Performance of the Juggler

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  These past few days were indeed long, but by this point you were more focused on your aching feet. Tipora and you had rested each night, but that did little to help your feet. Furthermore, it didn't help that the grass had slowly began to get rougher and your feet easily noticed this difference. There had been little conversation between you two. Only a few comments were made here and there, but you were mainly left to your own thoughts.

By now you would've expected the brothers to make an appearance, but so far neither of them had appeared. You presumed that they were searching for you, unless they finally gave up on you, which wouldn't make too much sense. They always assured you that they would never let you die and that they cared for you, though that care was shown in quite the unusual way. Regardless, you had never actually admitted your feelings for them. Sure you wanted to tell them at times, but then at others you were glad that you had never uttered a certain phrase. The recent incident, where Diamond wouldn't forgive you for a mere accident, was a good example.

Rubbing your wrists together due to the binds irritating your skin, you glanced ahead and saw light pouring in through gaps in the trees. At first you thought they were the glowing rocks you saw from before, but after some squinting, you noticed that it was natural light. This only meant that the two of you were now at the end of the Lindepia Woods, however supposedly one of Tipora's companions would be meeting you two at this point.

Shielding your eyes from the increasing amount of natural light, you felt Tipora's umbrella poking you in the back and signaling you to continue forward. You were moving forwards, but apparently not fast enough for her. Frankly, you would be going at a quicker pace if it weren't for the sudden change in lighting, since you were practically blind at the current moment. With your legs carrying you across the rougher grass, you felt the light continue to increase until it stopped and settled. Slowly pulling your arm away from your eyes, you squinted before opening your eyes more.

In front of you lay an expanse of light green grass, though you could see another forest on the other side of the plains. The tall pine trees hid well what lay inside the expanse of trees and you could only see darkness under the thick branches. Hopefully, you wouldn't be heading there. As for the rest of the plains, you saw a few yellow daisies here and there, but not much else covered the grass. Tipora came up beside you before scanning over the plains until her eyes pinpointed a shape in the distance. Following her gaze, you noticed a figure, which seemed to be twirling across the grass. As they neared, their characteristics became visible. They had short bluish-white hair and mint green eyes while they wore a white button-up shirt with a dark green tie. A light brown vest went over the shirt and extended past their knees. Light brown pants covered their legs, though you couldn't help but notice the multiple tears that decorated the pants. Black flip-flops went over their feet.

They finally reached you two and you guessed that the man was about 5'8, making him only an inch shorter than the brothers. His smile widened into a grin at seeing you and he stopped abruptly in front of you. His eyes traveled down to your bounded wrists and he shook his head in displeasure. Next you saw a dinner knife appear in his right hand. Before you could react, he gripped your wrists before breaking the bonds with the knife. Once finished, he put the knife away and released your wrists. He smiled down at you before glancing over at Tipora. She merely rolled her eyes at him before crossing her arms and looking away.

"Rollta, you do understand that you can't have the Queen of Clovers, right? She's our master's, so stop attempting to charm her," Tipora stated in an annoyed tone.

"You're no fun Tipora," he uttered before looking at you and continuing, "Don't pay attention to her, she's always no fun. Now tell me, what's your name Queen of Clovers ?".

By this time, Tipora was already walking ahead of you two, clearly bothered by the man's presence. Personally, you were confused by this man's behavior. Analyzing his smile, you could tell that his smile had hidden meaning, as did most smiles in this world. Deciding against angering this man early on, you told him your name before thanking him for breaking the bonds on your wrists.

"Ah, you're welcome, _____. Hmm, we should probably catch up to Tipora before she leaves us behind," he announced before pointing back towards the walking rainbow-colored girl.

