continued to grin, knowing that it only annoyed Tipora more.

Not being to handle you two anymore, she walked on ahead into the cloud covered region. Figuring that you should keep up with her due to the low visibility in the region, you walked forward with Rollta standing at your side. Usually, he kept some distance behind you and so seeing him next to you was a little strange. You didn't question him on it and presumed that it was just due to the cloud cover on the mountains; however you were quite wrong on this matter.

Rollta over the course of his traveling with you had grown rather fond of you, but he knew not to overstep his bounds. You brought a smile to his face, a genuine smile. It wasn't a smile that was false like the ones he carried when he teased Tipora. His perverted jokes and constant childish antics were all an act; they built a shield around his self and often fooled his enemies into thinking him weak and insane. He felt that he could destroy his act around you and for once just relax, yet this came into conflict with his duty to his master.

His master was the reason he was still alive, the reason he was saved from a life of tragedy and despair. Originally, he thought that he could just bring you to his master and then keep you company while you aided the King of Clovers. He could be the one to show you the inner workings of Valinquinia, though he now realized that was a false hope. Once his master had you, he would probably never see you again, or rather he wouldn't interact with the old you. You would be just a puppet to his master until you had served your purpose. Such a fate shouldn't befall you; he wanted to prevent you from it, but could he go against his master? The decision was frustrating to make, but would you even return his feelings? Something told him that you wouldn't, but maybe if he just asked, if he just removed any uncertainty from his mind.

The cloud cover began to thin, or rather the visibility in the area improved. Specks of purple, green, orange and yellow danced in the air, as they hung over the branches of chocolate brown colored trees. Moreover, the grey coloration of the clouds turned to a shifting light and dark blue hue. It was enchanting to walk among and you found yourself gazing around. Reaching out to touch one of the specks, you felt someone stop you. Glancing down, you noticed that Tipora had her left hand secured around your right wrist.

"Don't, this place is significant to our master. You're not allowed to the touch the trees."

"And why should I care about my kidnapper's limitations. I'm not bound to him like you, so release me."

You two glared at each other, wanting the other to back off. Why couldn't you appease your curiosity? These trees were beautiful. Sure, you would understand if touching them meant their destruction, but Tipora merely stated that they're important to her master. She would need to give you a better reason, but it appeared that she wouldn't. From Tipora's perspective, she considered your action to be a desecration of her master's sacred grove. They were told never to touch the trees and their intriguing specks of light. Never was she told why, but she didn't care. It was an order from her master and she would obey it.

Noticing that the two of you wouldn't decrease your stubbornness, Rollta stepped up and pulled you two apart. Both of you cast harsh stares in his direction, but he just sighed and told you to put it to rest. In the end, Tipora won and you didn't get to analyze the specks of light. Upset about this, you ignored your two kidnappers. How dare Rollta support Tipora's case, but then again he was just following his master's orders. Unbeknownst to you, Rollta had no intention of maintaining that promise to his master. He wanted to know what secret the trees held as well and he figured it was time to discover it.

Thus when night rolled by and camp was set up in a rocky clearing, Rollta waited until Tipora fell asleep. Annoyingly she took awhile to close her eyes, as though she knew what he was up to. When she at last slipped into unconsciousness, he smiled, but found you asleep as well. You were curled up on the ground, using your arm as a makeshift pillow. Ink still covered your form and clung to your (h/c) hair. The steady rise and fall of your chest indicated that you were having a peaceful sleep. He didn't want to disturb you, but he knew that you wanted to examine the trees more closely as well.

Slowly and quietly, he made his way over to you. Resting his right hand on your left shoulder, he shook you carefully, trying to get you to open your eyes. Soon after, your (e/c) eyes blinked open and you stared up at the male. Pushing the sleep from your eyes, you glanced at him suspiciously, wondering what he wanted. When he whispered his plan to you, your eyes widened slightly, as a pleased smile graced your lips.

Standing up, you trailed behind the male as he led you away from the sleeping Tipora. About a five minutes' walk from her, you two halted your movement. He motioned for you to go ahead. Nodding in response, you extended your right arm upwards and gently touched one of the specks. Upon contact, the tree burst into a more powerful light, causing you to quickly retract your arm. All at once the glowing orbs floated upwards, opening into fresh blossoms. It was utterly mesmerizing and beautiful.

One of the flowers fell into the palms your of hands and glowed there until it burst into tiny flecks of light. Rollta watched with amazement, as one of the blossoms landed into his own hands. He held it there until it turned into the miniature balls of light. As the specks disappeared on the tree, they seemed to grow back instantly, replacing their predecessors. Enjoying the current show of light, you could almost imagine a faint tune playing in the background. When it grew in volume, you realized that it wasn't just your imagination. The trees hummed a silent song, as they showcased their wonderful flowers that were rarely showered with the proper appreciation.

Watching the spectacle unfold before you, you couldn't help the nagging want in the back of your mind. For some reason, your thoughts were pulled back to the brothers; you wished for them to see this with you. Despite their frustrating ways, you missed them. They were annoyingly watchful of you and had an unnatural bloodlust that caused concern to surface, but they did have their highlights. Last year they defended you against the sunhat girl when they could have let her take you; they could have saved themselves the trouble. Moreover, they could have killed you on so many occasions when your personality irked them. Sometimes they crossed the line, but they never once indicated the intent to kill you. Behind their expressions of insanity, you could see that they were holding back, that they refused to take the next step. It was almost like they were having an internal war with themselves and you knew that all of their actions held something more to them. Almost like they weren't entirely purposeful, but were the cause of something else that you couldn't quite explain.

Listening to the beautiful song and desiring for the brothers to enjoy this moment with you, you didn't realize that Rollta's eyes were pinned on you. He witnessed the far off look in your eyes and the almost sad smile that fell upon your lips. You were at peace, but you seemed to be sorrowful as well. It was a strange combination to see, but it highlighted your features in such a way that you looked otherworldly for a moment in time. Could he reach out and rest the palm of his hand on your cheek? Would you turn away and reject him?

Before he knew what he was doing, he took a step forward and then another while you stared up at the hovering lights. Soon he stood only a few feet from you, allowing him to place his right hand on your left shoulder. The contact broke you from your state of thought and you looked over at the male, wondering what he was doing. Your eyes searched his for any indication of his intent, but he was unreadable.

Not giving you time to question him, he asked, "_____, would you like to escape?"

Shock etched itself into your face, as you took a step back in surprise. He held his gaze, anticipating your action. Seeing your state, as you watched the enchanting lights, he realized that he no longer was bound to his master. His master may have saved him, but he didn't control his life. The moment he permitted you to discover the mystery of these trees, he knew he had already stepped into a field that he could not escape. This decision called to him; he wanted you to be safe. Even if you didn't return his feelings, he didn't want you to lose your identity. No, he wouldn't be selfish, for you had already given him enough. You gave him the gift of a genuine smile, the gift to realize that he had freedom in the palms of his hands.  

A Melodious Song (Yandere Twins x reader)Where stories live. Discover now