Same Old Scenery

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  Dirt and stone walls formed the underground path while roots from trees broke through parts of the walls. Water dripped from the ceiling, leaving puddles of water on the stone floor. It was a miracle that the torches stayed lit with all of the descending water. At first you didn't mind the tunnel, but after what felt like a few days, you were getting tired of it. Seeing the same thing over and over again was both infuriating and tiring. Personally, it felt as though you were making no progress. You just wanted to see the light of day again. Putting your hands in the pockets of the beige pants Rollta gave you, you lazily moved your feet forward.

Tipora had her umbrella opened while water fell through the top, crashing to the ground below. She danced around the area while waving the object under the falls of water. A light tune left her lips, as she spun around and around. Honestly, it was strange seeing her act this way, but maybe the stagnant scenery had gotten to her as well. Rollta on the other hand juggled the various items from his pockets, singing along with the rainbow-colored girl. Their singing was driving you insane to say the least. It was never quiet in these tunnels due to the water that continually splashed against the stone and their singing only added to the noise. Furthermore, whenever you tried to start a conversation Tipora would ignore you and continue with singing. Concerning Rollta, he would merely make some perverted or happy-go-lucky remark. Thus distracting yourself from the sound of dripping water and singing was impossible.

With hands still in your pockets, you kicked a pebble on the ground and sent it into the wall. The singing and water didn't mix into a harmonious sound, but rather created an awful discord. There was nothing you could do to stop it, leaving you to pull your hands out of your pockets and place them over your ears. Even this didn't rid you of the problem. Groaning in annoyance, you halted your movement, debating on what you could do. At first Tipora and Rollta didn't notice you stopping, but after a few moments they turned around. An impatient expression decorated Tipora's face while Rollta examined you curiously. Finally an idea came to you, as a large smirk tugged at the corners of your lips.

Walking ahead of the two, you began to hum a tune rather loudly. Tipora tried to sing her own tune, but the sound coming from your mouth conquered hers. She couldn't grasp her favorite tune without yours interrupting her. Rollta chuckled in the background before patting his companion on the right shoulder in a jovial manner. Glaring at her male partner, she slapped his hand away before huffing loudly and moving forwards. Smirk still plastered on your face, you continued to hum noisily. Coming up next to you, Rollta gave you a thumbs up to which you ignored.

While the three of you continued onward, shadows danced across the walls, as the light from the torches flickered here and there. Up ahead the light illuminated a wall of water that could not be avoided. Finally stopping your singing, you stared at the water, not wanting to get soaking wet. You had no change of clothes and walking in a damp tunnel with soaked clothes didn't exactly sound appealing. Maybe you should have saved those pajamas of yours, but they would only get wet as well, since you didn't have a pack. Instead of carrying such an item, there were stashes of supplies in the tunnel. These were the points where the three of you would rest every now and then. Magic was placed on the food and water, so that the items would remain preserved.

"Get moving," Tipora stated with an irritated tone.

"You do notice that there's a wall of water, right? Surely, you can make that umbrella of yours work and prevent us from getting soaked".

"No, I can't. There should be blankets at the next stopping point, so move those legs of yours".

"Fine, no need to be rude," you mumbled, taking a step forward.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so rude if you hadn't interrupted my singing".

Rolling your eyes, you highly doubted that. Proceeding through the water, you jumped, feeling how cold it was. Hair sticking to your face and teeth beginning to chatter, you hugged your arms around yourself while rubbing your hands over your arms. Hopefully, these blankets would be nearby, for you were only getting colder. Pushing some strands of hair behind your ears, you glanced back at your two kidnappers, who were now just as soaked as you. Rollta playfully shook his head, sending water everywhere, though it didn't bother you, for you were already wet. A scowl appeared on Tipora's face, as she mumbled something about wanting to get back to her master.

Torchlight flickered down the path, greeting you, as you continued on your way. You didn't walk far; when you saw the torches end and the tunnel become very small. To go forward, you would have to crawl on your hands and knees. Water flooded the floor, meaning that you would have to submit yourself to the freezing liquid once more. This was completely ridiculous. Who designed this mode of passage? Then again, it was either this or face off hordes of strike-nigh. Just thinking of the electrical creatures made you wince in memory of the pain the one caused you. Luckily, this tunnel prevented them from attacking you. If they were to get down here, the three of you would be electrocuted within a few moments, which was a rather dreadful thought.

Looking back at the shrunken tunnel, you frowned, not wanting to go into the space. Not only was the path constricting, but it was completely dark as well. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't see past the first few feet. Taking a step back, you walked into the chest of Rollta, who rested his hands o your shoulders before grinning down at you.

"Scared, _____?" he questioned with an annoying smile painted on his face.

"Will you two stop stalling? Honestly, it's not that hard to crawl," the girl exclaimed before getting on her hands and knees.

She disappeared into the dark tunnel, leaving you two behind. Rollta's expression changed to a reassuring one before he stated that he would be behind you. Merely huffing at his gesture, you signaled him to go first. Of course you didn't want to be the last one to enter, but at the same time you didn't want the male staring at your backside. In the darkness he couldn't exactly stare, but the idea still pestered you. He sighed before shaking his head in response.

"Not happening, if you're worried about me being a pervert, you don't have anything to be concerned about. Besides, I can't see in that lack of light. Furthermore, you could easily escape if I went in first. Now go on, ____".

It was true; you could run away if he left you behind. Why did he have to think of that? Cursing him mentally, you reluctantly got on your hands and knees before crawling into the dark tunnel. The cold water nipped at your skin, making you chatter your teeth even more. Your hands became numb after a short while. Soon your legs followed in suit, making the situation even worse. Likewise, since you couldn't see, it only made things worse. When your shoulder scraped across the wall, you instantly tensed, feeling the slimy and cold stone. Things glided past your hands and you cringed in disgust, only being able to imagine what was in the water with you.

As if to make situations worse, your hand slipped on something slimy, causing you to fall completely in the water. A wave of cold went through your already shivering body while the harsh temperature pierced your face. Keeping your mouth shut and eyes closed, you got back onto your hands and knees, coughing in the process. Some of the water had gotten into your mouth and it tasted utterly disgusting. Sadly, you couldn't get the taste out of your mouth, since you had no liquid to wash out the taste.

"Are you alright, ____?".

"What do you think? I just fell into this disgusting water and now have its horrendous taste in my mouth," you almost yelled, coughing a bit more.

"I see, well on the other end of this tunnel is the supplies, so just last a little longer".

"I guess I can do that, but please tell me that I won't receive any weird disease from getting this water in my mouth".

"You won't, the texture you're feeling on the walls and in the water is merely a variation of seaweed that thrives in fresh water".

Sighing in relief at hearing this news, you carried onward, hearing the voice of Tipora up ahead. The sound of her tapping her foot in annoyance resonated down the tunnel. Her personality was really getting on your nerves. She acted like you were just baggage that was keeping her from her master. You were a person and she needed to learn to have social skills. Crawling some more, you saw an upcoming faint light in the distance. Seeing the light made you increase your pace and you were finally able to see the plant that grew all around you. It was indeed seaweed.

Finally reaching the end of the tunnel, you got out and stood up, stretching your limbs in the process. Thankful to see light again, you rested your hands on your hips and smiled. Your (e/c) eyes seemed to sparkle when they stared upon a pile of plush crème colored blankets. Hurriedly, you grabbed one and wrapped it around yourself while Rollta soon came out of the tunnel. He retrieved a blanket as well before sitting down on a nearby barrel. At last you could rest and warm yourself up.  

A Melodious Song (Yandere Twins x reader)Where stories live. Discover now