Nodding in agreement, you walked beside the man, who pulled a few objects from his vest pocket and started juggling them. All the items were quite random and you found the act looking rather strange. Tipora merely rolled her eyes at the man, clearly wanting to create some distance between them. You on the other hand weren't bothered by his presence, but you weren't trusting of him either. He was still one of your captors and something about him put you on alert. Something told you to never lower your guard around him; however you were thankful that you no longer had bonds on your wrists. It's not you could've escaped anyway. Both your feet were scratched and tired, making running seem like a tortuous effort that would only cause your captors to put more restraints on you. Glancing over at the juggling man, you figured that maybe he would answer some of your questions.

"Rollta ...".

You weren't given anytime to ask a question due to Rollta cutting you off and responding, "If you want to know who our master is, you'll have to wait. I'm not permitted to give you an answer".

"Fine, then how long until we get there?".

"A little less than a month".

Hearing this, you mentally sighed, since it meant you would have to walk for quite some time. All you wanted was to lie in a bed and sleep for awhile. Sleeping on the ground wasn't exactly comfortable; especially when you had someone staring at you while you slept. At least with the brothers they would sleep at the same time as you, so you wouldn't feel watched. The only benefit was that you had more time to plan your escape from them. Rollta noticed the tired look that crossed your eyes and grinned before placing the items back in his various vest pockets.

"Ah, don't worry, _____. This allows us to spend more time together," he exclaimed before pulling you over to him.

Not expecting this, you went to push him away, but he held you to his side tightly. Glaring up at him, he laughed cheerily before releasing you and stuffing his hands in his vest pockets. Glad that he let you go, you instantly stood a little further from him. He noticed this easily and continued to laugh. You heard Tipora scoff up ahead while casting a dark look at her companion before focusing her attention back in front of her. Rollta's laughing died down before he gave you another grin. Looking back at him warily, he only rested his right hand on your left shoulder. Before you could remove his hand from you, he brought his lips close to your left ear.

"I'm going to have fun with you, _____" he whispered, sending chills throughout your being.

Pulling away from you, he continued to juggle the various items, leaving you to his words. All you could think of was having to deal with another Heart and Diamond, however Rollta seemed to have more self-control than the brothers, but that could probably change very quickly. Suddenly, you were grateful for Tipora's presence. If she weren't here, who knows what stunt Rollta would try and pull. Placing your hands in your pockets, you continued forward, trying to ignore the occasional glances Rollta would send you. Soon you found yourself walking a little ahead of him and closer to Tipora. The girl gave you a quick glance before seeming to understand why you were now walking with her instead of the man behind you.

While the three of you walked onward, clouds began to roll in overhead, causing Tipora to halt her movement completely. She glanced upwards and her grey eyes narrowed until she opened up her umbrella. Rollta came up to the two of you and stared down at his companion. Thunder sounded across the plains, as Tipora glanced over the plains with her eyes landing on a patch of daisies. Instantly, she started walking over to it while Rollta signaled you to follow her. Something was obviously going on. A bolt of lightning hit the ground behind you, causing Tipora to break out into a run. Was she afraid of lightning? This theory vanished however, when you glanced behind you.

Your (e/c) eyes widened at seeing multiple little glowing yellow creatures scurrying across the plains towards you three. Sparks came off of them, as gnashing electric teeth highlighted their faces. Rollta grabbed your left wrist and pulled you with him. The sounds of sparks increased, as the three of you ran for the patch of daisies. You didn't know how flowers would help you in this situation, but it was either run with these two or become food for the electric monsters behind you.

Feet sore, you wanted to collapse to the ground, but your adrenaline kept you going. Another lightning bolt struck the ground, creating more of the miniature glowing monsters that sent sparks into the air. How they weren't lighting the plains on fire was beyond you, but then again nothing in this world made much sense. Reaching the patch of daisies, Tipora pulled on one and a loud roaring sound erupted from the ground. Rollta still held onto your wrist while his gaze stayed on the ground. The little creatures got closer with each passing second and you felt your legs trembling both from fear and exhaustion. Slowly, an opening appeared in the ground. As the hundreds of lightning monsters came closer, you waited for the door in the ground to open more.  

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